An Elite Personal Training Facility That Puts You First
PEX Health and Fitness Newsletter
Updates from the Bunker
Guess what today is?! That's right! Newsletter day! (You thought I was going to say Hump Day, didn't you?) For those of you following along at home, Tuesday has actually been Newsletter Day, but considering this is only like the seventh newsletter I've sent out, I feel totally comfortable switching days and seeing how things go. I could also use this GIF a few hundred times.



I don't know if you've heard, but it looks like "personal trainers" have been moved to Phase Two of the Reopening Protocol! (With restrictions, of course.) I don't know what the restrictions will be, and I don't know when Phase Two begins, but needless to say, it's before Phase Three! For more info, you can check out the website.

I have heard June 8 as the starting date of Phase Two. This is the date that we will be prepping for at the gym. Please make sure to be in touch with your coach if you plan to come back to the gym at that time, as we will need to coordinate together to make sure we can stay in line with the capacity limits that will (probably) be levied on us.

Things I Know

The COVID pandemic has tragically exposed just how unhealthy we are as a country.
We've all heard the numbers. The overwhelming majority of those who have experienced negative COVID outcomes have had preexisting health conditions. Many of these health conditions are exacerbated by lifestyle choices such as poor eating, lack of exercise, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, etc.

The hope is that this forced pause in our lives will give us the time to calibrate the things that are important for our well-being in the long-term. One of those important items that we can refocus on now is our commitment to exercise. We don't get these chances often, either (if at all). There still exists the potential of being sucked back in to the grind of daily life once things start to re-open. Now is the perfect time to set up a strategy that includes a daily observance to health and well-being.

Things I Think
This week's edition of "Things I Think" is brought to you by Ashley Means,
Owner of ANM Strength
One big challenge we are all facing during this quarantine period is figuring out how to efficiently manage all aspects of life at home. Our workplace is at home, our children's school is at home, our daycare is at home, our gym is at home. This environment makes it incredibly difficult to compartmentalize the day. For me, personally, I've noticed how often my mealtime also becomes my "check email time" or "turn on the news time." 

That being said, it may not be the best time for you to start a new diet, but that doesn't mean we need to throw the towel in on nutrition completely. Instead of focusing on what you eat, let's focus on how you eat. Here's a really simple strategy that you can start implementing today:

Eat slowly, and mindfully.

I know - this sounds lame. However, it is an easy and effective way to battle digestive issues, overeating and feeling sluggish after meals. It is also a great way to create a little calm in your day and check in with yourself.   

Why does this happen ?

1. Physiology:  It takes about 20 minutes for your body's satiety signals to kick in. Slow eating gives the system time to work, allowing you to better sense when you've had enough.

2. Psychology:  When you slow down, and really try to savor your meal, you tend to feel satisfied with less, and feel less deprived.   

Here is the challenge:

Pick 2 meals a day to block off 20 minutes to eat in a quiet setting with no distractions.  

Distractions include watching TV, checking emails, driving in your car, eating during a Zoom meeting...etc.  Eating with family and having a nice conversation is not a distraction, in fact this can help you slow down your eating.  

Set a timer for 20 minutes to hold true to the slow eating part. Put your utensils down in between bites to keep you from putting more in your mouth before you've finished chewing. Take smaller bites. Try being the last one at the table to finish your meal.  

There's even an app for it!  This can be a great tool to use when you are starting out with slow, mindful eating. 

We are living through some stressful times. This doesn't have to lead to stress eating, though.  There are factors and elements that you CAN control in healthy and productive ways. You can show up for  those  things, own them, and take an active part in shaping them.  Focusing on those things that you can control can help you feel calmer and more capable of carrying on.

Progressive Mobility Class
With Shawn Sprague, Owner of PT Progression

Work-from-home life got your back hurting and your knees aching? Feel tight as a guitar string, but a bit out of tune? Then it's probably time you checked out Shawn's Progressive Mobility class. For more information, check out his brand new website:

When:  Mondays & Wednesdays at 6 PM
Where: Zoom Video
 How: Email Shawn to sign up!

Bodyweight and Dumbbells Class
With Mike Campanella, Owner of PEX Health & Fitness
Do you have a body? Do you have a dumbbell? (No, your teen-aged son does not count.) Well, friends, that's all you need! Join us on Thursdays at 8 AM sharp for an a$$-kicking training session that feels almost like we are back at the gym together.

When: Thursday at 8 AM
Where: Zoom Video
How: Email Mike for the Zoom ID
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1451 Highland Avenue,
Needham, MA 02492