August 1, 2019  
Westminster Presbyterian Church. The Westminster Weekly Word
1502 W. 13th Street, Wilmington, DE 19806. (302) 654-5214. Like us on Facebook
Next Seven Days
Month of Musical Masterworks Begins This Sunday
Sunday, August 4
The only-at-Westminster tradition, Month of Musical Masterworks, starts off this Sunday, August 4, at the 10 o'clock service, as we welcome oboist and former staff member Merideth Hite Estevez back to the chancel to present the Oboe Concerto by Italian Baroque composer Alessandro Marcello. Each Sunday in August, the three-movement major works are interspersed throughout the worship service as Prelude, Offertory and Postlude.
Are You Considering Membership at Westminster?
Sunday, August 4, following the
10:00 a.m. service
Ruth Christie Room (access through Rodney Chapel or the Ruth Christie Hallway)
Have you been considering membership at Westminster? Are you interested in learning more about this community of faith? Join us at the second part of a two-session Membership Exploration Series this Sunday, August 4 to discuss the Presbyterian tradition, Westminster's ministry and mission, and ways to connect with our church family. There will also be an opportunity to join the Westminster congregation at the end of the second session this Sunday.
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Chimes Deadline Reminder
Monday, August 5, 11:00 a.m.
The deadline for the SEPTEMBER 2019 issue of our newsletter, The Westminster Chimes, is Monday, August 5, at 11:00 a.m. Please submit your articles online. Go to and click on "Submit an Article." If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Hughes ( or 302-654-5214 ext. 130).
Church Office Hours and Closings
During the month of August, the church office is open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and closed on the following days:
  • Fridays in August - On these long weekends when the office is closed, if you have an emergency and need a pastor, please call the church office at (302) 654-5214 and press 6 to leave a message on our emergency voice mailbox.
  • Wednesday, August 7 - It's our 12th Annual Summer Cleaning Day! While the phones will go to voice mail, the staff will be busy cleaning out closets, going through files, and straightening up. They will be preparing for the coming program year starting September 8.
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Coming Up
Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, August 18, 8:15 and
10:00 a.m. worship
August 18th will be a special day in the life of Westminster! Please plan to attend one of our worship services that morning. Our pastors will bless children's backpacks, helping launch the school year with God's abundant blessings and the love and support of our church family. If you are a student, be sure to bring your backpack that day! Everyone else, join us as we launch our children and youth into the upcoming school year. Our goal is to distribute 600 backpacks to students at EastSide Charter, Highlands, UrbanPromise, and Shortlidge elementary schools. There's still plenty of time to make your donation! Thank you so much for your support.
Have You Tutored or Mentored
a Child?
Study after study has shown that the presence of a caring, involved adult can make a huge difference in the life of a child. If you have experienced the gift of serving as a tutor or a mentor to a child, we would love for you to share your stories in informal conversation with others in our congregation during the Ice Cream Social following the "Blessing of the Backpacks" on August 18. Please contact us (302-654-5214 or with your name and the school(s) of your student(s). With deepest gratitude for your generous spirit!
Westminster Family Night: Blue Rocks Game & Fireworks
Friday, August 30, game time: 7:05 p.m.
All are invited for a fun evening at Frawley Stadium to watch the Wilmington Blue Rocks close out the summer with a blast. Select seating on the third base line offers premier views of the game, fireworks and other festivities. To participate, email John McGraw at by August 16 with "Blue Rocks" and the number of requested tickets in the subject line, or call with any questions (302-507-4989). Hope to see you at the game! (No outside food or beverages, except water bottles or necessary dietary items.) This event is funded (no ticket cost to you) and organized by the Westminster men's group. Singles, couples, and families are all welcome!
Women's Retreat - Register Now!
October 4 - 6, 2019
The registration form for the October Women's Retreat is here! The forms, which contain all the details for registering, are also available on the literature table in the main hallway at church and by email from Registrar Patti Ridout ( Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to accept online credit card payment, but to register, mail your check and form to Patti or confirm with her either by email, text or by phone (C: 302-584-7011) that you will be attending the full weekend or Saturday only. Your place will be held for 48 hours until your check and registration form are received by her. Registration is limited and is on a "first come" basis, so get yours in early! We look forward to seeing you there.
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Adult and teen volunteers lead our children in drumming at Vacation Bible School last week.

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News to Note
"Receive This Recognition with Love"
During a recent trip to Guatemala in June, the Association of Mam Christian Women for Development presented Westminster with an official - and heartfelt - diploma. It is signed by every board member and reads: "With a deep appreciation for the support to the projects of the Association for the benefit of the families of the Mam area. Receive this recognition with love." The women said that they pray for our church every day and send their blessings to all of you. Thank you for your continued support of their work!
Are You a Habitat Volunteer?
The Urban Mission Committee is creating a list of those involved with Habitat for Humanity. If you are currently a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, will you please email Sandy King ( so that we can make sure our records are accurate? Many thanks!
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Recent Life Events
Member Deaths - Those Who Have Joined the Church Triumphant
Please remember in prayer those who are grieving the loss of their loved one.
  • Robert "Bob" L. Checkel (obituary)
    February 12, 1924 - May 29, 2019
    A memorial service will be held at Westminster on Saturday, August 17, at 11:00 a.m., followed by tea reception. Memorial gifts to Westminster.
  • Natalie Pickering Freeman (obituary)
    October 16, 1954 - June 21, 2019
  • Carolyn Furca Kleinpeter (obituary)
    August 28, 1943 - July 20, 2019
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Untethered Number

Pray, I ask you, for those who must put numbers to paper, or, because we live in an on-line on-demand multi-networked world, pray for those who enter numbers into databases and spreadsheets, especially those who must show number-based improvement month after month, year after year, or lose any hope of promotion if not their jobs. We pray for those who must make their numbers fit production targets to satisfy those above them and, eventually, satisfy us, we who demand improvement. God have mercy on a world of numbers untethered from fact, a world where holding steady is no longer acceptable, where losing ground is an institutional sin.

Photo of rusty nails and screws, and a bright red gardenia blossom.
Photo © 2017 and text © 2019 Danny N. Schweers
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1502 West 13th Street  |  Wilmington, DE 19806  |  (302) 654-5214  |