September 2023 Collaborative Updates

Hello WISP Collaborative Members,

Thank you all for attending the first WISP Mental Health based collaborative of the school year. It was a pleasure to have you join us and share your insights and experiences.

We appreciate your valuable contribution to the discussion and your support for the cause of school based mental health awareness and advocacy.

We look foward to seeing you again at our next collaborative. Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions.

Thank you!

2023-2024 Wellness in Schools Program Collaborative Meetings

RSVP for our November Collaborative Meeting!

Wednesday November 1, 2023; 10:00-11:30 AM

Additional 2023-2024 Collaborative Meetings:

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024

All meetings will held via Zoom.

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Wellness in Schools Program would like to express gratitude towards the Alliance for a Healthier Generations for joining us during our September collaborative. We would like to extend a special thanks to Kristy Weber, Bethany Younkers, Craig Wethington, and Isabel Kashani Lara for hosting breakout rooms to explore the following topics: Trauma Informed Approaches, Family and Community Engagement, & Building Your Referral Pathway. Please explore the resources that were shared in each breakout room presentation below:

Create an Action Center Account to access all Healthier Generation resources free of charge

  1. Trauma Informed Practices Slideshow

2. Community Family Engagement Slideshow

3. Build Your Referral Pathway Slideshow

Safe Spaces: Foundations of Trauma Informed Practice

The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) has allocated the Office of California Surgeon General $1 million to develop a trauma-informed training for early care and educational personnel.

Safe Spaces: Foundations of Trauma-Informed Practice for Educational and Care Settings is a free, online training designed to help early care providers, TK-12 educators, and other school personnel recognize and respond to trauma informed stress in children. Safe Spaces is designed to engage the learner with case examples, strategies, videos, and practices - each varied according to the developmental stage served.

To learn more, watch the following video:

West Contra Costa Unified School District Attendance Awareness Toolkit

The Attendance Awareness Toolkit provides ready-made materials that administrators, staff, teachers, and community partners can use for outreach to families and provides tools that schools can use to assess their own attendance practices and guide their improvement.

The R.E.A.L. Framework is designed to help educators and their community partners integrate attention to attendance and engagement into school daily operations. The goal is not to add more work to school staff who are stretched thin, but to enhance the effectiveness of what they already do.

West Contra Costa Unified School District Attendance Awareness Toolkit

Upcoming Events from Collaborative Partners



Trauma-Informed Frameworks in Mental Healthcare


Charlie Health is hosting a continuing education event on integrating trauma-informed frameworks into your mental health practice




3rd Annual Know The Signs: Remembering Those We've Lost

Contra Loma Regional Park

1200 Frederickson Ln.

Antioch, CA

Please join NAMI Contra Costa for a compassionate engagement of diverse speakers talking through a lived experience lens lifting the names of our loved ones lost to suicide with special emphasis on our youth. NAMI will raise awareness of the "Knowing The Signs" program.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Gigi Crowder at [email protected]