Called to order by President Nancy at 12:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance by Tom Barron.Thought for the day by Marcia Hunt: She talked about some of the philosophy of Winnie the Pooh; being a friend is one of the best things we can all do. Go out of your way to help others, don’t wait for them to come to you. Today is National Prayer Day: be aware that I am not the wisest one.
Guests: Ed Tyler, has been President of Rotarians on Amateur Radio for nearly 3 years and a friend of Peter Moore; special guest David Stover; Sundra Croonquist, a new member; James Tran, a member of the Rotaract Club; special guest Benjamin Fisher; and Erica Clark, Dr. Mulchaey’s associate.
Announcements: April’s Rotarian of the month: Aly Shoji. She has taken on the social media activities of our Club.
Belated birthdays: Richard Thompson and Carol Rosenstein
Other May birthdays: Eleanore Meyer, Lynn Rogo, Marsha Hunt, Sally Brant and Diane Good
Wedding Anniversaries: Tom and Margot Barron, 57 years; Mark and Lynn Rogo, 45 years.
Rotary Anniversary: Tom Barron, 14 years.