The Wisdom Box

The Newsletter of the Satir Institute of the Pacific

Volume 1 Winter 2022

edited by Madeleine DeLittle

From your Editor

Welcome to our new edition of the Wisdom Box. We have a number of contributions from SIP members. Please continue to send in little snippets of information that you would love other SIP members to know about

[email protected].

Just press on the links below if you wish to read more of any of the articles.



President's Message

Sometimes I think of the Satir Institute of the Pacific as a sailing ship which puts into its home port each year at the AGM. At that time, it presents various reports on its voyage and adventures during the last year. Sometimes the winds have been favourable and all the sails have been hoisted aloft, other times only a few of the many sails have been able to be raised due to passing storms or becalmed seas. The owners or members of SIP decide whether to change the captain and crew and send it off again into the ocean for another year...

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We are the world leaders in training in the Satir Model.

And we are now able to offer online and in person trainings in Langley BC

Visit the SIP website for further details

Visit our Website

Satir Promotional Video

We are about to launch a promotional video for SIP. It's narrated by Jennifer Nagel and also shows her teaching a workshop. Watch this space for more information.

Vancouver Island Community of Practice

On October 15, 2022, our Vancouver Island Satir Fall Gathering (Fireside) took place. Anne, Christine, Julie, Maxine, Sylvia, Wendy met on Zoom. Maxine shared her beautiful voice in song with, “You’ve Got a Friend”, which touched our hearts.

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Article from Hong Kong on the post-Covid era and the use of the Satir Model

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Survey for new adult clients

We have a pre and post-survey for your new adult clients. We are collecting evidence of the efficacy of the Satir Model. Please contact Madeleine De Little at [email protected] for further information about how to administer this survey.

The Satir Institute of the Pacific

Colouring Book.

We have a colouring book for adults that we are hoping to be out by Christmas. It has drawings by Alexandria Zongyuan Hao and quotes by Virginia Satir. Stay tuned in anticipation!!

Births, Deaths & Marriages and Retirements

Jim Smith Obituary

Online Training with China

Before Covid, I had the privilege of teaching in Beijing and Chongqing China. That became impossible as the Corona Virus became a barrier to travelling anywhere. I had already taught 10 days of a 15-day training in the use of the Sand Tray combined with the Satir Model and neuroscientific research (NSST). To keep my students fluent in the use of NSST I volunteered for monthly online trainings throughout the first and worst two years of the pandemic.

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Congratulations to Nitza Brodie-Mille

Online Foundations Course for Europe and Canada

in Neuroscience and the Satir Model in the Sand Tray with Playful Dyads Learn More

Mary Leslie is retiring!!

I want to let folks know that as of October 31st I am fully retired after 63 years since I graduated as an MSW from UBC ... Read More

SIP Annual General Meeting

Mark your calendars as the SIP Annual General Meeting date has been changed to Saturday February 25, 2023 from Noon to 5 PM (Pacific Time)

For the AGM we will be hearing from our past Leadership Awardees about where they are in the promotion, application, and development of the Satir Model.

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