This Week at WPFUMC

Week of January 14, 2025

Hello West Point UMC Family!

It has been a great start to the new year here at WPFUMC, and I pray you are all settling into 2025 well. I mentioned on Sunday that as I am working towards full Ordination in the UMC, I have to complete a project, and I need y'all's help! If you would take a few moments and answer two questions here, it would be a big help for me. If you filled out a paper on Sunday, thank you so much, and if you have more thoughts on the subject, feel free to type them in the form. All of your answers are anonymous, but if you would like me to know they are from you, go ahead and add your name in one of the boxes. The purpose of this is for me to collect data on what we as a faith community thinks it means to be the church, and to see if there are some new ministry ideas floating around that people are interested in. I am grateful for all the support, and I look forward to (hopefully) running with some of the great ideas together as we continue on this journey together.

Below you will see all of the fun and fabulous things we have coming up in the life of the church, and I would invite you to be part of it! We will continue our Committed series this Sunday as we look at what the story of the Wedding at Cana can teach us about being Content in the work of God. I hope you all will join us!

As always if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or need anything at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Pastor Ed, or the church office!

Grace & Peace,

Rev. Mychal Ellis

Click Here to Answer Pastor Mychal's Questions!

Important Notice - Wednesday Night Supper Prices

As everyone is aware, the cost of groceries has increased dramatically in recent years, but the prices for Wednesday Night Supper have remained the same. Unfortunately, we have no option but to raise the prices in order to cover the cost of the food. Beginning next Wednesday (January 22), these new prices - as follows - will go into effect.

Children up to age 12 - $5

Adults - $10

Maximum per household - $30

Please note:

While this price increase is necessary, we do not want it to be a burden on anyone,

nor would we ever turn away anyone who couldn't afford the cost of a meal.

If this would be a financial burden for you, please see Sherry, Michael, or one of our pastors.

The conversation would remain confidential.


All couples who have been married for 50 or more years

are cordially invited to

a 50+ Anniversary Luncheon

to be held in your honor

on Sunday, February 9, at 12:00 noon

in the Banquet Room.

Please call the church office to RSVP.

The Daytrippers are going to the Coca Cola Space and Science Center in Columbus Tuesday January 28. We will leave the Zachry Center at 9 am.

Afterwards, we will enjoy lunch at The Black Cow. Cost is $20 for admission and bus fuel. See Helen or call Sherry to save your seat on the bus.

January 15


Assorted Soups, Chili, Cornbread,

Salad Bar, Dessert


Children & Youth Ministry

PreK - 4th graders learn Bible lessons through storytelling and play.

Wednesdays, 5:15PM - 6PM in the Children's classrooms on the 2nd Floor.

5th - 8th graders engage the Bible through activities and storytelling.

Wednesdays, 5:15PM - 6PM in the Children's classrooms on the 2nd Floor.

6th - 12th graders gather for fellowship, games, and Bible study.

Second Sundays,

5PM - 6PM in the Youth room on the 2nd Floor.


The little pantry supply closet has recently been restocked,

so monetary donations

to help cover the costs

would be much appreciated!

The one item we were unable to purchase is Beanie Weenies, so any you might like to donate would also be appreciated! Thank you for

your support of the feeding ministries of our church.

Serve with our Children & Youth!

In the UMC Baptismal Covenant, we are challenged to nurture our kids and students in the life of the Church and the Christian faith. Studies show it takes at least 5 adults beyond their parents to help nurture young people into a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. Be a part of passing down faith to the next generation by serving with Children or Youth on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Contact Pastor Mychal


Sermon Series

Sundays at 11 am


A new expression of our Patchwork worship began on Sunday, January 5, at 9:30am in the Chapel. Over the years, this earlier worship time has seen various changes and as we begin the new year, the focus will be one of worship based simply in a time of prayer followed by Holy Communion. Our hope is that this will be an opportunity to further grow your own spiritual life but also an opportunity for you to share God’s love by inviting someone to join you at either of our worship times (9:30am or 11am). See you Sunday!

Thank you to all who helped in preparing and disassembling the sanctuary and Zachry Center for Advent. Your willingness to help is greatly appreciated.

Ed Archer, Lisis and Lizzy Blackston, Gus Darden, Pat and Jim Duttera, Susan Edwards, Mychal Ellis, Sandra and Edmund Glover, Phillip Jones, Eddie Lanier, Bob Wunch, Bess Pittman, and Harriet Tyler.

Luann Jones and Jane Darden

Random Thoughts

God always offers us a second chance in life.

~~Paul Coelho

Finishing ‘dead last’ trumps ‘did not finish’ which trumps ‘did not start.’

Complimentary copies of the January - February 2025 Upper Room Devotional Guides are available in the elevator lobby - both regular and large print.

If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list,

please contact the church office. 


Nelle Sturdivant,Sarah Auler, Margaret Bartlett, Bentley Bryant, 

Sharon Cowart, Robert Eason, Elmo Emily, Hamp Ferguson,

Ron Hamilton (Husband of Mary Hamilton), Al and Jackie Hammer,

 Jacob Grubbs, Andy Mabrey, Sam and Barbara Payne,

Lakin Rayfield, Barbara Ruddick, Lisa Ann Soehnel, Tracy Vaughn,

World Conflict, Our Country, Unspoken Requests

New Prayer Concern:

The Family of Jim Young, George and Diane Hester,

Those impacted by the fires in California

In Memoriam

James (Jim)E. Young

May 17, 1928 ~ January 9, 2025

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