The Witness

Volume 42, Issue 10

March 6, 2024

All Wednesday evening events and services will

take place as usual tonight. See you then!

Holy Week Worship Schedule

Now that March is in full swing, we want to look ahead to the last full week of this month, which is Holy Week (March 24th - 31st). Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and culminates in Easter. Following is our worship schedule. Please mark your calendars now, as we know that the month will get busier the closer we get to Easter:

  • Sunday, March 24th - Palm Sunday Musical, "Love Divine," performed by the Chancel Choir and orchestra, 10:30 AM.
  • Wednesday, March 27th - Stations of the Cross service at 6:30 PM. (There will be NO Weeknight Worship, Children's Choirs, or other activities).
  • There will be NO Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services.
  • Easter Sunday, March 31st - Celebrate Resurrection Sunday with us at 10:30 AM worship (Sunday School at 9:15 AM, as usual)!

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend, so be sure to "spring forward" an hour Saturday night so that you'll be on time for church Sunday! Say an extra prayer for our youth at DNOW this weekend, as they will already be tired from their study, service, and activities.

This Sunday @ VBC

This Sunday Travis will continue his series on the fruits of the Spirit with a sermon titled "Patience?" based in Ephesians 4:25-32. If you cannot join us in person, you can livestream at and on our Facebook group page.

Art from the Heart & Mission Kids will take place 4:00 - 5:30 PM in the gym. All Kindergarteners - 5th graders are invited to join us.

There will be NO Snack Supper/Extreme this Sunday evening.


Homebound Easter Packages

THANK YOU to everyone who has already donated items for our homebound Easter packages! Joanna Harman has sorted through everything that has been received, and the only items we still need are full size word search books in large print, travel size lint rollers, and Band-aids. If you're able to help, please drop these items off by Sunday morning. Homebound packages will be assembled next week and will be ready for delivery on March 17th. If you would like to volunteer to deliver a package to one of our homebound folks, please call Patsy Talbert in the church office at 540-343-7685. You can deliver anytime between March 17th and Easter Sunday.

Ministry Matters Meeting in March

This quarter's Ministry Matters meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 17th at 5:00 PM in the gym. Please mark your calendar. Traditionally we have held our business meetings on Wednesday evenings in lieu of Bible study, but with our new Weeknight Worship schedule we have moved this month's meeting to a Sunday afternoon. If you are a member of VBC, please plan to attend, as we have important business to discuss, want to keep you informed, and want to get your input on matters that affect our church.

The Dr. Charlie J. Lovelace, III Memorial College Scholarship

Applications are now being accepted for the Lovelace Scholarship, which is awarded each year to a graduating senior who is a member of Vinton Baptist and who will be attending a four-year college or university. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded for the student's first year of school. Applications are available in the church office or by clicking here. Completed forms must be returned to the church office by March 22nd.

Church Directories

Our new church directories are here! If you haven't yet picked yours up, stop by the church office during office hours (Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM), or you can drop by the church office this Sunday before or after morning worship. Directories are for families who had their picture taken or who submitted a selfie.


Easter Egg Hunt

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 30th at 10:30 AM, when we will have an Easter Egg Hunt and special activities for our kiddos and families! We'll have several mini-hunts, where children and parents can find eggs together on the playground. We'll also have the resurrection story, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and special snacks for everyone!

Fun & the Son's Basketful of Fun Party

All newborn - PreK kids and their parents/guardians are invited to join Fun & the Son on Thursday, March 21st for their Basketful of Fun Party, 9:30 - 11:00 AM! We'll have games, a craft, an Easter egg hunt, and special snacks. See Betty Jo Overstreet with any questions.

Passport Kids' Camp

The deadline for registration for this summer's Kids' Camp is Easter Sunday, March 31st. A $100 deposit is due at that time. Kids' Camp is June 12th - 15th. Please see Jessie with questions.

Edible Easter Eggs

The Preteens are selling Edible Easter Eggs as a camp fundraiser. They come in 3 flavors - peanut butter, butter cream, & Oreo - and must be pre-ordered. Eggs are $4 each, or two for $7. You can place your order with a preteen or in the church office (to pay by cash or check). If you prefer the convenience of ordering online, click here for the link (online orders are $4/egg to cover online fees). The deadline for all orders is Sunday, March 17th. Eggs will be available for pick-up in the kitchen on Palm Sunday, March 24th after worship.

Wednesday Adult Bible Study

Jessie is currently wrapping up Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline in Wednesday night's adult study. Our next study will focus on Richard Rohr's The Universal Christ. Jessie plans to introduce the new study on March 20th. We will not meet March 27th because everyone is invited to the Stations of the Cross service in the sanctuary that night. We'll dive into The Universal Christ on April 3rd. If you don't currently attend Wednesday Adult Bible Study, you're invited to get involved over the next few weeks. If you would like to order the new book (the book is not required, but would be helpful for those who attend), you can do so at Amazon ($14.35) or any bookstore. There are also copies available at several local libraries.

Judy Thomas

c/o Brookdale Roanoke

Garden House Room #25

1127 Persinger Road SW

Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Weeknight Worship: 53

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday School: 218

10:30 AM Worship:

  • 370 in person
  • 140 online

Thank you to the Dorcas Sunday School class for their donations to Homebound Easter Packages and to Boys & Girls Club Snacks.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

for North American Missions

"It may be easy to read the Great Commission and imagine lost people in far-off places. But people who've never heard of Jesus are also everywhere in North America." Out of 371 million people in North America, 281 million are without the hope of the gospel. (Source: NAMB/WMU Annie Armstrong brochure) Your monetary gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering help fund evangelism in North America. Please make your gifts payable to Vinton Baptist and note "Annie Armstrong" in the memo line or use your offering envelope for Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions. Our church goal is $2,450.00.

Request for Easter Candy & Eggs Donations

We have a couple of children's Easter events coming up, and we need packages of individually wrapped candy that will fit in Easter eggs. (Please avoid peanut products.) We also need packages of plastic eggs. Eggs prefilled with candy are great, but we'd love to have empty plastic eggs, as well. Everything can be dropped off in the marked bin at the Missions Tables. Thank you!!

Bible Reading Plan

We've been in Ezekiel 9-20 this past week, and everything we've read has to do with the judgment of Jerusalem, the reasons for that judgment (idolatry and false prophecy, among other things), oracles portraying God's people as a prostitute and Israel's kings (particularly Zedekiah) as lions, and the fact that God is using Babylon to bring judgment on his people. There is so much imagery that it's hard for us to follow because we're not as familiar with the political climate as those who were actually living through these years of fear and destruction.

Over the next week we will read about "... the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem (January 588). (...) The siege coincides with the sudden death of Ezekiel's wife (24-15-27), and he is struck dumb by the enormity of his grief - a symbol for how the exiles will respond to the fall of Jerusalem" (How to Read the Bible Book by Book). We'll also read oracles given to Ezekiel about judgment on Tyre, Sidon, and Egypt.

There is so much destruction involved in this book that it can get depressing. Don't despair, however. Chapters 33 and following include messages of hope for the future, including our own future as people of God's kingdom.

-- Kim

Volunteer Opportunity

If you would like to support our community as a volunteer for the Vinton Dogwood Festival's Dogwood Strolling Parade on Saturday, April 27th, please reach out to Mary Beth Layman at 540-655-3563. Volunteers are needed for the Parade Creation Station from approximately 10:00 AM until 1:45 PM. Volunteers are also needed along the parade route.

Dear Vinton Baptist Church Family,

Thank you all so much for the beautiful pink cyclamen plant that you sent to us at the loss of Wayne's mom, Frances Hess! We appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness during this time. We also would like to thank everyone for the cards, texts, and phone calls we have received over the past few weeks. They were all very much appreciated. Our VBC family is so special to us!

Love, Wayne & Helen Foster

March 2024 Calendar