The World
As with so many things having a world in turmoil, in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel, put us in a very precarious position.
One in which we feel impotent unable to do anything to "fix it" That feeling is the worst for powerful women.
The feeling you get from watching or hearing about the turmoil and being powerless. It causes us all to have and increased level of stress & anxiety.
So first you will need to up your level of stress reduction. If you meditate/pray/exercise once a day try twice a day. Get outside in Nature, anything that reduces your stress and anxiety.
Second find groups that are dealing with the turmoil that you can support and support them. I have posted on our social media the group; Women Wage Peace
organized by Israeli and Palestinian women to demonstrate against violence on all sides.
Third limit your use of social media and the news. Once a day is enough.
And Fourth talk to someone! Don't face your stress and anxiety alone. John and I are available. If you need to schedule time let us know.
Lastly, for me, any innocents dying is unacceptable whether it is in Ukraine, Gaza or Israel. Kidnapping and Rape are also never acceptable.
That said, I am Jewish so the continued
survival of the State of Israel is non negotiable. It is there as a safety net for all Jews in the world. Something we did not have in the Holocaust when no other country was willing to step in and save the 11 million who died at the hands of the Nazis.
It is unthinkable that we cannot find a way to protect Israel's very existence and also protect all the innocent people of the world while we do that. Hamas is NOT the Palestinian people and we can never conflate that!
I beleive all people deserve the right to exist in peace and security including Jews
and Muslims.