The Witness

Volume 41, Issue 2

January 11, 2023

Travis is at Duke for his intensive set of classes this week. His article will return to The Witness next Wednesday.

This Sunday, January 15th

We hope you'll be able to join us for worship (8:45 & 11:00 AM) and/or Sunday School (9:50 AM) this Sunday. Whitney will bring the message in both worship services. Her sermon is "What's In a Name?" and the scripture is John 1:29-42. The Youth Choir will sing, and John Evjen will share about the ministry of The Gideons.

If you cannot join us in person, tune in through our website or Facebook group page.

Wednesday Nights

ALL Wednesday evening activities resume TONIGHT!

Our new Adult Bible Study topic is the Book of Psalms. Billy Meador will give an introduction to Psalms tonight. Starting next week, Travis will focus on various Psalms, beginning with Psalm 23 if you would like to read ahead.

Following are our upcoming menus:

January 18 - chili beans, cornbread, and dessert.


January 25 - chopped steak, mashed potatoes, squash, bread, and dessert.


Please make or change dinner reservations by calling the church office (540-343-7685) by 5:00 PM the Monday prior to dinner. Dinner costs are $7/adult (ages 13+), $5/child (ages 4-12), children 3 and under are free, and the max per family (living in the same household) is $20. First-time guests are complimentary.

Fifth Sunday Schedule: January 29th

The last Sunday of this month is a fifth Sunday, and we will follow our fifth Sunday schedule: Sunday School at 9:15 AM, One Combined Worship Service at 10:30 AM, and a luncheon to follow worship. Worship will include a Deacon Ordination service. Our lunch menu: assorted soups, grilled cheese, desserts, coffee, tea, and lemonade. We hope you'll join us for worship and fellowship.

Soup for Seniors Drive

The JOY Seniors are once again sponsoring the "Soup for Seniors" drive during the month of January. Please bring canned soups, meats, fruits, vegetables, and crackers. These donations are part of the area LOA Meals on Wheels Soup for Seniors Drive and will run the entire month of January. Collection boxes are available in the Welcome Center and beside the elevator in the foyer of the New Ministries Building. Thanks in advance for your donations!

Youth Choir Fundraisers

Let the Love Flow Fundraiser Meal: See a Youth Choir member to purchase your tickets ($10/each) for our February 12th luncheon. Our menu is fried chicken, twice baked potato, green beans, roll, & dessert. You may pick up your meal to go as early as 10:45 AM, or you may sit down with us in our valentine themed gym as early as 11:45 AM for food and fellowship.

Youth Choir Raffle: The Youth Choir is also selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a Gift Card Bouquet! First prize is $200 in gift cards, second is $100 in gift cards, and third is $50 in gift cards. Each ticket is $2.00. You may purchase your tickets before or after worship at the Welcome Center, or simply see Terry Hough. We will draw a winner Sunday, February 12th. You do not have to be present to win.

Play Group for Newborns - PreK

If you have a young child in your life and would enjoy getting to know other families, we have a new play group just for you! Fun & The Son Play Group meets on Thursdays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM in the Kindergarten room on the first floor of the children's wing. We provide interactive play opportunities for babies and toddlers and their families. Each child must be supervised by an adult parent, grandparent, or guardian for the full hour. Come out and spend some time playing with others and getting to know neighbors and friends. See Betty Jo Overstreet with questions.

Ethel Dickerson

505 Second Street

Vinton VA 24179

Congratulations to Ethel, who just celebrated her

95th birthday on January 3rd! Happy birthday, Ethel!

Thank you to the Pete Creasy class for their donation to the Food Pantry.

Are You Interested in Setting Up Recurring Gifts?

As most of you know, the "Giving" tab on our VBC mobile app, as well as on our website, allows you to give on a one-time basis, as well as set up automatic gifts on a periodic, recurring basis. While our electronic giving site is secure, some folks either do not have access to give online (or by app), or they prefer not to share their account information outside of their banking institution. We want to let those givers know that there are options for setting up automatic, recurring gifts directly through your bank or credit union. Please contact your banking institution directly and let them know that you would like to set up recurring gifts to Vinton Baptist Church, and they can help you do so. As always, you are welcome to continue to give by cash or check on your own schedule.

We want you to know how much we appreciate all of your donations, which help us carry out our church's mission -

  • To obey God's Great Commandment: "Love God & Love People"
  • To follow God's Great Commission: "Go and make disciples of all nations"
  • To build God's Kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven."

2023 Offering Envelopes

2023 offering envelopes are backordered and are expected to arrive sometime later this month. Until we receive them, please use generic envelopes (with no number) and write your name on them. Generic envelopes are available at the Missions Tables. As long as your name is noted on your donation, we will make sure you receive credit for it.

New offering envelopes will be issued to all those who requested them in 2022. If you do not currently have offering envelopes but would like a set for 2023, please contact the church office at 540-343-7685. Thank you for your patience!

Christian sympathy is extended to Malinda Stevens and family in the death of daughter Sheri Shay Stevens December 24th.

Bible Reading Plan

It's still not too late to get started on our new two-year Bible reading plan. Click here for a printable copy, or pick up a hard copy at the Welcome Center. You can also access the plan through our VBC app on your mobile device. Just click on "Bible Reading Plan" across the bottom menu of the app.

The author of this plan, Stephen Witmer, suggests utilizing How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart as a companion piece to the plan. Following are a few notes about Genesis from this resource:

  1. Genesis is about God's story. "God is the ultimate Protagonist." Look for ways that God draws people (ultimately including us) into HIS story, from creation to covenants to redemption.
  2. There are a number of subplots in Genesis, including God's covenants (with Noah first and then with Abraham), the "holy-war motif" (essentially good v. evil), and God's repetitive choice of a son other than the first-born "(a considerable breach of the cultural rules on the part of God)".

Is there a particular passage that has jumped out at you in the week that we've been reading (in Genesis or Psalms)? What have you gleaned from your reading so far?

Lottie Moon Post Office

The Lottie Moon Post Office will be "retired" next Monday, January 16th and stored away for next year. If you have not checked it lately for cards that you may have received, please do so by Sunday. Any remaining cards will be placed in your Sunday School classroom or on the counter in the church office (for those who are not Sunday School members).

Updated List of Needs for the Blessing Box

Any type of Hamburger Helper meals; muffin mixes; canned corn, carrots, pinto beans, kidney beans, and baked beans; tomato and/or vegetable soup; and tuna. Pop top cans (that do not require a can opener) are particularly helpful for some of our Blessing Box clients. Donations can be dropped off in the appropriate bin at the Missions Tables. Thanks for your generosity!

Help Refresh Our Youth Space!

We have a number of projects needing to be accomplished to refresh our youth space. Some involve basic cleaning and painting; others require more creativity and specialization. We would also love to entertain any ideas you may have for our space. Please click here for more details and consider signing up for a project.

Express Your Appreciation

Beside the Welcome Center is a table set up for you to express your appreciation to Sarah for her dedication and service at Vinton Baptist. You will find blank notecards in the small baskets (or feel free to use your own), and we would love for you to jot down your words of gratitude and encouragement. You may drop completed notes in the large basket on the table. Thank you!

Children's Worship Volunteers Needed

With Sarah leaving, we will need extra help in Children's Worship each Sunday. Please consider volunteering either as a teacher or as a helper. We need extra helpers at the 11:00 AM service because we tend to have more children at this service. Please click here for the sign-up sheet (dates run through February) and help us out. Thanks!!

I want to thank Vinton Baptist Church and all the classes for the beautiful cards you sent me. I like them very much. Also thank the young people and Whitney for their visit. We had a lot of laughs.

Love, Audrey Ferguson

January 2023 Calendar