President Benjamin Fisher presided over the in-person/Zoom meeting at Hillel UCLA. He began by indicating the 2023/2024 Rotary theme this year is “Magic of Rotary”.
President Benjamin asked for examples club Rotarians of using the 4-way test and Sam offered an example.
President Benjamin thanked Janet Schwartz for greeting and PP Steve Day (on ZOOM as he was home taking care of Cooper who was recovering from dental surgery), for leading the pledge of allegiance.
Past President Michael Newman shared the thought for the day Frank Sinatra’s birthday who he saw in person at St. Pauline Apostle church when he was an altar boy. Michael shared some quotes from Frank Sinatra and closed with wishing all a holiday season of peace, love and service.
Past President Ed Gault led the singing of “God Bless America”.
Guests today included the wife of the speaker and, one of his best friends (whose name I was not able to hear).
Today’s speaker Michael Quick was introduced by John O’Keefe. Michael is an art consultant for many years who graduated from Swarthmore College and then Yale University with a master's in art and philosophy. He was the Curator of American Art at the Dayton Museum of Art and the LA County Museum of Art before setting up his own shop in Santa Monica as an Art Advisor.
Michael’s presentation was titled “Art that Speaks to You”. He shared many portrait and landscape paintings by different artists and demonstrated how the individual artist captured what the person is like in their paintings. Just by looking at paint color or what the person is wearing can tell you how the artist viewed their subject. For example, the painting of Abigail Adams the wife of President John Adams shows a strong woman not easily intimidated. He also compared landscapes explaining how some are very bright and cheerful while others are subdued maybe even considered dark, but still beautiful as it could be showing the sun rising in the early morning.
Next meeting is Thursday, December 19th at Hillel – UCLA at noon for the annual Holiday Party. Don’t forget your white elephant gift and an unwrapped toy or stuffed animal for kids in need.
The meeting was adjourned by President Benjamin ahead of schedule.