Women Moving Forward®

November 2023 Graduate Newsletter 


        In This Issue

The World & Survey

Discount Dec.5-7 WMF®

2024 WMF® and Advanced WMF®



As many of you know we held a survey in 2007 to study the efficacy of Women Moving Forward® over the years. The course had been available for over 20 years and the results of the survey were stunning;

100% of respondents felt they benefited from taking WMF®

95% of the respondents said they resolved the issue they came for

90% or respondents said their personal and professional lives were better

We've decided to do another survey to continue to measure the efficacy, now. 44 years later.

Some time in the next week you will be receiving the survey.

We encourage you to fill it out. It only takes 4-5 minutes.

As we did with the first survey a third party and Survey Monkey have been hired to keep everything confidential.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to reporting the results to you.

Susan Van Vleet


2 Spaces are Left in the December 5-7, 2023

Women Moving Forward®

There is a $1000 discount per woman you send. Let us know if you have someone to register!

Our Newest WMF® Grads


Dec. 5-7,2023

Hyatt Regency

Westlake Village, CA.

space available

$500 discount available

Register here


In Person

Hyatt Regency

Westlake Village, CA

March 20-21, 2024

4 spaces left

$500 discount available

Here's what our last class participants said about Advanced WMF®;

"I will be a stronger leader"

"I will be more engaged and

productive as a leader"

"I am more self aware"

"I feel stronger and more


"I am more able to

acknowledge my


If you want this for yourself let us know and we can register you for October in California.

Check out our website


    Our Books available

They make great Gifts!

 Amazon has rated our

 books 4 1/2 stars out of 5!

 and endorsed them as 

 "Quality Reading Material"

Order your copies of the Women Moving Forward® books here:

Click to order through Amazon in US

Click here AMAZON UK in Europe

Also Available at Barnes & Noble


simply show us your sales receipt to receive discount!!

AMC Ojai

The World

As with so many things having a world in turmoil, in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel, put us in a very precarious position.

One in which we feel impotent unable to do anything to "fix it" That feeling is the worst for powerful women.

The feeling you get from watching or hearing about the turmoil and being powerless. It causes us all to have and increased level of stress & anxiety.

So first you will need to up your level of stress reduction. If you meditate/pray/exercise once a day try twice a day. Get outside in Nature, anything that reduces your stress and anxiety.

Second find groups that are dealing with the turmoil that you can support and support them. I have posted on our social media the group; Women Wage Peace

organized by Israeli and Palestinian women to demonstrate against violence on all sides.

Third limit your use of social media and the news. Once a day is enough.

And Fourth talk to someone! Don't face your stress and anxiety alone. John and I are available. If you need to schedule time let us know.

Lastly, for me, any innocents dying is unacceptable whether it is in Ukraine, Gaza or Israel. Kidnapping and Rape are also never acceptable.

That said, I am Jewish so the continued

survival of the State of Israel is non negotiable. It is there as a safety net for all Jews in the world. Something we did not have in the Holocaust when no other country was willing to step in and save the 11 million who died at the hands of the Nazis.

It is unthinkable that we cannot find a way to protect Israel's very existence and also protect all the innocent people of the world while we do that. Hamas is NOT the Palestinian people and we can never conflate that!

I beleive all people deserve the right to exist in peace and security including Jews

and Muslims.



Women's Leadership Retreat®

November 14-16

Ojai, CA



wait list available

If you want to attend let Susan know ASAP

Women Moving Forward®

December 5-7

Westlake Village, CA


$500 discount available

Productive Relationships©

December 12-14

Westlake Village, CA


2024 Workshops

Advanced Women Moving Forward®

March 20-21


Westlake Village, CA

Women's Leadership Retreat

Section 2

April 1-3

Ojai, Ca


only 12 spaces available.

(women from section 1 cannot attend Section 2)

Women Moving Forward®

July 16-18


Westlake Village, CA

Advanced Women Moving Forward®

October 16-17


Westlake Village, CA.

Women's Leadership Retreat®

Section 1

Nov. 12-14



Don't see what you want scheduled

Contact us

To bring any of these workshops into your 

company either in person or via Zoom

contact us

303-660-5206 or

Email Us

Women Moving Forward®

Graduate Programs



All graduates are able to observe any in person WMF® public workshop

Availability is based on space

cost: $250

To Observe contact Susan to reserve space.

2.Reviewing WMF®

Any graduate can attend a public WMF® virtual or in person workshop and be a full participant in the workshop again.

You will need to fully participate and be present for the entire workshop.

cost: 50% of the workshop cost

(currently $2125 in the US)

Reviewer spaces are based on availability.

Men's Programs

Contact John for more information

About our workshops for men;

Men Relationships & Work©

Advanced Men's Course©

For those of you who want to bring these very special workshop to the men in your company contact us to schedule one.

Men all over the world have taken this workshop and have been surprised by the results.



In person


12-14, 2023

December 5-7, 2023

We Can Help


If your company needs help with "change

management" let us know.

We are experts in any Corporate Change.

Reach out to us to discuss further.


If you need support with your team/

division we can support you.

692 Camino Verde
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 303.660.5206 
Email Susan Van