The Witness
Volume 40, Issue 45
November 9, 2022
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Today is an exceptionally special day! CONGRATULATIONS to Chris Monroe on his 29th Anniversary with Vinton Baptist Church!
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Wednesday Nights @ VBC
Tonight we'll follow a regular Wednesday night schedule: dinner at 5:30 PM (for those who signed up), Youth Missions Group at 6:00 PM (to Keystone again this week), Adult Bible Study & Children's Choirs at 6:15 PM, and adult choir rehearsals at their usual times.
Following is our Wednesday night Adult Bible Study schedule and dinner menus for the remainder of the year:
* Tonight – Patrick Moore, Boys & Girls Club Site Coordinator for the VBC location, will share updates from the Boys & Girls Club program. Tonight's menu (for those who signed up by 5 PM Monday) is sweet & sour pork, fried rice, egg roll, soup and dessert.
* November 16 – Travis will share the final installment on Our Baptist Identity. Our dinner menu is turkey breast, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green beans, cold salad, roll, and dessert.
* November 23 – No activities - enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!
* November 30 – Travis will speak on the topic of divorce. Our menu is loaded baked potato quiche, vegetable, soup, bread, and dessert.
* December 7 – Family Christmas Event. Menu TBD.
* December 14 – Ministry Matters. Menu TBD.
There will be no Wednesday night activities after December 14th. We will take a break for the holidays and plan to resume January 11, 2023.
Dinner reservations are due by 5:00 PM the Monday prior to each dinner by calling 540-343-7685. Costs are $7/adult (ages 13+); $5/child (ages 4-12); children 3 and under are free; max per family (living in the same household) is $20; first-time guests are complimentary; takeout boxes are 50 cents/each.
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This Sunday, November 13th
Join us Sunday for Contemporary Worship at 8:45 AM, Sunday School at 9:50 AM, and/or Traditional Worship at 11:00 AM. Travis' message is, "Being Built," and the scripture is 1 Peter 2:4-9. We will also hear from the Jubilate Handbell Choir at both morning services. If you cannot join us in person, please tune in through our website or Facebook group page.
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JOY Seniors Events
Just a reminder to those who have signed up to go to Wohlfahrt Haus this Sunday - the bus will leave the church parking lot at 11:15 AM. All are encouraged to attend the 8:45 AM worship service.
The next JOY Luncheon will be Tuesday, November 29th at noon in the gym. Our program will be "Updates to Medicare," presented by Shannon Abell. There will be free goodies and new information. Our lunch will come from Three Li'l Pigs and will include a BBQ sandwich with coleslaw, your choice of one side, dessert, and water. The cost is $10/person. Please sign up at the JOY Seniors table by Wednesday, November 23rd.
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Community Thanksgiving Service
Please plan to join us Sunday, November 20th at 6:00 PM at Vinton Wesleyan for our Community Thanksgiving Service, featuring music by Olivia Foster, Beth & Brad Radford, and Ken Nicely, as well as a message from Rev. Jonathan Moelker, pastor of Campbell Memorial Presbyterian Church. A love offering will be taken to benefit the Vinton Breakfast Lions Club to assist in their Children's Christmas Project.
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Looking to Advent & Beyond
Following is our Advent/Christmas/New Year's worship schedule:
First Sunday of Advent, November 27th - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM One Combined Morning Worship Service. The Steel Drums and soloist Darian Garland are scheduled to perform.
Second Sunday of Advent, December 4th - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM One Combined Morning Worship Service. Jubilate Handbells will perform.
Third Sunday of Advent, December 11th - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM One Combined Morning Worship Service. The Chancel Choir & Orchestra will present our Christmas Musical.
Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18th - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM One Combined Morning Worship Service. Our Children's Choirs will perform.
Christmas Eve, December 24th - 5:00 PM Worship Service.
Christmas Day, December 25th - 10:30 AM One Combined Morning Worship Service (NO Sunday School).
New Year's Day, January 1st - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM One Combined Morning Worship Service.
Our theme for Advent Worship is, "Do Not Be Afraid."
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You're Invited to Our Christmas Craft & Vendor Fair
We have nearly 30 vendors scheduled for our December 4th Craft & Vendor Fair, which means there will be many unique gifts to choose from! Plan to stop by between 1:00 and 4:00 PM and bring your friends!
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Jack Lipscomb
1549 South Pacific Drive
Vinton VA 24179-1421
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Thank you to the Pete Creasy Sunday School class for their donation to Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
Thank you to the Berean/Fellowship Sunday School class for their donation to Capital Needs.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sydney Myers,
who celebrated his 90th birthday November 4th!
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Please extend a warm welcome to Gabriel Woodliff, who joined VBC by profession of faith Sunday, October 30th. Gabriel is the son of Starr Vaughter and brother to Cameron Flanagan & Arielle Woodliff, who also recently joined VBC. Their address is 1561 Wyndham Drive, Apt. F, Vinton VA 24179. Gabriel, welcome to Vinton Baptist Church! | |
Thanksgiving Offering
Please note that this year's Thanksgiving Offering will be split, with 50% benefitting the Capital Needs Fund and 50% benefitting the Blessing Box.
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Christian sympathy is extended to Julie Huckaby in the loss of friend Bob Heineck; to Jeff & Linda Booth and family in the death of his mother, Ann Dooley Booth; and to Cassie Shepherd and David Rogers in the death of their friend Danny Felty.
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Congratulations to Ski Shelton on the arrival of her great-grandson, Gregory William, son of Katherine & Collin Lipscomb of Virginia Beach. Grandparents are Bill & Dawn Marie Shelton of Riner. Great-aunt and -uncle are Kelly & Mark Olsen.
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Blessing Box Needs
Saltine crackers, vegetable soup, baked beans, spaghetti sauce (in can or jar), spaghetti pasta, women's shampoo, paper towels, and any type of individual snack items (nabs, cookies, Fruit Roll-ups, graham crackers, Cheez-Its, etc. in small, individual packages). Donations can be dropped off at the appropriate bin at the Missions Tables.
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Nurse's Station Needs for
William Byrd Middle & High Schools
The Nurse's Stations at both the middle and high schools are in desperate need of the following items: travel toothbrushes/toothpaste; shampoo; feminine products; ginger ale; juice; 8 oz. water bottles; cough drops; hair bands; contact solution; peppermint candy; hard candy (any flavor); individual hand sanitizers & tissue packets; safety pins; hairbrushes; individual packages of crackers, Cheez-Its, chips, cookies, fruit snacks, etc. (NO nuts of any kind, NO peanut butter); underwear (child & adult sizes, male & female); t-shirts; boys' & girls' pants with elastic waist (leggings, sweatpants, shorts). Please drop off items in the appropriate bin at the Missions Tables, and we'll make sure they get to the Nurse's Stations. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed!
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Children's Basketball Registration is OPEN!
Children's Basketball registration forms are available in the church office or by clicking here. Please complete the form that corresponds with your child's age/grade level. This year's cost will remain at $40 per participant. Registration forms and payment are due in the church office by Wednesday, November 30th.
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Christmas Poinsettias
It's that time of year again! We are ordering poinsettias to beautify our sanctuary during the upcoming Christmas season. They will be purchased from Martin's again this year. They are $10/each. You may order in honor or memory of a loved one. Please stop by the church office to place your order no later than December 5th. Plants may be taken home after worship on Christmas Day.
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Christmas Giving Tree
Stay tuned for info coming soon about this year's Giving Tree. As in past years, we will have tags available on the tree; they will specify a local child's request (need or want) for Christmas. You can pick up a tag, purchase the appropriate item(s), and return your donation underneath the tree. Whitney already has requests available for some local children. If you're ready to start your Christmas shopping, you can contact Whitney for info now. When her list is complete, we'll be ready to officially launch this year's Giving Tree.
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Collection for Boys & Girls Club: Frosting Lids
Thank you to everyone who donated empty 2-liter and Gatorade bottles for Boys & Girls Club projects! They are still in need of frosting can lids. Please drop off at the Missions Tables. Thank you!!
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Because of the immense generosity of members of VBC, our JOY Seniors' "Coats for Kids" drive was extremely successful! We were able to fulfill every request made by Vinton area schools. Thank you for supporting this cause. A special thanks also goes to Gloria Sink for her vision on the coat drive, as well as to Audrey Thrasher for helping sort coats. Thanks also goes to the JOY Council for distributing coats to each school.
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This week Travis is finishing up his papers and exams for this semester at Duke. His article should return to next week's issue of The Witness. | | | | | |