Volume 52 | April 20, 2021
We have all had to learn a few new tricks and expand our repertoire over the past year. Here at Wings, we circled the wagons last April and brainstormed on our metamorphosis. Curiosity to explore the new normal and learn new skills led us to become news and information junkies. The brainchild of our collaborative efforts to disseminate this flood of information resulted in the Wingspan, the weekly newsletter of curated content first published last spring to share snippets and tidbits of the hot topics in our industry.   
This week marks the 52nd edition of the Wingspan. We hope you delight in our consolidated nuggets of information as much as we relish putting each version together for you each week.
Cheers to a Year!
The Wingspan: Hidden Meanings

Did you know every year Pantone comes out with a Color of the Year? For 2021, the color choices may seem a bit off the mark. Yellow and gray? Huh? Is this a big lemon after a long gray year behind us? No, we think it's a bright ray of sunshine and...

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The Wingspan: Summer Breeze

Summer is here! The summer solstice on June 21st kicks off the season many of us look forward to all year. Savor the lazy days as the sun hangs longer in the sky. It's the time of year we pack our bags and head out to explore the warmer weather.

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The Wingspan: High Tide & Good Vibes

Flip-flops. Check. Sunscreen. Check. Shades. Check. Summer is here and we are ready to celebrate! Embrace the HAPPY during these strange days and make an extra effort to mark milestones in life.

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Don't Go it Alone
Wings Knows Sourcing
Hire a professional. Finding the perfect location and negotiating the right contract terms is where Wings excels. We have all the necessary resources at the ready and can find the ideal location for your incentive trip, meeting or event. Ready to go to contract? We're in your corner. Wings understands all the new contract clauses and language needed to plan your successful meeting.
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