bi-monthly newsletter
November 15, 2021
ThanksLiving: Offering our Lives with Gratitude
Pastor Transitions at Polk City UMC
It was announced on Sunday, Nov. 7 that Pastor Melody's appointment as Pastor of Polk City United Methodist Church will be ending on December 31, as she begins fulltime enrollment in seminary at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City in January. Melody and her family will continue to live in Ankeny as she completes her Master of Divinity over the next four years. After that, Melody plans to pursue ordination as an elder in the United Methodist Church and return to appointed ministry in the Iowa Conference of the UMC. The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is in conversations with our District Superintendent about next steps for this pastoral transition. Please join us in prayer for this transition, and reach out to James Menke, chair of the SPRC, with any questions.
Saturday, Nov 20 "WillPower" 5K
The North Polk High School Student Council, Cross Country teams, and Rock Valley Physical Therapy are hosting the WillPower 5k to support Will Ford, one of our youth, and his family Bill & Debbie Ford, in his fight against leukemia.

You can sign up to walk, jog or run. Suggested donations are $10/individual, $20/family, or other amount you feel compelled to donate. OR join us on the front lawn of Polk City United Methodist Church Saturday at 10:00 AM to cheer on the participants. WEAR ORANGE!

Sunday, Nov. 21 Work Day
Bring yard gloves, rakes, leaf blowers, tarps or old blankets and join us immediately following worship - this Sunday, Nov. 21 - for an outdoor church work day. We'll be raking & blowing leaves and doing fall yard clean-up. A lite soup & sandwich lunch will be provided for those who can help!

The season of Advent begins on Sunday, November 28. This year, in the four weeks leading up to Christmas, our worship theme will explore the longing for the coming kin-dom, where we will study war no more, where people will walk in the light, where joy will be found, and love will be the tie that binds us together. That’s the home for which we long, and that’s the invitation this Advent season to you and to the world: “Come Home for Christmas.”
Sunday Worship, Nov. 28 - Dec. 19, 9:30 AM (in person & online)

Blue Christmas Worship: Dec. 21, 7:00 PM (in person & online)

Christmas Eve Worship: Dec. 24, 7:00 PM (in person & online)

Sunday after Christmas: Dec. 26, 9:30 AM (ONLINE ONLY)
If you or someone you know (such as a college student coming home for Christmas) would like to share your musical talents during any of our worship opportunities this Advent & Christmas season, please fill out this short form. We're looking to add voices and instruments to our Worship Band, and to have soloists, duets and small ensembles provide special music - especially on Christmas Eve!
Breakfast with Santa
We're so excited to bring back the annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 4th from 10:00 AM - Noon in the Wing in the Woods. If you would like to help with this event, please email Pastor Melody: Look for a sign-up soon to help donate items needed.
Children's Christmas Pageant
Children's Chapel kids (ages PK-6th grade) will be practicing "The First Christmas" to share with the congregation on Sunday, December 11th, at 11:00 AM (after worship). All children preschool to sixth grade are invited to participate. Just come to Children's Chapel on Sunday mornings during weekly worship. We can't wait to tell the story of the first Christmas!

Alpha is Coming!
Make plans to join our Alpha program on Wednesdays starting January 5th! We’ll meet for dinner around 5:45 pm and end at 8 pm each week through March 9th. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of faith in an open and informal environment. EVERYONE is welcome, no matter where you are in your faith journey! 

Talk to Angela Cupp if you have questions, click here for a quick intro, and plan to stay a few minutes after worship on Dec. 19 or Jan. 2 for a short introdution to Alpha!

Food Pantry & Clinic Walk-in Hours
St. Luke’s Free Clinic and NP Comet Cupboard indoor food pantry are open on the first & 3rd Wednesays: Nov 17, Dec 1 & Dec 15

NP Comet Cupboard: 5:00-6:30 PM
email for info

St. Luke's Free Clinic: 6:00-8:00 PM
call 515-238-6425 for more information

St. Luke's Free Clinic now has FLU SHOTS available for everyone age 2 & up, including the flu vaccine for those over age 65!
The UMW are collecting winter mittens, gloves, hats & scarves of all sizes for all ages. These will be distributed by the NP Comet Cupboard food pantry ministry this winter for those in need. Winter items can be placed in the red barrel in the church entryway.
Partnership with DMARC
DMARC IS MOVING IN 2022. The organization is relocating its headquarters with a new triple size warehouse under construction at 100 Army Post Road, Des Moines (completion early 2022), the addition of an extra giant cooler and freezer, and the addition of a new south side food pantry. Now and after the Holidays, families are faced with winter heating billls, mortgages and unexpected illnesses and pantry uses increase this time of year. DMARC can buy 2 to 6 times more with monetary donations than we can. Thanks to our congregation for $310 in donations during the month of October!
For more information, contact Linda Pennington, our church's DMARC Delegate,
In Need of Help?
If you or someone you know needs assistance with food, utilities or access to other resources, contact Pastor Melody or refer to this Resource Guide provided by EveryStep Care & Support Services of Des Moines.
Read the latest news from Bishop Laurie Haller and the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church: