The Witness

Volume 42, Issue 14

April 3, 2024


We'll have all our usual Wednesday night activities tonight, including Youth Mission Group and Children's Choirs at 6:15 PM, Weeknight Worship and Adult Bible Study/Small Group at 6:30 PM, and Chancel Choir at 7:30 PM. We hope to see you tonight!

Announcement from the

Human Resources Committee:


We are happy to announce that Carrie Tolley will be continuing employment with Vinton Baptist Church on a part-time basis, working remotely in a hybrid capacity starting April 9, 2024.


We are excited to have Carrie continue to be a part of the Vinton Baptist Church family as a vital member of the church staff. Thank you for your prayers as we have worked through this process. 

This Sunday @ VBC

This Sunday is the first Sunday of April, so we will have communion. Travis' message is "Gentleness?" and is based in John 20:19-23. If you cannot join us in person at 10:30 AM, you can livestream at and on our Facebook group page.

We will have a Vacation Bible School interest meeting at 11:45 AM in the library. VBS is Sunday - Thursday, July 14th - 18th, during the evening hours. If you think you may be able to help, please plan to stay for this meeting.

There will also be a Deacons' Meeting at 12 PM Sunday. Youth Volleyball practice is 1:30 PM. And all other regularly scheduled Sunday afternoon/evening activities will take place as usual.

Upcoming Children's Ministry Events

Art from the Heart & Mission Kids will meet Sunday, April 14th, 4:00 - 5:30 PM in the gym. All Kindergarteners - 5th graders are welcome.

Preteens (3rd - 5th graders) will be heading to Snowflex April 28th, 2:00 - 6:00 PM.

JOY Seniors Activities

Bonsack Baptist has invited us to the following event. Please sign up online or call Rhon Williams (540-977-5701) if interested: Lunch & Seminar on Identity Theft & Fraud, Tuesday, April 16th, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. Shannon Abell will be the presenter. Lunch is chicken parmesan. Cost is $15/person. Location is Bonsack Baptist's Community Life Center - Roanoke Hall. Please click here to sign up and pay.

The April "Senior Break Out" deadline is Wednesday, April 24th. We will be going to Bedford for lunch at The Blue Lady Restaurant on Tuesday, April 30th. You can drive and meet the bus there or ride the bus. Either way, please sign up at the JOY Senior table, as space in the restaurant is limited. The bus will depart VBC at 10:45, with planned arrival at 11:30 AM. Hope you can join us!

Baptism Sunday: April 28th

We have several folks who are ready to be baptized, and we have scheduled a baptism for Sunday, April 28th. If you are interested in being baptized, please reach out to a minister this week.

Youth Choir Mission Tour

The Youth Choir will be going on a mission tour June 8th -13th. The cost of the trip is $240 per person. Members and chaperones are encouraged to pay for the trip by April 12th. Financial donations are needed for travel assistance and with some meals. All contributions are much appreciated.

Fundraisers for

Dinwiddie Youth Missions Trip

In late June, our youth and chaperones will spend a week on mission in Dinwiddie, Virginia participating in home repair projects such as building wheelchair ramps, home weatherization, repairing porches, beautification projects, and other small home repairs.


Mark your calendars for April 28th, when we will have a BBQ Fundraiser Luncheon for this trip. Brad Radford will prepare the BBQ, which can be purchased by the plate (BBQ sandwich, homemade BBQ sauce, chips, coleslaw, cold drink, & dessert). The cost is $15/plate, with a $40 cap per family. You can pick up your plate(s) in the kitchen and enjoy fellowship, trivia, and games while we eat in the gym, or you can get your plate(s) to go. We need your orders by Sunday, April 21st so that we will know how many plates to prepare. You can place your order at the Welcome Center or online by clicking here.

Group Mission Trips has also set up an online store where you can purchase merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, water bottles, etc.) that benefits our mission group. Following is the link. $10 from each purchase goes toward our group's expenses. Vinton Baptist Church (

Sandra Williams

c/o Our Lady of the Valley

650 N. Jefferson Street

Apt. 312

Roanoke VA 24016

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Weeknight Worship: 93

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sunday School: 210

10:30 AM Worship:

  • 625 in person
  • 303 online

Easter Offerings

It's not too late to give your Easter offering! There are two options:

  1. The Vinton Baptist Church Easter Offering has been designated for LOA's Meals on Wheels program. All proceeds will go to help feed seniors in need. Please use the envelope (in your box of envelopes) that simply says "Easter Offering" or notate "VBC Easter Offering" on your gift.
  2. The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is used to fund evangelism efforts in North America. Please use the enveloped marked "Annie Armstrong Easter Offering" or notate your gift for "Annie Armstrong." Our church goal for this offering is $2,450. As of today, we're only about $200 short of achieving our goal!

Duke Divinity School Graduation

Travis officially finished his coursework at Duke Divinity School last fall. He will formally graduate from Duke the second weekend in May. We know that you want to share your congratulations and words of affirmation with him. As of this Sunday, April 7th there will be a table set up in the Welcome Center with cards available for you to do so. Please take time to express your sentiments, which will be presented to him in worship May 5th.

Bible Reading Plan

I know the last couple of chapters in Daniel are challenging. The scripture itself testifies that Daniel was confused by the visions he was experiencing. I wish we had more time to research and study these chapters, but this particular format simply doesn't allow us to dig deeper at this time. Perhaps a more specific study on Daniel is something that we can look forward to at some point in the future.

Today and tomorrow are catch-up days, and then we'll jump into Hosea. Hosea has 14 chapters that will cover 8 days of Bible reading. It focuses on "Yahweh's compassion for the northern kingdom (Israel), yet his condemnation of them for their unfaithfulness to him." Hosea is from the northern kingdom, and the events of his marriage to his wife reflect the ups and downs of God's relationship with Israel. The first three chapters serve as an introduction. Chapters 4-14 are more specific: "So images from Hosea's marriage both mirror Yahweh's long relationship with Israel (marriage, unfaithfulness, "divorce," restoration) and serve as a pattern for the book in its present form. A first cycle of oracles (4:1 - 10:15) tells the sordid story of Israel's unfaithfulness, both religiously and politically, along with Yahweh's (necessary) coming judgments; while 11:1-11 promises future restoration based on Yahweh's love and compassion. The story of unfaithfulness and judgment is repeated with even greater intensity in a second cycle (11:12 - 13:16), while 14:1-8 concludes the book with Yahweh's final love song for his people." (Fee & Stuart, How to Read the Bible Book by Book)

Happy reading!

Free Cybersecurity Workshop for Anyone

Melrose Baptist Church has invited our congregation to a free workshop on Scams & Schemes and Other Ways to Keep from Getting Ripped Off! This is a presentation and group discussion about some of the most current ways people are getting scammed, as well as some tried and true favorites of criminals. Learn steps to protect yourself and reduce your chances of being a victim of crime. The workshop will be presented by IT professional Jeff Poore in the Fellowship Hall at Melrose Baptist on April 20th, 10 AM - noon. Please sign up by calling Melrose Baptist's church office at 540-366-6631 so that an information packet can be reserved for you. The format will be a general lecture with questions and answers on each topic, and a general discussion to follow.

Many thanks to my VBC family for your kindness while my son Butch was ill and also at his death. The prayers, visits, cards, and calls were so appreciated, as well as the lovely Peace Lily (as of today it has 7 blooms). God bless each of you.

Love, Shirley Leffell

April 2024 Calendar