The Witness

Volume 42, Issue 11

March 13, 2024

All activities will take place as usual tonight. Tomorrow morning's Bible study/small group with Travis has been canceled; it will resume next week.


One of my favorite memories is the surprise birthday party Whitney organized for me in our first couple of years of marriage. We had been living in eastern North Carolina for a few years and missed out on several of the annual gatherings I was accustomed to celebrating with my extended family. I had shared with her how much I missed seeing everyone and how disconnected I felt from them. From that night on, unbeknownst to me, Whitney called my mom and the two of them began planning my surprise birthday party. I will never forget the excitement I felt pulling into my parents' driveway and seeing all of my family and friends. I was overwhelmed with joy. For the next four hours, we ate, talked, laughed, hugged, and celebrated together. When we pulled out of the driveway to head back home to Whiteville, my heart was full.

Celebrations are some of the most meaningful moments of our lives; they are a gift from God that make life full. Whether we’re celebrating something as big as a graduation, marriage, the birth of a child or grandchild, the start of a new job, a promotion, retirement, a 50-year wedding anniversary; or something a bit smaller such as a good report card, first place in the Spelling-Bee, making the lacrosse team, or earning our first paycheck; life is full of reasons to celebrate. This is something the Israelites understood and practiced well. The Psalmist wrote: “Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament!  Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness! . . Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Ps 150:1-2, 6a).

Written as a closing prayer for corporate worship, the words of this Psalm are also reflected in the many different feasts and festivals the Israelites observed. Whether it was the Festival of Unleavened Bread, Festival of Weeks, or Festival of Booths, these seasons were important times for their people to celebrate the gift of God’s surpassing goodness and give thanks for his endless grace. Despite the hardships they faced, these celebrations cultivated a sense of joy and gratitude among the people that made their hearts full.

This month, I want to pause and celebrate God’s blessings on our church over the course of the last few months. At the beginning of this year, through a process of continued discernment, we made some adaptive changes to our schedule in hopes of generating a renewed sense of momentum to move us forward. Though it has not been easy, change rarely is, I want to celebrate with you that our congregation is growing, attendance is increasing, and we are continuing to connect with new families.

At the close of last year, our in-person attendance saw a 10% drop from the year before, while our online attendance rose by 10%. Though our virtual congregation is a vitally important part of our faith community, we sought to discover with you how we might reconnect with more in-person worshippers. As we move toward the end of this year’s first quarter, I am excited to report that we are now averaging more worshippers in one service on Sunday than we did last year between two services. When combined with our Wednesday service, we are averaging more worshippers than we have since Covid. Our weekly worship attendance has increased by 20% since last year, and is continuing to rise.


As a church, that’s something to celebrate! According to Bill Wilson—Director of the Center for Healthy Churches—a 20% increase in weekly worship attendance puts us in the top 1% of growth for traditional congregations nationwide. Wilson explains that traditional churches are struggling, as many Christians have migrated to mega-churches and church-plants. As a result, traditional churches are considered successful if they are simply able to maintain their attendance numbers; the vast majority are in decline. Even some of the fastest growing mega-churches and church-plants can expect no more than a 7% growth in attendance annually. According to Wilson, in response to the growth we are seeing, “A 20% increase, especially post-Covid, is unheard of!”

There are many ways to measure success in a congregation; counting numbers is only one metric for measuring vitality. However, as the loving father told his son in Luke’s Gospel, I felt like we too “just had to celebrate.” As we continue to look ahead to where God is calling us to be, I want to give thanks for how God is already moving among us. I want to thank you for your commitment to Christ through your dedication to our church. I want to thank you for the gift of being able to worship and serve alongside you as a community of faith. God’s Spirit is moving in this place; he is moving among us. May our hearts be full with a sense of joy and gratitude as we join the ancient chorus of voices in proclaiming, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

-- Travis

This Sunday @ VBC

This Sunday Travis will continue his series on the fruits of the Spirit with a sermon titled "Kindness?" based in Acts 28:1-10. If you cannot join us in person at 10:30 AM, you can livestream at and on our Facebook group page. Sunday School will take place at 9:15 AM.

Youth and parents interested in the Dinwiddie Summer Mission Trip will meet Sunday following worship for an informational meeting. Your deposit ($125) and registration are due this Sunday. Questions? Contact Whitney.

This quarter's Ministry Matters meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, March 17th at 5:00 PM in the gym. If you are a member of VBC, please plan to attend.

Youth Volleyball

Youth Volleyball games start tomorrow! Games will take place at our gym and at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. There will be no games March 28th. Click here for our own team's schedule.

Holy Week Worship Schedule

Please note our schedule for Holy Week (March 24th - 31st), which begins with Palm Sunday and culminates in Easter:

  • Sunday, March 24th - Palm Sunday Musical, "Love Divine," performed by the Chancel Choir and orchestra, 10:30 AM.
  • Wednesday, March 27th - Stations of the Cross service at 6:30 PM. (There will be NO Weeknight Worship, Children's Choirs, or other activities).
  • There will be NO Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services.
  • Saturday, March 30th - Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00 AM!
  • Easter Sunday, March 31st - Celebrate Resurrection Sunday with us at 10:30 AM worship (Sunday School at 9:15 AM, as usual)!

Homebound Easter Packages

THANK YOU to everyone who donated items for our homebound Easter packages, which are being assembled this week and will be ready for delivery as of this Sunday, March 17th. If you would like to volunteer to deliver a package to one of our homebound folks, please call Patsy Talbert in the church office at 540-343-7685. You can deliver anytime between March 17th and Easter Sunday.

The Dr. Charlie J. Lovelace, III Memorial College Scholarship

Applications are now being accepted for the Lovelace Scholarship, which is awarded each year to a graduating senior who is a member of Vinton Baptist and who will be attending a four-year college or university. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded for the student's first year of school. Applications are available in the church office or by clicking here. Completed forms must be returned to the church office by March 22nd.

Church Directories

Our new church directories are here! If you haven't yet picked yours up, stop by the church office during office hours (Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM). Directories are for families who had their picture taken or who submitted a selfie.


Easter Egg Hunt

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 30th at 10:30 AM, when we will have an Easter Egg Hunt and special activities for our kiddos and families! We'll have several mini-hunts, where children and parents can find eggs together on the playground. We'll also have the resurrection story, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and special snacks for everyone!

Fun & the Son's Basketful of Fun Party

All newborn - PreK kids and their parents/guardians are invited to join Fun & the Son next Thursday, March 21st for their Basketful of Fun Party, 9:30 - 11:00 AM! We'll have games, a craft, an Easter egg hunt, and special snacks. See Betty Jo Overstreet with any questions.

Passport Kids' Camp

The deadline for registration for this summer's Kids' Camp is Easter Sunday, March 31st. A $100 deposit is due at that time. Kids' Camp is June 12th - 15th. Please see Jessie with questions.

Edible Easter Eggs

The Preteens are selling Edible Easter Eggs as a camp fundraiser. They come in 3 flavors - peanut butter, butter cream, & Oreo - and must be pre-ordered. Eggs are $4 each, or two for $7. You can place your order with a preteen or in the church office (to pay by cash or check). If you prefer the convenience of ordering online, click here for the link (online orders are $4/egg to cover online fees). The deadline for all orders is this Sunday, March 17th. Eggs will be available for pick-up in the kitchen on Palm Sunday, March 24th after worship.

JOY Seniors' March Luncheon

Are you ready to welcome Easter with some fantastic music? Join the JOY Seniors for their March luncheon Tuesday, March 26th. We will enjoy music from Achord, a music duo of flute and guitar. Our lunch will be from Three Li'l Pigs BBQ. Sign up at the JOY Senior table. Come early and fellowship. Lunch starts at noon in the gym.

Grief Group

A Grief Group is scheduled to begin in April (exact date TBD). It will take place on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship/Berean Sunday School classroom. It is expected to last 6-8 weeks. If you are interested in signing up, please call the church office at 540-343-7685.

Barbara Karnes

c/o Springtree Health & Rehab

3433 Springtree Dr. NE #502

Roanoke VA 24012

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Weeknight Worship: 37

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday School: 226

10:30 AM Worship:

  • 323 in person
  • 264 online

Thank you to the Spirit Sunday School class for their donation to the Food Pantry in memory of Butch Leffell.

VBC Easter Offering

The Vinton Baptist Church Easter Offering has been designated for LOA's Meals on Wheels program. All proceeds will go to help feed seniors in need. Thank you for your gifts.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

for North American Missions

The WMU invites you to give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering to fund evangelism efforts in North America. Please make your gifts payable to Vinton Baptist and note "Annie Armstrong" in the memo line or use your offering envelope marked Annie Armstrong. Our church goal is $2,450.00.

Christian sympathy is extended to Shirley Leffell, Becky Leffell, Jeff & Margaret Leffell, Lynette Jobe, and families in the death of Wilmore "Butch" Leffell Friday, March 8th.

Please extend a warm welcome to DeAnn & James Lyda, who joined Vinton Baptist this past Sunday, March 10th. They live at 3816 Derby Drive, Roanoke VA 24012. They are transferring by letter from First Baptist Asheville (NC). Welcome, DeAnn & James!!

Easter Candy Donations

We have a couple of children's Easter events coming up, and we need packages of individually wrapped candy that will fit in Easter eggs. (Please avoid peanut products.) Eggs prefilled with candy are fine, too. Everything can be dropped off in the marked bin at the Missions Tables. Thank you!!

Bible Reading Plan

Today's reading in Ezekiel (chapter 33) signals a turning point in theme. Chapters 33 - 48 offer hope to God's people. "Watch for the clear sense of development you find in this final series of oracles. After positioning Ezekiel in the role of a watchman, Yahweh promises to restore, in turn, the Davidic kingship, the land, Yahweh's honor (by way of the new covenant), his people, his sovereignty over the nations, and finally his presence among the people in the land" (Fee & Stuart, How to Read the Bible Book by Book). Fee & Stuart point out that some of these final chapters of Ezekiel reappear in the New Testament in John 10, 2 Corinthians 3, and Revelation 22. This section also includes the famous passage on the Valley of Dry Bones (chapter 37).

Click here for the BibleProject's video on the remaining chapters in Ezekiel. It gives a concise description and offers various perspectives on the interpretation of this section. Happy reading!

-- Kim

Volunteer Opportunity

If you would like to support our community as a volunteer for the Vinton Dogwood Festival's Dogwood Strolling Parade on Saturday, April 27th, please reach out to Mary Beth Layman at 540-655-3563. Volunteers are needed for the Parade Creation Station from approximately 10:00 AM until 1:45 PM. Volunteers are also needed along the parade route.

Vinton Baptist would like to THANK YOU for your donations to the Capital Needs fund over the past year. Your giving has allowed us to replace the lights in the gym, repair the HVAC system in the gym, repair the HVAC system in the choir room, install automatic sensors for the bathroom lights to save on electricity, update the kitchen fire compressor, and fund many other projects. Your contributions have been a blessing to our church, and we want you to know that we are thankful for you and your sacrificial giving. God bless you.

March 2024 Calendar