Volume 60 | June 15, 2021
That awkward moment you go for a handshake...
...and they go for a hug.
Business is back baby! Big things are happening! We get to have those in person experiences that have been denied for far too long. So how do we greet our business acquaintances or friends that we haven’t seen for oh so long? A wave, fist bump, handshake, or hug? Yikes, what to do??
Not so long ago, to not offer a firm handshake was considered impolite, even a little rude. Today, do we move in for a hug with our long-lost friend or do we have to ask permission?  Norms and customs have changed so much this past year, and they continue to evolve. Perhaps we need signals that tell other people how we feel about personal contact. With a shoutout to Shakespeare, to hug or not to hug: that is the question!
Don't go it alone, hire a professional. Finding the perfect location and negotiating the right contract terms is where Wings excels. We have all the necessary resources at the ready and can find the ideal location for your incentive trip, meeting or event. Ready to go to contract? We're in your corner. Wings understands all the new contract clauses and language needed to plan your successful meeting. 
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