Hi Everyone,
I hope you're enjoying your summer where ever you are on the map. Parts of California are on fire and parts are experiencing a frightening degree of daught, I've never seen the lakes as low as they are this year. Tennessee is still green and growing all the summer crops without much difficulty and my Bee friends are telling me that it was a perfect year for the honey bee's so there will be plenty of honey this year.
I asked Dan what I should write about this month and he thought that we should try to let everyone know how important it is to microchip your dog. Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue microchips all of our dogs when we get them and the dogs chips stay registered to YTNR for the life of the dog, we maintain our own database so we always know when one of our dogs falls back into the system and we can pick it up and find out what happened.
However if you didn't adopt your dog from us you should still consider microchipping your pet so that if for some reason something happened you would more likely be able to find him or her. This past month several of Dan's friends dogs went missing and it's a terrible thing to go through as an owner and pet lover. Dan is sure one of the dogs was stolen so if it's found and if it is microchipped it will be easier to prove ownership. We use AVID microchips and have for 25 years now, they are an established and reliable company with 24 hour service lines available if needed.
Thanks to everyone for supporting the work we are doing, we always need more volunteers in every State and all donations small or large help us to continue to help the more needy of the little dogs that come our way. We couldn't do it without you.
MaryElizabeth and Dan