The Witness

Volume 41, Issue 27

July 5, 2023

Celebrating Freedom

We hope that you had a wonderful Independence Day holiday! Special thanks to all those who participated in the Four on the Fourth race yesterday in support of Boys & Girls Club. The fireworks and fun in Vinton last night were evident by all the pics on social media. We hope you enjoy the remainder of your week, and we're looking forward to worshiping together this Sunday.

This Sunday @ VBC

We have an exciting pair of worship services scheduled for this Sunday: we'll be hearing from our youth, children, and adults about their camp and mission trip experiences this summer! Please join us at 8:45 or 11:00 AM to get all the details. If you can't make it, you can find our livestream at or on our Facebook group page.

Vacation Bible School: Stellar!

VBS is right around the corner: July 23rd - 27th, 5:30 - 8:00 PM daily! Register your kids and grandkids NOW! Spread the word to your friends and neighbors. It will be here before you know it!

Volunteers who have not yet attended a training session should plan to do so this Sunday, July 9th at 12:15 PM in the small dining room.

There are only two donation requests remaining at our donation table in the Welcome Center. If you are able to meet these needs, we would appreciate your help. Thanks to everyone who has already returned their donation(s). They can be dropped at the Missions Table. We also need several (12) medium/large flashlights with batteries. If you're willing to loan us a few, mark your name on them and we'll be happy to return them after VBS.

Questions? See Jessie Burgess or Christina Epperly.

Music Rehearsals July 12th

Please note that next Wednesday, July 12th Praise Team will rehearse at 6:15 PM and Chancel Choir will rehearse at 7:30 PM. Praise Team and Chancel Choir members, please mark your calendars.

Youth Summer Schedule

Our youth are at Emerald Point today! Please pray for their day and safe travels. The next youth outing is Putt Putt & Dinner July 19th; meet at VBC at 5:30 PM. Cost is $15 + dinner. Click here for a list of our remaining summer activities.

JOY Seniors

If you signed up for the Wohlfahrt Haus trip on July 13th, please meet in the church parking lot no later than 10:00 AM.

There is still room on the bus for the Mystery Trip planned for Saturday, July 22nd. The trip is $90/person, which includes 3 meals. We will depart VBC at 7:30 AM. You may need a light jacket, and there is not a lot of walking involved. Sign up and pay at the JOY Senior table!

It's not too late to sign up for the Ark Encounter & Creation Museum trip October 17th - 20th, which will include admission to both museums, riverboat dinner cruise on the Ohio River, 3 nights' lodging, 3 continental breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners. Sign up and pay at the JOY Senior table, please.

Annual Paper Drive for Keystone

The JOY Seniors are sponsoring a paper drive throughout the month of July, collecting paper products for Keystone Community Center. Collection boxes are located near the Welcome Center and next to the elevator on the entrance level of the New Ministries Building. Products such as paper plates, cups, bowls, plastic cutlery, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, etc., are appreciated. The JOY Seniors would like to thank you in advance for your help with this project!

Open Position:

Minister of Children and Families

Vinton Baptist Church is seeking a part-time (approx. 25 hours/week) Minister of Children and Families who will lead our children’s ministry, overseeing the spiritual formation of children between the ages of PreK and 5th grade. This position is responsible for coordinating the activities and programs for this ministry, organizing annual events, and providing children and families with opportunities to grow in their faith, engage with the church, and participate in Christ’s mission in the world. We are looking for a team player who is organized, professional, enjoys working with people, and is committed to helping children and families develop a deep love for God, others, themselves, the church, and the world. Email resumes to And please share this opportunity with your family and friends. Thank you.

5th Sunday in July

Mark your calendars for July 30th, when we will be on our 5th Sunday schedule! We'll have Sunday School at 9:15 AM, one combined worship at 10:30 AM, and lunch in the gym following worship. Look for more details to come.

Sunday School Promotion

Sunday School promotion for the 2023-24 year is scheduled for Sunday, August 13th. We will plan to have the Blessing of the Backpacks the week prior, August 6th.

Church Directory Survey

We want to thank everyone who completed a church directory survey. The results are in, with an overwhelming positive response for a new directory. Our newly formed church directory committee (Helen Foster, Carolyn Lyon, and Audrey Thrasher) will proceed with the process. Stay tuned for more info to come.

Evelyn Welsh

c/o Harmony Assisted Living

4402 Pheasant Ridge Road, Apt. 306

Roanoke VA 24014

Thank you to the Fellowship/Berean Sunday School class for their donations to the Community Assistance Fund.

Thank you to the Open Door Sunday School class for their donation to the Food Pantry.

Thank you to the Pete Creasy Sunday School class for their donation to the Community Assistance Fund.

Christian sympathy is extended to Patsy & Jim Woolfolk, Chris, Michael, & Noah in the death of Patsy's sister-in-law Joey McGhee on July 2nd.

Missions Without Borders

Please consider giving to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Offering for Global Missions. This offering funds the long-term "presence" (salary, benefits, housing, living expenses, and children's educational needs) of CBF field personnel. VBC's church goal is $2,200. There is a gold envelope in your box of envelopes designated for this ministry. Or you may simply notate "Offering for Global Missions" on a regular offering envelope, on your check, or in the memo of your online offering. Thank you!

Can You Volunteer for Children's Worship?

Children's Worship volunteers are needed every Sunday. We need one teacher and one helper at both 8:45 and 11:00 AM, and we don't want the duties of leading Children's Worship to fall on just a handful of volunteers week after week. Please click here to see the dates we need help and to sign up. (This sign-up is NOT for the children's sermon during worship service; it is only for teaching/helping in Children's Worship on the second floor of the children's wing.) Children range in age from PreK - 1st grade, and lesson plans are provided for you. Questions? Contact Whitney.

Bible Reading Plan

We're wrapping up both 2 Samuel and Proverbs in our Bible Reading Plan this week. I've always thought of King David in positive terms - after all, he is "a man after God's own heart" (see 1 Samuel 13:14 and Acts 13:22). And, honestly, I think he's mostly been portrayed in stories and sermons I've heard as the epitome of what God wants in a king (as well as a human being), with the exception of the Uriah/Bathsheba incident. However, this time through 2 Samuel, I'm having mixed feelings about David. How can "a man after God's own heart" treat his own family the way he did? How could he disregard God's word in so many ways? I'm viewing his story through different lenses this time around. I find his later life heartbreakingly sad, as opposed to victorious and God-honoring.

The site was recently brought to my attention through the Connect Sunday School class. This site uses the medium of dramatic dialogue to bring to life the characters and narrative of the Bible. Please keep in mind that, in doing so, it utilizes interpretive measures that are backed by scripture, but are also open to scrutiny, research, and further analysis. It provides a couple of monologues that deal with the enigma of King David. You can access them through these links:

I would love to get your thoughts on these monologues, as well as on the scripture as you understand it.

While the narrative of David is puzzling at times, Fee & Stuart (How to Read the Bible Book by Book) offer a summary statement that helps point the narrative to its ultimate goal: "The book of Samuel takes God's story into the monarchy, especially by means of the story of King David, a man of faith even while a man of weakness. God's covenant with David is the basis for Jewish messianism, fulfilled finally in the ultimate Son of David, Jesus of Nazareth." I think the narrative of David is probably less about the life and times of David himself, and more about God's promises and the Messiah born from the line of David. What do you think?

(Image credit: "King David driven from Jerusalem," stained glass by Jan Rombouts, 16th C.,

To Our Church Family -

Thank you so much for the love and support you all showed during Wayne's illness and passing. The plant you sent was beautiful and he would have enjoyed it.

Kindest regards, Barbara Wray & family

July 2023 Calendar