October 2024 Edition

Welcome to the October issue of The Wellness Corner - the e-newsletter for our community of advocates and enthusiasts - from Big Bend Cares and Care Point Health & Wellness Center.

We hope you and your loved ones fared well through Hurricane Helene, and that anyone you know that was in the storm path is safe.

In this issue, we check in about the new AIDS Walk date; look forward to the Holiday Angel season; celebrate the success of Beer Fest; see October's awareness days; and share other ways you can support our mission.

Every day, Big Bend Cares and Care Point continue to provide essential assistance and quality health care to those we serve in the Tallahassee and Big Bend area (Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla counties). Our services include free HIV and STD testing, primary health care, dental care, lab work, sexual health education, courtesy transportation services, home-delivered meals, co-pay assistance for medications, and case management services.

These services wouldn't be possible without your generous donations, support, and contributions. To you reading this newsletter- thank you for helping us provide health care and much more to those in need - we appreciate you!

Thank you for reading!

Shameria Young

Board President

Big Bend Cares

Care Point Health & Wellness Center

AIDS Walk Rescheduled

The 34th Annual Tallahassee AIDS Walk is still happening, and has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 17th at 6:30!

We had to pivot and postpone due to inclement weather, but we still hope you can join us at the Southwood Nature Trail for our celebration of those living with and fighting against HIV/AIDS in our community.

Shirt sales have reopened, so if you missed getting one, now's your chance! If you already registered, you can edit your registration to purchase a shirt through Monday, October 7th at 11:59pm. Online walk registration is also open again, so be sure to register and join/make a team!

Walk Registration

Double Good Fundraiser

Thanks to your help, we met our $1,000 sales goal in the Double Good Popcorn fundraiser! 50% of the $1,036 in sales will go directly into supporting AIDS Walk, getting more resources to the clients we serve.

Thank you!

Holiday Angels 2024

It's time to start looking ahead to one of our favorite programs of the year, Holiday Angels! this annual program seeks to connect the dependent children of our clients to individual or business sponsors that want to purchase some gifts for them. We are so grateful each year for how our community comes together to bring the warmth of the holidays to families in need - those struggling with a major medical diagnosis.

Each year, the program sees over 300 children in need of sponsors, a number expected to grow, and we encourage everyone to spread the word and let the community know. Individual families can find the joy in teaching their children about charitable giving, and local businesses or faith groups may also be seeking a way to give back for the holiday season.

Due to the strain on finances and resources the families we serve face, this may be the only time in the year these children are able to receive warm clothes and new toys just for them.

You can make a huge difference in the lives of these families by becoming a Holiday Angel today, and helping us create happy memories for these families. Learn more at the button below:

Become a Holiday Angel

Tallahassee Beer Festival

Tallahassee Beer Festival 2024 was a success! Another great year wrapped up, and we can't thank those enough who purchased tickets with our code to support us.

We are always proud to be a part of the United Partners for Human Services, and can't wait to do good through the love of beer next year.

Check out the Facebook album for all the photos of the fun!

Photo Album

Upcoming Awareness Days

October 15 is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day. According to the CDC, Latinos accounted for 29% of all new HIV infections in 2021. NLAAD's objective is to unite and mobilize the community to promote HIV testing and education.

If you or someone you know is interested in getting tested for HIV, learn more by clicking the button below:

HIV Testing

Givers Every Month (GEM) Club

Last year, over 3,730 no cost food bags were given to our clients in Tallahassee and the Big Bend facing food insecurity because of our GEM Club members.

And GEM Club members make it possible for us to provide FREE comprehensive health care to our uninsured patients, with no sliding fee scale.

What is a GEM Club member?


It’s you and me - neighbors helping neighbors. GEM (Givers Every Month) Club members donate monthly and 100% of their gifts go towards food and health care for our neighbors in need. Want to become a GEM Club member and help us serve others? Click the button below:

Give Monthly

Take a Tour of Care Point Today!

Ever wonder what happens beyond the closed doors of Care Point?

Sign up for a guided tour today and witness a behind-the-scenes view of “the 27,000 square feet of awesomeness!” including the 10 patient exam rooms, lab, x-ray facility, and dental wing.

For details and to reserve a space on the next tour, please email Takila Brooks here.

We hope you enjoyed the October 2024 issue of The Wellness Corner. If you have questions or want more information about any of the topics covered, please email development@bigbendcares.org or call (850) 656-2437 ext. 224.

(850) 656-2437

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(850) 354-8765

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Big Bend Cares, Inc. / Care Point Health & Wellness Center is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), federal tax-exempt organization. All donations are deemed tax-deductible.

FEIN: 59-2816580