February 22, 2018 |
Join Flying Solo for Dinner and a Concert
Friday, February 23
Join Flying Solo at the CIL event with Carrie Newcomer on Friday, February 23, at 6:30 p.m. (event registration required at cil-de.org). Prior to the show, we'll gather for dinner at Toscana in Trolley Square at 5:00 p.m. Contact Cathy Lang at cathylang36@yahoo.com by TODAY (Thursday, February 22) if interested in being included in the restaurant reservation.
Senior Highs Headed to NYC for Midnight Run
Saturday, February 24
Ten senior high students and five adults are participating in the Midnight Run in NYC (www.midnightrun.org) this Saturday night. They will leave from the church parking lot at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and return at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. Please keep the participants in your prayers this weekend. Teens: Ethan Bradley, Tristan Bradley, Nate Gerstenschlager, Jason Lengel, Justin Lengel, Katie Lengel, Sophia Malatesta, Luke Máthé, Rabea Pfaff, Kala Richardson. Adults: Josh Cox, Chris Hickey, Tommy Neilson, Pam Richardson, and Carrie Saathoff.
Three Super Sunday Seminars Conclude This Sunday
Sunday, February 25, 10:10 a.m.
This Sunday is the last session for:
- Where Are We in History? Learning to Cope in an Age of Conflict, Classroom 6
- Parables of Jesus in Luke, Classroom 3
- Positive Parenting Strategies for Living with Young Children, Classroom 5
Don't worry if you missed previous classes. This Sunday's sessions can each stand alone, and each one is excellent. Choose one and show up this Sunday during the 10:TEN education hour.
Brewing Questions
Thursday, March 1, 7:00 p.m. at Brew Haha! in Greenville (3838 Kennett Pike)
Do you want to meet other young adults in our community and discuss questions of faith? Join us for Brewing Questions - a monthly gathering for adults in their 20s and 30s. For the March gathering, Dr. Greg Jones will be facilitating a conversation on being Christian in a world of religious diversity, and how to engage persons of other faith traditions in dialogue. Come, enjoy a brew and conversation! To RSVP, contact Westminster member Teisha Fooks at teishafooks@gmail.com.
Wilmington Gun Violence: A Sunday Seminar Series in March
Sundays, March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 10:10 a.m. in Community Hall
- March 4 - Lynne Kielhorn will review the background and recent trends related to Wilmington's street violence.
- March 11 - Mayor Mike Purzycki will discuss the city's efforts and plans to address Wilmington's gun violence.
- March 18 - Rob Prestowitz from UrbanPromise will share how pursuing mutually transformative relationships, in a structured program, empowers youth to achieve sustained positive outcomes, despite the surrounding violence.
- March 25 - Yasser Payne and Darryl Chambers from the University of Delaware will share updates from their new study that examines the relationship between opportunity, health and violence in the Northside and Westside neighborhoods.
First Sunday Food Collection
1st Sunday of each month prior to the 9:00 a.m. worship service
On the first Sunday of each month, we collect food donations for those in our community struggling to make ends meet. Cans (beans, tuna, chicken, soups) and boxes (cereal, pasta, rice) of food you bring to church will be delivered to Hanover Presbyterian Food Closet and St. Stephen's Lutheran Food Pantry. Jim and Polly Carter happily collect your donations. They park their car in the church parking lot next to the stairs leading to the 1502 entrance.
2018 Winter Musical Gala
Friday, March 9, 8:00 p.m.
This year's winter concert promises to be one of our best ever! Soloists Elizabeth Holmes, Sharon Babcock, Christian Sanders, and Travis Lucas, along with the Westminster Choir, guest violinist Timothy Schwarz, and Paul Fleckenstein at the organ and piano, bring us a stellar evening of music from the church, the opera stage, musical theatre, gospel/spirituals, and more. With selections ranging from Mozart to Bernstein, this is one not to miss! Click here to see the flyer.
Featured Photo
The beautiful setup in our sanctuary on Ash Wednesday.
My Story - David Máthé
Westminster is a very important part of my family's life. For me personally, Westminster provides a weekly oasis from the hustle and bustle of daily life, recharges my spiritual batteries and inspires, challenges and prepares me for the coming week. Being raised Catholic, I found comfort in the introspection of mass. Westminster welcomed me with open arms and introduced me to a new level of comfort - through an active community of faith and robust fellowship. Jen and I are pleased that Westminster has provided a spiritual foundation for our sons. With children attending a variety of schools, it is wonderful to see that some of our boys' longest friendships are those they made here. We are blessed and thankful to be a part of this wonderful church family. - David Máthé
Saturday Breakfast to be Homeless
The building where Saturday Breakfast is held has been sold. In all probability, the new owners will not be open to our continuing to use that site for the breakfast. Closing on the sale is the end of May. In order to continue, the breakfast must find a new location. So we need a new location, hopefully free, that has a kitchen and a dining room plus storage. If you know of a possible location, please contact them yourself and let us know what happens. No new location; no Saturday Breakfast. - Sue Weissinger and Tenney Wheatley
Souper Bowl of Caring: A New Record High!
What an amazing Super Bowl Sunday and Souper Bowl of Caring! We collected $1,017.25, which is the first time we broke the $1,000 mark. Many, many thanks to all who gave so generously and so joyfully. Our Souper Bowl of Caring collection is always divided between St. Stephens Food Closet and the Hanover Food Pantry, and this year's collection provides gracious donations to help fund their ministries with families in need.
Year-End Acknowledgement of Contributions
2017 year-end contribution statements were mailed in January. If you did not receive your statement or have a question, please contact Colleen Falasco, Director of Financial Operations at cfalasco@wpc.org or (302) 654-5214 ext. 131. Thank you for your support of the church this past year and for taking the time to carefully examine your statement to ensure its accuracy and completeness.
Member Deaths - Those Who Have Joined the Church Triumphant
Please remember in prayer those who are grieving the loss of their loved one.
Gertrude T. Hood (
July 27, 1922 - February 16, 2018
Congratulations on Your Little One!
We welcome this child into the Westminster family.
Photo Prayer
Westminster Weekly Word features a new Photo Prayer once a month. You may browse all Photo Prayers by Danny Schweers at any time by visiting
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1502 West 13th Street | Wilmington, DE 19806 | (302) 654-5214 |