The Witness
Volume 39, Issue 41
October 13, 2021
PLEASE NOTE: Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to cancel Children's Choirs tonight. There was a potential COVID exposure during the children's activities Sunday afternoon; the individual is awaiting the results of a COVID test. For the collective safety of all, we have chosen to forgo children's choirs tonight since we don't yet have a test result. Youth Bible Study is also canceled, but youth are welcome to join Adult Bible Study tonight.
"Not a Polaroid God"
Do you remember what it was like to take pictures before smartphones? I remember riding around town with my Mom when I was Carter’s age, taking a variety of pictures for an upcoming school project. We spent the better part of a Saturday morning going to a number of locations, taking pictures with a camera that housed an old-fashioned roll film. Since it was my project, Mom let me take the pictures. She put me in charge of the camera. Everything was going great, until I decided to open the back of the camera and inspect the roll film inside. At first, Mom did not notice because she was busy reviewing our checklist of locations. When she turned to see that I had taken the roll out of the camera and was holding it up to the sun, squinting to see the little pictures it contained, she was devastated. By exposing the film to sunlight, the pictures were ruined. In a matter of minutes, 2-3 hours of work had been destroyed and we had to start over.
After this incident, Dad decided our family needed a different type of camera. We could use our nice camera with roll film for family pictures and special occasions, but we needed something different for projects and everyday moments. We needed a camera that could give us photos without the fragileness of roll film or the processing delay of a darkroom. Dad purchased our first Polaroid Instant Camera. After snapping a picture, these cameras would instantly develop each photo and print them onto a small sheet of instant film. After waving each printed photo in the air for about ninety seconds, the image would develop before our very eyes and provide us with a picture of that moment frozen in time. For a kid, it was magic.
Though cameras have come a long way since then with digital photos and smartphones, according to Reverend Harold Dean Trulear in his 2015 sermon, “Loving the Incarcerated,” we still have a tendency to see others through the lens of an old Polaroid. Speaking about ministering to the incarcerated, Trulear said: “The problem in dealing with inmates is that we look at them like a polaroid picture; we see them frozen in time only by that one event—the worst thing they have ever done.” Trulear concluded that, thankfully, God is not a Polaroid God; rather than a single picture for their life, he has the whole DVD.
Jesus was often able to love those whom no one else seemed to love. Whether it was a Gerasene demoniac, a woman caught in adultery, a paralyzed man by the pools of Bethesda, a chief tax collector named Zacchaeus, a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a Roman soldier in the Garden of Gethsemane, or a convicted thief on a cross, Jesus had the uncanny ability to love and forgive, accept and welcome those whom everyone else rejected. He had a sense of compassion for them that no one else could seem to muster. I am sure there are many reasons for that. After all, he was “the Word made flesh who dwelt among us.”
Jesus loved God and loved others on a level we will never fully reach in this life. However, there are choices we can make to help us think, pray, speak, act, and love more like him. We have the ability to be more like Christ. We have the opportunity to experience more of Christ. We have the capacity to transform our world through Christ, as we are transformed by Christ. We have the power to choose. One consistent choice that Jesus made was to see the people around him for more than one statement, one opinion, one event or misstep. Whether he knew their whole story or not, he chose to view each person he met through the lens of a DVD—a larger story that was bigger than one moment frozen in time. As a result, he was able to respond differently to the world. In time, his response changed the world’s response to God.
Thankfully, our Lord is not a Polaroid God. He does not see us for the worst thing we have ever done. He does not judge us based on one bad day or decision. Rather than a single picture for our lives, he has the whole DVD. He sees our good and our bad, our holy and our sin, our successes and our failures, our strengths and our shortcomings, our joy and our pain. As a result, he loves us and responds to us on a heavenly level we cannot fully comprehend or achieve. However, he does expect us to try.
As we give thanks that our God is not a Polaroid God, may we choose not to be a Polaroid people. Rather than seeing others as one image frozen in time, may we recognize there is an entire DVD. This might not instantly change the world, but it will certainly change the way we see and respond to the world. In time, our response might just change the world’s response to God.
-- Travis
Worship this Sunday, October 17th
This Sunday begins a new sermon series with "I Will Give You Rest"; the scripture reference is Matthew 11:25-30. We hope to see you at 8:45 or 11:00 AM. If you choose to worship virtually, please access our livestream through our website or FB live. Sunday School is at 9:50 AM, and we have classes for everyone.
Bible in a Year Reading
Read this week:
The Old Testament: 1 Kings 13-19
The New Testament: Philippians 4; Colossians 1-4; 1 Thessalonians 1-2
Old Testament Prophecy: Ezekiel 43-48
Psalms: Psalms 95-105
Meditate: 14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.
-Colossians 3:14-15
Prayer: “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can.” -John Wesley
-- Whitney
Preteens Event
Students in third - fifth grades are invited to join us Sunday, October 24th from 4:00 until 6:00 PM; location TBA.
Thrive Student Ministry
Sunday, October 20th- Permission slips and payment due for Fall Retreat- Cost is $70. Money and forms must be turned in to attend! See Whitney with any questions!
Sunday, October 24th- Fall Retreat Leaders and Chaperones Meeting- After 11:00am service (~12:15pm)
Sunday, October 24th – Fields of Faith at Northside High- Meet at the church at 4:30pm to take the church bus to Fields of Faith featuring Emilie McCaskill as one of the speakers! Bring money for dinner on the way. We will plan to stop at Chipotle for dinner.
FALL RETREAT- November 5-7th at Camp Bethel
Our theme is Called2Follow: Examining who Jesus is and why we should follow. The trip is $70 which is due by October 20th. Sign up in the youth room or see Whitney!
Students, be sure to join our GroupMe group “VBC Thrive” for updates and announcements!
Parents, download the VBC App (Vinton Baptist Church VA). If you have not received an invitation or your channel is not working, please contact Whitney or Kim! You should be receiving regular menu and schedule updates at this point. You will need to sign up for an account through the Vinton Baptist App to join the group. This will ensure privacy protection.
Youth Choir Fundraiser
The Youth Choir is having a “Meal to Go” fundraiser. Each meal will include Chicken, Twice Baked Potato, Green Beans and Dessert. The cost is $10 per meal, and each youth choir member has been given 10 tickets to sell for the event. Meals will be ready for pickup on Sunday, October 24th between 10:45 am and 12:30 pm from the church kitchen. Someone will have tickets and be stationed at the welcome center outside the sanctuary Sunday. This Sunday, October 17th is the last day to purchase tickets, as Youth Choir members must turn in money and all unsold tickets this Sunday evening. This is a wonderful way to support the choir and their future mission projects in 2022.
Wednesday Night Dinners & Activities
We hope you'll join us for Adult Bible Study and adult music rehearsals after dinner tonight. Please note that Children's Choirs and Youth Bible Study are both canceled tonight (see notice above). Click here for tonight's study guide.
Following are the upcoming dinner menus for October:
October 20th - Pepperoni & Cheese Pizza, Side Salad, & Dessert.
October 27th - Battered Fish Portions, Seasoned Wedges, Superfoods Slaw, & Dessert.
Ice tea, lemonade, & water are available every Wednesday. $6/adult, $5/child (ages 4-12), children < 4 are free, max per household is $18. Sign up by calling the church office at 540-343-7685 no later than 5 PM the day prior to dinner. We cannot take late registrations.
Called Business Meetings
There will be a Called Business Meeting next Wednesday, October 20th at 6:15 PM in lieu of Adult Bible Study. The Youth Pastor Search Committee will share their recommendation for the new Associate Pastor of Youth & Missions. On October 31st, we will have another Called Business Meeting at the conclusion of our combined worship service for the purpose of voting on the candidate recommended by the search committee. Additional information will be shared in next week's Witness.
JOY Seniors Events
October 21st: For those who have signed up for the Luray trip, departure will be 7:00 AM from the VBC parking lot, and approximate return will be 6:00 PM.
October 26th: Our October luncheon will include Fall Festival games and a boxed lunch from Chef Claytor's Dream on a Plate. Please sign up and pay in the Welcome Center by Friday, October 22nd. Cost of the boxed lunch is $10. Plan to join us in the gym at noon, or come early and start the fellowship.
November 3rd: Sign up for the Senior Fun & Health Fair Day at the Salem Civic Center, with lunch at Famous Anthony's in Salem. Your only cost is your lunch, and we plan to depart the church parking lot at 9:30 AM.
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is scheduled for Wednesday, October 27th, and we would love to have some more folks who are willing to decorate trunks and pass out goodies! All candy will be supplied for you. Trunks need to be set up by 6:15 PM and remain open until 7:15 PM. Additional event information will be provided to those who sign up. Please call the church office or simply click here to sign up to host a trunk! We will have our usual Wednesday night dinner prior to this event, but there will be no other regularly scheduled Wednesday night activities.
Please invite your friends, neighbors, and family to this year's Trunk or Treat!!
Fifth Sunday, October 31st
It's been a long time since we've been able to celebrate the fellowship and community of a 5th Sunday! Please note our special schedule the last Sunday of October: 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM One Combined Worship Service, Called Business Meeting at the conclusion of worship, then lunch following our meeting. The menu: Baked Potatoes with Fixings, Salad, Chili, Assorted Desserts, Tea, & Coffee. Plan now to join us. Everyone is invited!!
Guest Musician
Jane Green Goforth will be our special musical guest on Sunday, November 7th at both worship services. Jane is a Grammy award winning artist and has a heart for ministry.
Mark your Calendar!
December 5th from 1:00-4:00pm, the VBC Youth and Children will be hosting a Christmas Marketplace fundraiser for Passport camp. Join us to spend the afternoon checking off your Christmas shopping list! Are you a crafter, artist or vendor who would like to set up a booth? Please see Whitney or Sarah to reserve your spot today!
Kathi Pennington
The Glebe - Chaplick Center
200 The Glebe Blvd., MC #125
Daleville VA 24083
October 10, 2021:
8:45 AM
In person - 149
Online - 84
11:00 AM
In person - 126
Online - 71
Sunday School - 204
Thanks to the Dorcas Class for their donation to the Food Pantry.
Thanks to the Pete Creasy Class for their donation to shipping
costs for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
Thanks to the Alma Hunt Circle for their donation
to snacks for Boys & Girls Club.
Christian sympathy is extended to Ski Shelton and Kelly & Mark Olsen in the death of Ski's last sibling, Amelia Parsons of Kent, Ohio on October 10th.
Deacon Nominations
Deacon nomination forms are available at the Welcome Center. Please take time to complete a form, sign it, and drop it in the box provided at the Welcome Center. Forms are due by November 7th.
Donations Needed for Various Ministries:
(All items can be dropped off at the Missions Tables; just look for the appropriate sign for your donation.)
We need goodies for Trunk or Treat: wrapped candies (must be in labeled wrappers); snack-size packages of pretzels, cheese balls, goldfish, gummy snacks, and other assorted snacks are welcome!
The Blessing Box is in need of the following (updated list): toilet paper, paper towels, syrup (Dollar Tree), pancake mix (Dollar Tree), liquid dish soap, men's & women's deodorant, men's & women's shampoo, men's & women's liquid bath soap, boxes of tissues.
Operation Christmas Child needs you! We need empty shoeboxes, items to go in shoeboxes (see list below), and money to help pay for shipping costs. There are wrapped boxes now available at the Missions Tables for you to pick up and fill with goodies for children in need worldwide; please also pick up a brochure with your box for the boy/girl labels. Items to include in shoeboxes (or donate for us to pack in extra shoeboxes): school supplies, toothbrushes, bar soap, wash cloths, combs, balls, crayons, yo-yos, jump ropes, trucks, cards, dolls, stuffed animals, etc. Older children like deflated soccer balls with a pump included. Flashlights with extra batteries are also great. We CANNOT include candy, food, toothpaste, lotions, vitamins, or any type of liquid. Items to go in shoeboxes are needed as soon as possible. Please return filled shoeboxes no later than November 7th. Questions? Contact Darlene McCaskill.
October Book Club
I hope you are enjoying Kate Bowler’s No Cure for Being Human. Bowler changes our perspective on “Bucket Lists,” explaining that a life is never finished or complete, even when it is over.
Bowler writes: “We have finite resources in numbered days, and we have to live these days as we are. Being told I had two years to live illuminated all of my love. I found it easier to be desperately in love with the world.
Instead of making bucket lists of all you want to see and do, may I suggest a different list? Count what you can’t live without. What's something you can't live without?”
This week as you read, make a list of all of the things you can’t live without rather than all of the things you need to do. Happy Reading!
Children's Volunteers Needed
The Children's Ministry is in need of Children's Worship volunteers. Thanks to all those who regularly help out! If you're interested in helping, but don't know what is required, please contact Sarah. Otherwise, please sign up here (dates available for October and November).
"Check out" all the new books in our Church Library!
No Cure for Being Human by Kate Bowler
The Beginning by Beverly Lewis
Soul Survivor by Phillip Yancey
Begin Again by Max Lucado
Sticky Faith by Kara Powell
You can submit prayer requests through our new app. Just click the banner marked "Prayer Requests," and fill out the short form that appears. You do NOT need a Subsplash account to submit a request. OR just call or email us your request, as you have done in the past.
Realm was recently rolled out to the Deacons for testing. (Deacons, if you haven't answered your Realm invitation yet, please do so. If you need us to resend your invitation, just let us know.) We want to get as many potential issues worked out before we release it to the full congregation. It is a work in progress, but we ARE progressing! Thanks for your patience.