June 11, 2020  
Westminster Presbyterian Church. The Westminster Weekly Word
1502 W. 13th Street, Wilmington, DE 19806. (302) 654-5214. www.wpc.org Like us on Facebook
A Message from Gregory
Knox Jones

Dated Tuesday, June 9, 2020
This is a powerful and pivotal moment in our nation's history. Since the murder of George Floyd 15 days ago, there have been protests in hundreds of towns and cities and in all 50 states. Young people especially have poured into the streets to protest police brutality, to declare that black lives matter as much as white lives, and, if there continues to be no justice, there will be no peace.

Click here to continue reading the latest letter from our Senior Pastor, Greg Jones.
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Support our International Mission Partners Today!
The global impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented. For those already living in vulnerable communities around the world, the effects of this crisis are even more devastating. In response, Westminster's Church in the World Committee is offering a special ECHO Giving campaign during May and June. Gifts can be designated to directly support emergency relief projects of partners in Congo, Guatemala, Palestine and Syria. For details and to contribute, please use this form. Each week, we will highlight one of these projects in detail (see below). Thank you for being part of God's light shining through the darkness.
Father's Day Gift Idea - Honor Him with a Syrian Hygiene Gift Box and Prevent COVID
Syria remains ravaged by the ongoing nine-year war, with over half the population displaced from their homes, extremely high unemployment, desperate poverty, scarce health care - and now COVID-19! All hygiene and cleaning products are considered luxury items that few can afford. Through our ECHO Giving campaign, for $50 you can provide two families with hygiene kits that include soaps, Clorox, detergents, shampoos, and wipes. See the joy on the faces of Syrians who have received their boxes! To make a life-saving donation by mail or online, click here for instructions.
Cheese, Bologna, Ham, Turkey
Sunday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. in the Westminster parking lot
Emmanuel Dining Room (EDR) is still feeding hundreds every day by handing out breakfast and lunch boxes with the PB&J sandwiches, cookies, water, and clementines that you have generously donated every Sunday morning. The guests really appreciate all that Westminster has given. They wonder if we could make another kind of sandwich so the guests could have a variety of meals: cheese, turkey, bologna, ham or any combination of these. Please, no mayonnaise. If you still have tons of PB&J, please feel free to use it for EDR. But when you run out, perhaps you could change it up a little. The number of sandwiches is up to you. Questions? Contact Camilla Jones ( camillajones22@gmail.com or 302-354-8358). We will continue this mission every Sunday until it is safe for EDR to open the doors at their three dining rooms.
180 Youth
Sunday, June 14, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
It's Kickback week. Find two of your leaders on Zoom for drop-in chat. Meeting ID: 493 720 0361.
No Weekly Word on These Dates
Thursdays, June 18, July 2, and July 23
We understand how important it is to stay connected with you during these extraordinary times, so the Weekly Word will not have its usual "every other week" reduced schedule in June and July. Instead, there will only be three weeks when we will not have a Weekly Word - June 18, July 2, and July 23. Please make a note of these dates and schedule your announcements accordingly. If you have questions, please contact Nicole Hughes at nhughes@wpc.org.
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Coming Up
Join the Digital Moral March
on Washington
Saturday, June 20, 10:00 a.m.
via Facebook Live, YouTube...
In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a "revolution of values" in America and sought to build a broad movement that could unite poor and dispossessed communities across the country. Today, the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has picked up this work. We have joined under the banner of the Campaign to confront the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, climate change and ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. Join with us by registering for June 20.
Let's Talk About It on Zoom
Sunday, June 21, 10:10 a.m. on Zoom ( https://zoom.us/j/4937200361)
Facilitated by Sue Linderman
While we may not be able to gather in person, we still need opportunities to experience the challenges and benefits that come from bringing racial issues into the light of day. All are welcome to join us on Sunday, June 21 as we share our reflections on recent events in our country and our thoughts on how we as individuals, and as a church community, might take action.
New Programs from Our Peace
& Justice Work Group
Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
Westminster's Peace & Justice Work Group is excited to launch an ongoing program of education events that will take place on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. While the effects of the coronavirus pandemic continue, these classes/discussions will take place online. We also plan to record these programs and make them available for viewing as YouTube videos at your convenience. Look for updates in the Weekly Word and on the WPC Facebook page regarding our start date and the weekly topics. Plan to join us!
Summer Brunch Cancelled
In the May/June 2020 issue of The Westminster Chimes newsletter, there was an announcement about a tentative Summer Brunch on Sunday, June 28. This event has been cancelled due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns. This decision was made with your health and well-being in mind. Thank you for your patience as we navigate through these challenges.
Sunday School at Home is on Hiatus
Join us on June 28 for the first LIVE Sunday school class on Zoom, designed for elementary age kids. More information will follow.
Zoom to Better Days?
Sunday mornings, September 27 - November 22 (8 weeks) on Zoom
(exact time to be determined)
While society may be anxious for us to zoom through our grief, Ecclesiastes guides us towards a time to mourn and a time to heal. If you've experienced a recent loss, please consider joining the Better Days Grief Support Group this fall, which has now moved online for participants' comfort and safety. We've added a self-care dimension to our program. We will modify our start time on Sundays in order to prioritize worship and allow travel time back home prior to our Zoom meetings. Please contact Jill Getty ( jgetty@wpc.org) with any questions and/or to obtain a registration form.
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A Syrian man, who has experienced desperate conditions of war and deprivation, has just received a coveted hygiene package as well as education materials to help him combat COVID-19. These packages are being funded by Westminster members. The need is great and further help is necessary. See the announcement above to learn how to support our international mission partners during the global impact of COVID-19.

Email photos to photos@wpc.org.
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News to Note
Thanks Again from Hanover
Many thanks to those who contributed non-perishable food to the Hanover Food Pantry on June 7. As evidenced by the picture on the right, Jim and Polly Carter filled their truck. This food is sorted and then distributed to Hanover's 40+ clients on Tuesday. Your generous spirit is sincerely appreciated when the need is so great in our community.
Immediate Needs in Our Community
  • Pick up and drop off Meals on Wheels
  • Sew cloth masks for local health institutions
  • Make sandwiches for Emmanuel Dining Room
  • Donate blood
  • Donate items needed by St. Stephen's Food Pantry and Family Promise
  • Make contributions to our mission partners

Click here for more information on each of these items, and please check back each week, as the list of organizations and their critical needs is subject to change. If you have questions about this process or know of other needs Westminster could help address, please contact Sue Linderman (302-239-7650 or srlinder@dca.net). IMPORTANT NOTE: These organizations are considered essential social services in Delaware and are exempt from the restrictions for Delawareans who are traveling to make donations or deliveries.

Getting Strange, Cryptic Emails from Greg Jones? The Spammers Are At It Again!
A recent email was sent to some Westminster members and friends looking as though it is coming from Greg. It had his name in the "From" line with his name, title and church mailing address in the message. However, if you look more closely, the "From" email is a Gmail address. Click here to see a screenshot. This is not Greg! Greg's email address is gregjones@wpc.org. These cyber-criminals continue to create new Gmail accounts to mask Greg's information and try to scam us. These phishing emails may say something like "I need a favor," "I have a request," or "I need your assistance" with instructions to email back. If you reply back, you will likely be asked to buy and send a gift card or debit card. Please do not do this! If you receive a suspicious email and would like to report it, please forward to Nicole Hughes at nhughes@wpc.org.
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Recent Life Events
Member Deaths - Those Who Have Joined the Church Triumphant
Please remember in prayer those who are grieving the loss of their loved one.
  • Leucia Butler Venable (obituary)
    July 14, 1924 - May 17, 2020
  • Caroline Massey Sparks (obituary)
    August 23, 1920 - May 24, 2020
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The Westminster Weekly Word features a new Photo Prayer once a month. You may browse all Photo Prayers by Danny Schweers at any time by visiting www.photoprayer.com.
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Westminster Presbyterian Church Welcome to the Westminster Weekly Word!
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You are receiving this weekly e-newsletter because you are a member or friend of Westminster Presbyterian Church and have submitted your email address for our records. At the bottom of this page are links to forward this e-newsletter, update your profile/email address, or unsubscribe. Thank you!
1502 West 13th Street  |  Wilmington, DE 19806  |  (302) 654-5214  |  www.wpc.org