March 6th-March 10th

Water and rocks…water from a rock…our Rock, our salvation…water that leads to eternal life…These are the themes for this week as we journey to the Third Sunday in Lent.
Monday, March 6

Exodus 17:1-7
Sometimes, like the Israelites, we cry out in desperation to God. We ask, as they did, “Is the Lord among us or not?” The answer, of course, as we see in this Scripture, is a resounding “YES.”

What is going on in your life right now? Are you calling out to God for something? Do not doubt that God is with you.Talk to God about your need.

Thank you, Lord, that you are with us always. Help me to trust you more fully. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday, March 7

Psalm 95
So often we call out to God in our time of need, as you, perhaps did yesterday. How often do we remember to thank and praise God for answering us?

Think of all the blessings of your life. Thank God for them.

Lord, today I ask for nothing. With the Psalmist I lift my voice to thank and praise you for your love and all the blessings you have given me. Great are you, Lord! Amen.  
Wednesday, March 8

Romans 5:1-11
We often hear that God helps those who help themselves. However, that is not what this Scripture tells us. Paul tells us that through Jesus’ death God helps utterly helpless sinners. 

God’s love has been poured into your heart through the Holy Spirit. How does this affect your life and your relationships

Lord, you loved us so much that you died for us even when we were far from you. Help me to love as you do so that I will be part of your reconciling works in the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thursday, March 9

John 4:5-42
An encounter with Christ changed this woman’s life. She does not keep this to herself and her testimony leads many others to faith.

Have you had an encounter with Christ? Have you shared your testimony with anyone? What hinders you from doing so?

Lord, you have blessed me with countless blessings. Mostly, you have blessed me with your presence and with life eternal with you. Give me the courage I need to share the Good News of your love with all I meet. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Friday, March 10
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Mandarin Lutheran Church
Living in response to God's grace,
growing disciples and caring for all people.

Inviting and welcoming people
Committing to treat people with dignity and respect
Praising God through Christ centered worship and music
Serving and support fellow disciples,
our neighbors and all God's creation
Encouraging everyone to share their God given gifts.