Weekly Word
news & updates
January 20, 2022 | Issue No. 4
Annual Congregational Meeting
January 30, 2022, immediately following worship service.
Scouts Annual Chili Supper
Friday, January 28, 2022, from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Carryout only. Scouts will be onsite Sunday, Jan 23rd, starting at 9:30am, to sell advanced tickets.
Support Cards
Let's show Teressa Cooper, YAV, some
support by sending her cards!

54 Rosefield St
DUNDEE, Scotland
Ushers Needed
Each Sunday, two volunteers are needed to serve as ushers and to greet the congregation.
Can you help? Jane Gates and Kathleen Putzier are coordinating this important group of volunteers.

Click here to email Jane if you can help.

Fill out this Form to show availability for 6 months!
JOIN OUR TEAM! FPC is seeking to hire Nursery Workers for Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings! In addition, FPC is seeking a PART-TIME CUSTODIAN who will be responsible for Sunday coverage and other weekly duties. If you are interested or know of anyone, please contact the church office. 
Link to Worship Central where you will find everything you need for our Sunday & Wednesday services.
The Newsletter is extra full of important information and events. Print copies are available at the church. If you would like to be added to the print copy mailing list please email the office: click here