The Witness

Volume 41, Issue 1

January 4, 2023

An important message from Sarah:

December 30, 2022



Dear Church Family:

We serve a good, big God (Psalm 8:3-4). A God that hears, knows, and seeks us out wherever we are and, in all circumstances (Deuteronomy 4:29). He is the light in dark valleys when we cannot see how to overcome (John 8:12) and a bright morning star on the mountaintops when we finally see clearly, all that was once below (Revelation 22:16). When we are in between, we are disciples actively learning (Matthew 11:29) to listen to and to discern the words of God, that are spoken specifically for us (John 10:27).


In 2015 I was a mom of a then-little Sophia, and God heard my prayers to find a church where I could actively attend with my young family of three. Within a month of those prayers, I felt a pull to not only attend church- but to serve in church, as a Children and Youth Ministry Assistant at a church in Cave Spring. During my time there, our family welcomed Benjamin. Shortly after he arrived, I felt that familiar pull, toward a new path in ministry. After praying and seeking His will, I found myself being called to Vinton Baptist to serve as the Director for Children’s Activities & Family Life, where I have been active for over five and a half years. During my time here, our family has grown again. Ryan arrived and was dedicated to our church.


Last fall, I began a journey to continue my education and began pursuing my Master of Arts in Teaching. I did this to develop my role within the church, strengthen my abilities as a director, and to serve the children in more ways. I was continuing my education in the field that I have been a part of for many years. After I began the program, I felt that familiar pull. However, this time I did not know how to respond. So, I prayed- a lot. God has since given me a clear direction. A direction that I questioned, sometimes wrestled with, but now know it is his will- because it comes with His peace (Isaiah 43:19; 55:8). It is a direction that leads me to step away from my current position as the Director for Children at Vinton Baptist to focus on my family and to complete my Master’s degree.


Throughout my time at VBC, Raf, Sophia, Benjamin, Ryan, and I have all been welcomed, supported, loved and surrounded by a church that is a part of who we are as a family. It is where we worship on Sundays and make a joyful noise on Wednesdays. It is where we spend time praying, studying, and growing- as a family and as believers. We have been a part of great moments and moments where there are heavy burdens. But most importantly, it has been our source of strength through relationships, for many years. We have a church staff, deacons, teachers, and volunteers who are vital to, and instrumental in the ministries of Vinton Baptist. It is important for the church to know that my family will still be a part of VBC when my role changes after January 22nd.


Finally, I want to thank each of you for all that you have extended to me- grace, love, confidence, and friendship. Thank you for entrusting me to pray with, read to, make craft messes with, and grow in Christ with, our littlest church members. They are truly a blessing. They are a gift. Our God that hears, knows, and seeks us out wherever we are and, in all circumstances, led me and my family here- where their young hearts would minister to me weekly. Where their faith journeys would fill me with a joy that can never be conveyed to its fullest. Thank you again for the blessing you have given to me through this position over the years.


I am looking forward to the plans our good God has ahead for the children and families of Vinton Baptist.


Sarah Hurt

This Sunday, January 8th

This week we will return to our usual Sunday morning schedule, with early worship at 8:45 AM, Sunday School at 9:50 AM, and traditional worship at 11:00 AM. Travis' message is "Slow Down," and the scripture is Isaiah 40:27-31. At the 11:00 AM service, we will celebrate three baptisms!

If you cannot join us in person, tune in through our website or Facebook group page.

Our Sunday afternoon/evening schedule will be in full swing this weekend, as well, with all music rehearsals and youth activities resuming.

Wednesday Nights

There is no Wednesday dinner tonight, nor any Children's Choirs or Youth Missions Group. Adult choirs WILL rehearse this evening, but there are no other activities. ALL Wednesday evening activities will resume January 11th.

Our topic for Adult Bible Study will be Psalms. Billy Meador will give an introduction to Psalms January 11th while Travis is at Duke for his week of intensive classes. Starting January 18th, Travis will focus on various Psalms, beginning with Psalm 23 if you would like to read ahead.

Following are our upcoming menus:

January 11 - pork loin, black eyed peas, greens, cornbread, and dessert.


January 18 - chili beans, cornbread, and dessert.


January 25 - chopped steak, mashed potatoes, squash, bread, and dessert.


Please make or change dinner reservations by calling the church office (540-343-7685) by 5:00 PM the Monday prior to dinner. Dinner costs are $7/adult (ages 13+), $5/child (ages 4-12), children 3 and under are free, and the max per family (living in the same household) is $20. First-time guests are complimentary.

Wednesday Women

Wednesday Women will resume January 11th, led by Susan Jones. We will study Jesus & Women by Kristi McLelland and will meet in the Disciple Center at 10:00 AM weekly. Please secure your own book if possible, as we have already placed our order for those who requested books. If you cannot, check with the church office to see if any extras are available. We ask that you sign up with the church office - by calling 540-343-7685 or by filling out the sign-up sheet on the office counter - so that we can get an accurate head count. We're looking forward to this study!

Bible Reading Plan

Have you started our new two-year Bible reading plan? It's not too late! Click here for a copy of the plan. Or pick up a hard copy at the Welcome Center. You can also access the plan through our VBC app on your mobile device. Just click on "Bible Reading Plan" across the bottom menu of the app.

The author of this plan, Stephen Witmer, suggests utilizing How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart as a companion piece to the plan. We will regularly be providing insights from this resource as we read the Bible together; please look for commentary in The Witness and on Facebook and Instagram.

Soup for Seniors Drive

The JOY Seniors are once again sponsoring the "Soup for Seniors" drive during the month of January. Please bring canned soups, meats, fruits, vegetables, and crackers. These donations are part of the area LOA Meals on Wheels Soup for Seniors Drive and will run the entire month of January. Collection boxes are available in the Welcome Center and beside the elevator in the foyer of the New Ministries Building. Thanks in advance for your donations!

Jack & Velma Kendrick

1501 Chestnut Mountain Drive

Vinton VA 24179-1744

December 24, 2022:

  • In Person - 349
  • Online - 348

December 25, 2022:

  • In Person - 119
  • Online - 334

January 1, 2023:

  • In Person - 150
  • Online - 275
  • Sunday School - 123

2023 Offering Envelopes

2023 offering envelopes are backordered and are expected to arrive sometime later this month. Until we receive them, please use generic envelopes (with no number) and write your name on them. Generic envelopes are available at the Missions Tables. As long as your name is noted on your donation, we will make sure you receive credit for it.

New offering envelopes will be issued to all those who requested them in 2022. If you do not currently have offering envelopes but would like a set for 2023, please contact the church office at 540-343-7685. Thank you for your patience!

Thank you to the Fellowship/Berean Sunday School Class for their donation to Capital Needs.

Please extend a warm welcome to Charlotte Harper, who joined VBC January 3, 2023 and will be baptized this Sunday! Charlotte is the daughter of Patrick & Jessica Harper and sister of Avery; their address is 1745 Meadows Road, Vinton VA 24179. Charlotte, we are so proud of you and welcome you in Christian fellowship!

Lottie Moon Post Office

We have MANY Christmas cards remaining in the Lottie Moon Post Office. Please drop by sometime during the week or this Sunday and check the Lottie Moon Post Office for any cards that you may have received. It will soon be put away for safekeeping until next year's Christmas season.

Updated List of Needs for the Blessing Box

Any type of Hamburger Helper meals; muffin mixes; canned corn, carrots, pinto beans, kidney beans, and baked beans; tomato and/or vegetable soup; and tuna. Donations can be dropped off in the appropriate bin at the Missions Tables. Thanks for your generosity!

Play Group Begins Tomorrow

If you have a young child in your life (newborn - PreK) and would enjoy fellowshipping with other families, we have a new play group just for you! Beginning January 5th, our Fun & The Son Play Group will meet on Thursdays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM in the Kindergarten room on the first floor of the children's wing. We will provide interactive play opportunities for babies and toddlers and their families. Each child must be supervised by an adult parent, grandparent, or guardian for the full hour. Come out and spend some time playing with others and getting to know neighbors and friends. Questions? Interested? See Betty Jo Overstreet.

Christian sympathy is extended to to family and friends of Catherine Calvert, who passed away December 28th. Her funeral service will be Saturday, January 7th at Oakey’s in Vinton – 9:00 visitation and 10:00 service.


Congratulations to Tyler Lyon, who has been featured in The Roanoker's prestigious list of "40 under 40"! Click here for the informative article, which also mentions Tyler's service at Vinton Baptist!

The family of Sue Nelson thanks you for the beautiful flower. Your kindness will never be forgotten.

Jim Nelson & Family

Thank you to all my church family for the cards, phone calls, gifts, and visits while I'm in the nursing home. It means so much to be remembered. God bless you all,

Peggy P. Stovall

January 2023 Calendar