February Town Hall follow-up
Thank you to all who attended the town hall on February 3 where Rich McBee and other members of the Executive Leadership team covered a review of 2021, strategic objectives for 2022, understanding our carbon footprint and more. If you missed the companywide event, you can watch by clicking the link above. Slides and a follow-up FAQ are also available on the WIRE 2.0.

Happening around the grid
2023 Residential Federal HVAC Standards Update

Starting January 1, 2023, the federal standard HVAC baseline is changing and a new testing procedure is being implemented. This new testing procedure will result in a new efficiency naming structure, Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 2 (SEER2) and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor 2 (HSPF2), which has added an additional layer of confusion to the market and program implementors alike. The procedure increases external static pressure which more accurately reflects field conditions resulting in more precise results. 

Questions about the new standard implementation? Contact Mark Jerome or Todd Poehlman for more information.
What's new on the WIRE 2.0
This month's spotlight focuses on the Procurement team.

Hot tip: The Procurement team can help you save money and get better results with our approved and preferred vendors.

  • Centralized in 2017
  • 14 team members (full-time and part-time)
  • Negotiates daily with vendors for cost savings in everything from office supplies to client incentive rebates
  • In 2021, the Procurement team generated over $2M in procurement savings and approximately $673K in cost avoidance savings

  • Engage with Procurement early and often before purchasing supplies and items
  • Inventory Transfers: Before you buy new, engage Procurement for materials that may already be available, and remember to return assets you're no longer using.
For questions related to purchasing items contact [email protected]
Explore: CLEAResult Energy Forum
Creating a recipe for success: Ramar Food's assessment
Upcoming Webinar:
Emphasizing DEI in Energy
Thursday, February 24, 12pm CST
While designed for external clients of CLEAResult, team members are welcome to attend this webinar led by Andrenika Whisenton with Sylvester Johnson and Nathan Shannon (CEO of Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative). Additionally, the webinar will be recorded and available for viewing post event. Read more here.
Learning Highlights
ACCA Standard 5 QI - 2015 - Air Conditioning Contractors of America

This self-directed course is intended for residential and commercial field staff whose programs work with HVAC systems and will explore reasons for using the ACCA quality installation specification and identify steps required for a quality HVAC installation. Lasting 30 minutes, completing this course contributes .5 BPI CEUs.

ACCA Manual T: Air Distribution Basics

This one hour, self-directed course is intended for beginner field staff whose programs work with HVAC systems. After completion, you'll be able to describe different terms used to elevate the performance of terminations devices, apply principles contained in Manual T, to correctly match termination devices with unique situations and more.

How to Verify a Load Calculation

This 35-minute, self-directed course intended for residential field staff will cover identifying loads on a house, knowing what variables to look at on a heating and cooling load, as well as determining if variables affecting loads are reasonable. Consisting of 4 brief lessons, this course contributes .5 BPI CEUs.

J.E.D.I. Village News
DNA group Black@Work has already put out some engaging and educational content in celebration of Black History Month. If you haven't had the chance to check out the resources yet, view and click on the highlights below.

Jeopardy! Black Edition
Friday, February 25 | 2PM (CST)
Black@Work invites you to a fun and engaging game of JEOPARDY! The Black Edition! Come play or just watch this interactive celebration of Black culture as well as highlights from this year’s Black History Month campaign! See you there! All employees are invited to attend.
Read the Black History Month kickoff letter from Black@Work Executive Sponsor Rebecca Troutfetter
Watch Black Pioneers in Medicine with Black @Work Community Chair Marcus Moore and guest Brock Gardner
Watch the Black@Work Members Event: The Road Less Traveled with Culture Chair Riana Rowles and guest Rhonda Ethridge
Visit the Black@Work WIRE 2.0 site page for more resources, videos, and content.
Interested in joining Black@Work? Join here.
March is Women's History Month
DNA group CREW (CLEAResult Empowering Women) will lead the charge in celebrating Women's History Month, with the National Women's History Alliance's theme: Women Providing Healing and Promoting Hope.

Stay tuned to the CREW WIRE 2.0 site page for more information about events and resources throughout the month of March.
News, Events & Reminders
Product Gather & Learn:
ATLASTM Connect, Marketplace and Academy
Tuesday, February 22 | 1pm (CST)
Join us for the next Product Gather & Learn as Heather Gates and Shelley Leatherwood cover CLEAResult ATLASTM Connect, ATLASTM Marketplace and ATLASTM Academy.
2022 Goal Setting

> Set 3-5 goals for the year
> Due in Workday today February 18
> Managers review and approve goals by Feb 28

Be on the lookout!

New process for health & safety and vehicle and incident reporting coming soon!
New Vendor

The Procurement team has announced a new vendor relationship with ASE Direct, Inc. for your first go-to when ordering office supplies and toner.

Phishing Alert Monthly Winner for January
The winner for January is Patrick Murphy with a prize of 500 YEI points! 483 team members used the Phish Alert Button in Outlook during January alone.

Want your chance at the prize?
  1. Open the suspicious email, but do NOT reply, click anything in the email, or open any attachments
  2. Find the Phish Alert Report button in the toolbar on the email and click!
  3. Clicking on the Phish Alert button automatically deletes the suspicious email
Your voice matters!

  • Be sure to turn on your notifications
  • Check often for announcements, updates, and resources
  • You can now interact and engage with all posts
  • We ask that your comments and questions align with our values of respect, transparency and accountability.
  • Remember that anything you post will be seen companywide
Upcoming Holiday:
Family Day in Canada
Monday, February 21 is Family Day, a regional statutory holiday celebrated in a majority of Canadian provinces and an official CLEAResult holiday for residents in Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Ontario.

Enjoy your holiday, Canada CLEAResult team members!
Stay tuned for the next special edition of The Weekly Wire
from Black @ Work to be released February 28.

The next monthly edition of The Weekly Wire (monthly version) will be published March 25.