
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and The Wright Group is reflecting on the incredible programs and resources that our clients offer to those in need of mental health support. From increasing access to green space, to supporting the family and caregivers of those who suffer from mental illness, TWG clients are at the forefront, offering cutting-edge programs and services to New Yorkers. Read more in today’s newsletter.

City Update

The City Council has been in full swing with its FY 25 Executive Budget hearings this May. In a departure from tradition, this year’s Executive Budget hearings included public testimony at each hearing. This has given many nonprofits and advocates, including many TWG clients, a space to amplify current funding requests and needs. After the Executive Budget hearings conclude, the City Council will ramp up its own internal budget discussions and continue its negotiations with the Administration. A key element in this year’s negotiations is the projected City revenue in FY 25. A recent report published by the City’s Independent Budget Office projects higher revenue numbers in FY 25 over the Administration. This will likely be used as leverage by the City Council in its negotiations with the Mayoral Administration. We continue to hear that key priorities like mental healthcare and wellness initiatives, early childhood education, full funding for libraries, cultural institutions and cultural program groups are top of mind for the City Council in negotiations.

State Update

As we move through the final weeks of session and electeds shift their focus to the primary and general elections, TWG has prepared a State Elections Tracker, which illustrates how the Senate and Assembly races are shaping up thus far. The primary election will be held on Tuesday, June 25th.  We've highlighted in yellow the primary races that may impact your local programming.  Those electeds fortunate enough to have evaded a primary can breathe a sigh of relief until the November 5th general election. We will continue to update this information as we move forward and will communicate how any changes may impact your own organization or strategy. Please let us know if you have any questions in the interim.

Senators and Assemblymembers are finalizing their discretionary funding allocations, which will be lined out via resolution during the final hours of the legislative session. TWG will communicate operating allocations as they are announced. Similarly, capital funding is expected to be available later this summer; we’ll update you as those opportunities become available.

TWG Update

TWG clients have been busy this month and last testifying before the New York City Council and executing Lobby Days in Albany.

A Generation Citizen panel testifying before the Committees on Hospitals, Health, Education & Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction.

STARS Initiative participants at City Hall on behalf of PowerPlay NYC and Figure Skating in Harlem.

Figure Skating in Harlem youth engaging in an Albany Lobby Day, which included meeting with Senators Al Taylor and Cordell Cleare.

Client Highlights

Two Executive Directors that TWG has had the pleasure of working with for years are transitioning out of their current roles, and we’d like to congratulate them on all of their hard work and partnership. Congratulations to Raun Rasmussen (Legal Services NYC) and Amy Barasch (HerJustice). Your contributions to the nonprofit sector have been invaluable, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors!

Green-Wood Cemetery welcomed thousands of visitors to watch the eclipse in early April, including TWG’s own Larisa Wick, Zack Rubin, and Kayele Spencer. Brooklyn Magazine described the cemetery as “in full spring bloom, [...] a gorgeous backdrop to the celestial event.”

Project Guardianship’s Guardian Prevention and Support (GPS) Helpline served its 500th caller - an incredible accomplishment since launching last June. The GPS Helpline is a free, language-accessible resource for anyone with questions about Article 81 guardianship and its alternatives.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month:

TWG is proud to represent so many organizations dedicated to addressing the mental health needs of New Yorkers. Follow us on LinkedIn to hear from four of these leaders in their own words.

Highlighted current government opportunities:

Several State, Federal and private grant opportunities can be found in Senator Carl Heastie’s Grant Action Newsletter.

The New York City Council’s LGBTQIA+ Pride Celebration will be held in Council Chambers at 6pm on Monday, June 3rd. RSVP here.

Round XIV of the New York State Regional Economic Development Council Initiative has been announced. Please view the full CFA to see available funding opportunities.

Highlighted upcoming client-hosted opportunities:

Join Janis Bowdler & ANHD on Expanding Equity

Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development (ANHD) is hosting the first of several 50th Anniversary events on May 28th at Trinity Commons. Those interested in participating in the conversation with Treasury Department’s Counselor for Racial Equity Janis Bowdler can purchase tickets here

Museum Mile Festival

On Tuesday June 18th, Cool Culture will celebrate their 25th year of promoting equity and access through the arts. Celebrate with them at The Museum Mile Festival - an evening of joy and creativity with free art-making and performances for the whole family.

One Big Jazz Night

Mind-Builders Creative Arts Center will host “One Big Jazz Night” - a free celebration of jazz music - on Wednesday June 19th from 6:30 - 7:30pm. Spots are limited; RSVP here.