Parent Volunteer Compliance
At St. Giles School, we LOVE our volunteers – because we couldn’t do what we do without you! We welcome parent involvement and there will be plenty of opportunities to get involved in your child’s life as a Lion this year.
In order to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, the Archdiocese requires volunteers to complete several compliance requirements. Some need to be done only once, while others need to be completed more frequently or annually. If you are new to volunteering in the Archdiocese, you must complete everything. If you are a returning volunteer, you can log into Virtus to see which requirements are due. 
Contact Heather Kroll with any questions. She will ensure your compliance and verify that you are able to volunteer at St. Giles.
Parent Volunteer Compliance
Compliance Requirements:
  1. Register in Virtus Online
Select “Chicago - Archdiocese”
Select “St. Giles School” (not Parish) for location.
Select "Volunteer" as role
Complete the criminal background check online (Updated every 3 years)
Sign the Archdiocese Standards of Behavior (Updated every year)
Complete the online class "Protecting God's Children" or the online renewal class "Keeping the Promise Alive" (Updated every 3 years)
  1. Complete the Cants 689 (DCFS background check - updated every year) - return to office.
  2. Complete the Mandated Reporter online class (updated every 3 years) - email the completed certificate to office.
  3. Complete the Cants 22 (Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement - updated every 3 years) - return to office.