The Work Book
CCL's Job & Career Insider
May 2022
Fastest Growing Jobs in the Federal Government
Which occupations in the federal government are projected to have the fastest employment growth from 2020 to 2030? According to data produced by federal workers at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, most of the occupations are related to information technology or math.
Stellar Boolean Search Tips for Job Seekers
Are you wanting to do a targeted search for someone or something on LinkedIn or the Internet? These stellar Boolean search tips are sure to help!

This tool uses the words (in caps) AND, OR, or NOT along with keywords like names, titles, and companies, and it can be used to search on the Internet in modern times, including LinkedIn.
Interesting Jobs: Interview with an Ombuds
Ombuds help employees navigate workplace conflicts and organizational processes, including helping them identify their concerns and figure out how to tell their stories in a way where they’ll be heard and can advocate effectively for themselves. They’ll also spot issues and raise them to the broader organization.