We were joined today by Iryna Bushmina a member of the Rotaract Club of Kyiv-City who is a District 2232 Rotaract Representative. Iryna shared her experience since the war in Ukraine started in March of 2022. She is also a Board member of Rotaracts for Peace and, the Rotary Action Group for Peace.
Iryna shared her personal story, including the impact of the war on her family, friends, and herself. She also shared the activities and projects of her Rotaract Club in Ukraine and, what brought her to the United States.
The main speaker for today was Dr. Bart Sokolow, PE, President at Environmental Advisors, Inc, and former professor of environmental science and engineering at UCLA. Bart reminded us that the state of California owns all the water in the state. There are two online databases, Envirostar and Geotracker where you can get historical environmental information. Sale of property may require environmental information not only on the property being sold but also, on adjacent property.
Indoor air quality testing is now important. Bart shared there are different tests that may apply to different uses of a facility being tested. He shared how what appears to be small water leaks over extended periods can mount up to large water losses. You can use Google Earth to get historical information on property to discover what was the use of the property in the past and any potential pollution problems. Permits to transfer potentially harmful material on the highways are required.
Asked whether enough people were going to jail for violating environmental laws, Bart responded was, “not enough.”
Both presentations were well done and, needed to be heard.
President Steve told us the Rotary theme this year is to Create Hope in the World. He also shared the Rotary Motto “Service Above Self” expresses the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service and the idea that serving others benefits the most amount of people. The motto was adopted in 1950.
Thank you to Arnold Anisgarten and Dan Williger for joining us today, guests of President Steve Day.