The Congregational Church of Plainville serves the community in the Spirit of Christ


All Welcomed. All Valued. All Loved.

An Open & Affirming and

“God is Still Speaking” Church

The Weekly Steeple

~ February 7, 2024 ~

Please Note: Some Notices and Event Information are Images only. Make sure you have chosen "Display Images" at the top of your email to make sure everything is displayed properly. Thank you!

From the Pastor's Pen

Hi Friends,


I've decided to return to doing a column here but with a specific focus. I'd like to have this column center on poetry, namely poetry that is spiritual in nature. Some will be my own. Others will be from other poets. But the aim will be poetry that speaks to the spirit. For the first week of this project, I share my own. I wrote it years ago after visiting my hometown of Hudson, New York. It was winter and I was waiting in a parking lot whose snow piles were being visited by seagulls. The evocative scene inspire this poem:


Snowtown Meditations


At sometime,

a snow-plow made mountains in this

empty parking lot.

Seagulls settle camouflaged

and singing this morning.

The mountains were once kingdoms of mine.

I climbed,

climbed kingdoms.

Crying queen-less

I climbed,

cried alone to thrones

and sat invisible to overtakers,

blind of doubt.

In the succor of snow

and in the snow's mirror the moon,

prostrated, I would pray, stay.

And the shallow winds somehow entertained.

I listened, smiled, then fell to sleep.


In another morning,

the seagulls without the scent of seas awoke me.

The might of suns' light

acknowledged it to my eyes.

Those quaint kingdoms

melted to saltless seas where seagulls still played,

where an embrace embraces the powerless, eternal flow.


The night brings confusion.

The night brings doubt.

The night brings anger.

The night brings doubt.

Opening the hidden child,

behind the torn curtain I cry.

The night brings snow now.


the snow and sky are different hues of the same color.

a child in a snowsuit quits the creation of snow angels,

and peers to the heaven where they supposedly come from.

the stars are scattered crystals mirroring snow sheets.

the child is alone, feeling alone, not noticing

the cold. snowsuits can protect for a while.

the hollow, hallowed wind of meditation exclaims the night.

the child releases all movement for a moment of pause,

pausing the creation of angels that melt not away but up. 


Notices & Information

Calling All Knitters!!

The Community Care Team is asking all knitters to pick up their needles and hooks because our supply of Prayer Shawls is getting low.

Any completed shawls can be placed in the basket in the Outer Office when completed and will be blessed during a Church Service at a later date.

Thank you in advance for your contribution!

Save Our Steeple Campaign

A new community fundraising campaign, the S.O.S....Save Our Steeple fund, has been launched.

A new page has been added to the website as well as a marketing campaign to be used at all upcoming community events such as the upcoming C.C.P. presents...concert series.

Take a look at our new web page or stop by our Welcome Table in the Narthex to check out the display.

Feel free to take a flyer to pass along to family & friends!

Thank You.

Schedule of Events at C.C.P.

Every Week at C.C.P.


10:00 a.m.  Worship Service

~ In-person worship will be Live-Streamed via Facebook ~


10:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship at Panera, Bristol

7:00 p.m.   God-Talk @ C.C.P.


10:00 a.m.  Coffee w. Rev. Don at Rebel Dog, Plainville

7:00 p.m.    Choir Rehearsal


We hope you will join us for these great events!

Community Events

Please make sure you have liked and followed us on our social media accounts to make sure you are getting the most up-to-date information regarding The Congregational Church of Plainville, UCC.


Facebook: @uccplainville

Instagram: @CCP.UCC

YouTube: @thecongregationalchurchofplv

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Church Office via phone at 860-747-1901 or via email at [email protected].

The Congregational Church of Plainville, UCC

130 West Main Street

Plainville, CT 06062

Phone: 860-747-1901

Email: churchoffice@uccplainville,org


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