The Witness
Volume 42, Issue 13
March 27, 2024
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Stations of the Cross
Join us this evening at 6:30 PM as we remember the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and burial through the Stations of the Cross. There are 14 stations, which we will experience through video, scripture (read by our deacons), and narration/reflection (led by our ministers). The service will last approximately one hour. There are no other activities tonight. Everyone will meet in the sanctuary.
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A Higher Note
I want to say a special thank you to the Chancel Choir, instrumentalists, readers and tech team for all the time and effort that was invested into the Palm Sunday musical. I have heard from several church members and guests that were very moved by the worship experience. There certainly was a sweet presence of the Holy Spirit moving in the service as we sang, read and played the gospel story.
Easter Sunday is always a favorite day of worship for me at VBC as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. When we speak “He is risen! He is risen indeed,” and sing the “Hallelujah Chorus” it causes my heart to soar. I am looking forward to our tradition continuing this week. In addition, our youngest singers, the Cherub and Sonshine Choirs will be singing “He’s Alive ! He’s Alive!” and “King of Kings.”
-- Chris
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Easter Sunday @ VBC
Come celebrate the resurrection with us this Sunday at 10:30 AM! (Sunday School at 9:15 AM, as usual.) We're looking forward to congregational songs of Easter, as well as those from the Chancel Choir and especially the Cherub & Sonshine Choirs. If you cannot join us in person at 10:30 AM, you can livestream at and on our Facebook group page.
There will be no afternoon or evening activities this Sunday.
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Easter Egg Hunt
Families with children are invited to our Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday, March 30th at 10:30 AM! We'll have several mini-hunts, where children and parents can find eggs together on the playground. We'll also hear the resurrection story, play with bubbles and sidewalk chalk, and have special snacks for everyone!
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Homebound Easter Packages
If you volunteered to deliver a package to one of our homebound folks, packages are ready for pickup at the Missions Tables in the Welcome Center and should be delivered by Easter Sunday.
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Wednesday Adult Bible Study/Small Group
Next Wednesday, April 3rd our Wednesday Adult Bible Study/Small Group will begin "Parables of the Kingdom," which is based on five parables of Jesus. There are no study materials to purchase. You are welcome to join us in the small dining room at 6:30 PM. Questions? Contact Jessie Burgess.
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JOY Seniors Activities
Next month we will have a "Senior Break Out" on Tuesday, April 30th. We will travel to Bedford to have lunch at the Blue Lady Restaurant. Departure from VBC is 10:45 AM. Please sign up at the JOY Senior table for your reservation, regardless if you are driving or riding the bus.
Looking ahead: We are also planning a trip to see the Rock Churches of Buffalo Mountain on Saturday, June 29th. We will see about six churches and be able to go in two of them, tour the J. Sidna Allen House, tour the Hillsville Courthouse, have lunch at Meadows of Dan, and enjoy Christmas in June at the Dinwiddie Church. This trip also includes a tour guide. The cost is $60, including lunch. Please sign up by May 31st at the JOY Senior table.
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Passport Kids' Camp
The deadline for registration for this summer's Kids' Camp is this Sunday, March 31st. A $100 deposit is due at that time. Kids' Camp is June 12th - 15th. Please see Jessie with questions.
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Grief Group
A Grief Group is scheduled to begin in April (exact date TBD). It will take place on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship/Berean Sunday School classroom. It is expected to last 6-8 weeks. If you are interested in signing up, please call the church office at 540-343-7685.
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Youth Choir Mission Tour
The Youth Choir will be going on a mission tour June 8-13. The cost of the trip is $240 per person. Members and chaperones are encouraged to pay for the trip by April 12th. Financial donations are needed for travel assistance and with some meals. All contributions are much appreciated.
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Youth Mission Trip to Dinwiddie, VA
In late June, our youth and chaperones will spend a week on mission in Dinwiddie, Virginia. They will be doing home repair projects in the local area through Capital Area Partnership for Uplifting People (examples: building wheelchair ramps, home weatherization, repairing porches, beautification projects, and other small home repairs).
Mark your calendars for April 28th, when we will have a BBQ Fundraiser (prepared by Brad Radford) for this trip. BBQ can be purchased by the sandwich, meal, or pound. More details and pricing to come soon.
Group Mission Trips has also set up an online store where you can purchase merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, water bottles, etc.) that benefits our mission group. Following is the link. Please feel free to share it with others. $10 from each purchase goes toward our group's expenses. Vinton Baptist Church (
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Peggy P. Stovall
c/o Berkshire Health Care Ctr. #41
705 Clearview Drive
Vinton VA 24179
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Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Weeknight Worship: 31
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Sunday School: 207
10:30 AM Worship:
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Thank you to the Fellowship/Berean Sunday School class for their donation to Capital Needs. | |
Easter Offerings
There are two options for giving special Easter offerings (beyond your usual giving to the General Budget):
- The Vinton Baptist Church Easter Offering has been designated for LOA's Meals on Wheels program. All proceeds will go to help feed seniors in need. Please use the envelope (in your box of envelopes) that simply says "Easter Offering" or notate "VBC Easter Offering" on your gift.
- The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is used to fund evangelism efforts in North America. Please use the enveloped marked "Annie Armstrong Easter Offering" or notate your gift for "Annie Armstrong." Our church goal for this offering is $2,450. We are nearly three quarters of the way to our goal.
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Please extend an "official" welcome to Nikki, Neil, and Maggie Zimmerman, who all joined Vinton Baptist this past Sunday, March 24th! Nikki and Maggie joined by profession of faith, and Neil joined by letter from a previous church. Their address is 2480 Mountain View Road, Vinton VA 24179. The Zimmerman family has been an active part of our church for quite awhile now, and we are so glad that they have decided to formally make Vinton Baptist their church home! | |
Pictured, L to R, Neil, Carlie, Maggie,
& Nikki Zimmerman
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Bible Reading Plan
I hope you've been able to get started in Daniel. I have, but I'm a couple of days behind schedule because of a quick spring break trip. The BibleProject does an excellent job of giving an overview of Daniel, noting its unique structure, and pulling together its overall themes. Please click here to view this video, which lasts less than 9 minutes. I hope it is helpful in providing context as you explore the twelve chapters of Daniel.
-- Kim
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Church Office Closure
Please note that the church office will be closed Monday, April 1st in observance of Easter Monday. We plan to reopen at 9:00 AM Tuesday, April 2nd.
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