The Witness

Volume 41, Issue 46

November 15, 2023

Bible Reading Plan

Ecclesiastes. It's proving to be challenging. Confusing. Depressing.

Fee & Stuart, in How to Read the Bible Book by Book, offer helpful guidance on Ecclesiastes, but I actually came away from their explanation with more questions. So I checked BibleProject's video on Ecclesiastes, and it answers some of those questions, although it takes a slightly different view on some themes. The video is helpful, and it's only 8 minutes long. However, before you watch the video, there are a few notes to get you started:

  • I always thought that Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon. Fee & Stuart explain that it was written by "an editor (12:9-14) who has compiled the teachings and proverbs of an Israelite king who calls himself Qohelet ('assembler'), a title that alludes to his role as a teacher of wisdom in an assembly -- presumably of God's people (12:9)." However, they never explain the origin of "Qohelet." The BibleProject video explains that term as a translation of "the Teacher" (1:1). Apparently, some people think that was Solomon, but there are other options, as mentioned in the video.
  • The word hebel is very difficult to translate into English (the NIV translates it "meaningless"; the ESV translates it "vanity"). Fee & Stuart explain it as "'breath,' 'vapor.'" The video goes into more detail and also indicates that it may have a slightly different meaning each time it's used in Ecclesiastes (which is a lot).
  • One very helpful comment from Fee & Stuart: "...Qohelet was written within Israel's Wisdom tradition ..., a tradition that was not trying to speak for God in the same way the prophets did, but one that was musing carefully on life in order to teach the young how to live well before God." They go on, "If one misses any mention of the great events of Jewish history, that is quite in keeping with the Wisdom tradition, and if one feels squeamish about great but contradictory realities being set side by side, that is probably because we too, like Job's 'comforters,' prefer things to be tidier than they are."
  • The BibleProject video discusses our takeaways from Ecclesiastes, but Fee & Stuart also offer the following: "The Christian believer, who now reads from the perspective of joyous hope in the resurrection and the certainty of divine judgment, should all the more be prepared to appreciate Qohelet's embracing of life in the present, despite its hebel nature."

You can watch the BibleProject video by clicking here. Happy reading!

This Sunday @ VBC:

We are blessed to celebrate 8 baptisms this Sunday: 5 at the early service and 3 at the 11:00 AM service! Come, encourage our baptismal candidates with your presence. The Youth Praise Band will lead music in both services, and we'll see a video recap of last weekend's Fall Retreat. Travis' sermon is "Thinksgiving," and the scripture is Philippians 4:4-9. If you can't make it to church in person, you can find our livestream at or on our Facebook group page.

There will be a meeting for all Sunday School teachers (for both children's and adult classes) at 12:30 PM in the small dining room to discuss upcoming schedule changes for 2024. Teachers, please plan to attend or send a representative from your class.

Preteens (3rd-5th graders) will meet in the small dining room at 4:00 PM for dinner and a devotion. We'll be done by 6:00 PM.

Adult Handbells will rehearse at 5:00 PM, as usual. There will be no other evening activities this Sunday.

Children's Basketball

Children's Basketball registration is open. Forms are available in the church office or by clicking here. Please complete the form that corresponds with your child's age/grade level. This year's cost is $45/participant. Forms are due by Monday, November 27th.

JOY Seniors

The final JOY Senior luncheon of this year will be Tuesday, November 28th. Join us for a presentation on "Updates to Medicare." Lunch consists of soup and sandwich, dessert, and water. The cost is $10/person. Sign up at the JOY Senior table.

Christmas Giving Tree

This year's Giving Tree will be set up in the Welcome Center next Monday, November 20th with tags for local children. Each tag specifies a child's request (need or want) for Christmas. These children are from Keystone and our Vinton schools. Pick up a tag or two next week during office hours, register your tag(s) on the provided clipboard, purchase the appropriate item(s), and return your wrapped donation(s) underneath the tree by the date listed on your tag. Thank you!

If you would like to sign up as a vendor for our event, please do so ASAP. Guidelines/ registration forms can be found at the Welcome Center, or click here for a printable copy. Questions? Please contact Whitney Russell.

Linda Mayhew

c/o Our Lady of the Valley #337

650 N. Jefferson Street

Roanoke VA 24016

CONGRATULATIONS to Bobby & Jodi Overstreet Estienne in the birth of Carter Joseph on November 4th, weighing 6 lbs., 12 ozs. and measuring 20" long. Proud grandmother is Betty Jo Overstreet, and big brother is Colson Estienne.


Thanksgiving Offering

This year's Thanksgiving Offering will go toward budgeted missions organizations (for example, BGAV, RVBA, CBF Global, CBFVA, etc.). Thank you for your generous offerings. If you have questions, please see a member of the Finance Committee.

Offering for World Hunger

The Offering for World Hunger is underway. If you have a box of envelopes, it will be a yellow envelope. The WMU asks for your help in meeting our church goal of $1,700 toward global hunger relief. Please mark your gift accordingly. Thanks!

Christmas Poinsettias

It's that time of year again! We are now taking orders for poinsettias to beautify our sanctuary during the upcoming Christmas season. They will be purchased from Martin's again this year and are $11/each. You may order in honor or memory of a loved one. Please stop by the church office to place your order no later than Sunday, December 3rd. Plants may be taken home after the 5:00 PM Christmas Eve service.

Please extend a warm welcome to Marshall Rives, who joined VBC by profession of faith Sunday, November 12th. Marshall is the son of Tray & Blair Rives, 130 Charleston Place, Daleville VA 24083. Marshall, we are so excited about your decision to follow Jesus and are looking forward to your baptism Sunday!

Church Directory

Today is the last day to submit a current "selfie" for inclusion in our new church directory. There is a $20 fee (which also allows you to receive a completed directory). Please email your photo to Copyrighted pictures (taken by another company) and old pictures cannot be used.

"Check out" our new books in the church library!

  • Knowing You ("Pictures of the Heart" book #3) by Tracie Peterson
  • What a Wave Must Be by Angela Hunt
  • The Last Exchange by Charles Martin

A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated food for our Food Pantry's Thanksgiving boxes! We gave out 12 Thanksgiving boxes this week and plan to give out 12 more next week. Because of your generosity, we have enough food to prepare additional boxes for the Christmas holiday. We plan to give out a total of nearly 50 boxes! We appreciate your support!

We want to take this opportunity to thank you, the Members of Vinton Baptist Church, for supporting the Vinton Community Playground by donating your time as a volunteer, your tools, your talents, and you generous financial gifts. Your generosity is making a difference in our community and sharing the Love of Our Lord outside our church walls! God bless,

Andy Nicely, Chairperson of the Property Committee

Mike Stovall, Director of Fundraising-Community Playground

November 2023 Calendar