Once again, the WVRC was entertained by the Renowned Band of Investment Advisors led by PP Steve Scherer. This is an annual event cherished by the members and like all the previous meetings, this one did not disappoint. Prior to beginning PP Michael Newman gave the “Thought of the Day” explaining why Financial Advisors follow the Four Way Test (wink, wink) (recited excellently by Teya McCockran) and even quoted PP Leo Tseng something about selecting a stock based upon a dart board!
PP Steve Scherer began the presentation by reminding us of the cost of free advice (you get what you pay for) and showing us how well that free advice did versus the Club members last year. It seems the Financial Advisors in 2023 predicted (guested) the Dow, S&P 500 and, 10-year Treasury a tiny bit better than the Club members. They also pointed out (bragged) that had we invested $50K in the 5 suggested stocks in 2023, we would have made a whopping $1K by the end of the year. Hey, up is up!!
Before starting on 2024 predictions we were reminded of some things to think about in this new year such as: who will be President?; will AI (Artificial Intelligence) help the economy?; Will we be in a recession?; will the Wars resolve (I hope so)?; and, Will life return to normal as we all once knew it to be? So, moving forward, for 2024 WVR Club Members predict the Dow to be up by 12.5%; S& P up by 12.5%; Nasdaq by 15%; interest rates to be 75 points lower and, 10-year Treasury to be 75% lower. Fingers crossed!!
As far as investments to consider in 2024, floating mutual funds, the Aerospace Defense Fund, Wacom, and Deere & Company were discussed. As always, PP Steve Scherer reminded us to buy low and sell high and PP Chris Gaynor reminded us that when in doubt, spread it out!!
A big thank you to Jim Crane, PP Nancy McCready, and John O’Keefe for joining PP Steve in making this another fun, entertaining and informative day on investing. Always one of my favorite presentations and by the attendance obviously several other members as well.
Big shout out to PE Benjamin Fisher for leading the pledge (before heading out to PETS), PP Ed Gauld for leading us in singing “Happy Days are Here Again” while wearing a bowler’s hat and, PP Michael Newman for his Thought of the Day.
Thank you to Jerry Bergstein (LA5) and Sam Weisberg (former WVRC member) for joining us today.