The Zion Zone

September 21, 2023

***This month’s trivia question is: “What year was Zion’s library established and who was the librarian?” The gold box is on the welcome desk awaiting your answer!***


Septembers items for collection for our 150 goal is for Lysol wipes (must be brand specific due to ingredients listed) and Play-Doh. (150 of each) They will be donated to the Chisago Lakes School District, keeping young ones healthy and creatively occupied during free time.


I am collecting memories of your history with Zion. Your personal short story will share some of the history of Zion. If you have a memory you would like to share please type it and give it to me to share with the congregation. ~Linda Letourneau



NOIZ is back!!

NOIZ, our program for 3rd-5th graders, is back up and running. Join Emmy after school on Wednesdays till 5pm. There will be homework time and a snack included. Registration is free. Please register on our website at or in the office.


Kelly Lachmiller, RN is working towards her Community Public Health Certificate. She is using Zion as her site to fulfill 96 hours of training. Kelly will be doing a wide variety of projects to meet her requirements. If she calls for a visit to your home, please invite her in!

Confirmation Class for 6th –8th grade has begin on Sundays at 4:00 pm, or Wednesdays at 5 pm. All children in that age range, or older children who are interested, are invited to attend. They do not have to be a member to join in the learning and community building. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Sarah at



A caretaker/groundskeeper for South Green Lake Cemetery. Starting ASAP, and working with current caretaker to learn the duties and taking over permanently on October 1, 2023. Duties:

**Mowing the grounds and weed trimming around monuments (Using cemetery equipment);

**Being available to sell plots, mark plots for burials and be present at funerals;

**Maintain graves after burial and plant grass seed;

**Keep cemetery ground clean and looking great.

Call the office at 651-257-2713 to set up an interview and discuss duties and salary.

Donate to Zion online

Giving online is simple and secure! If you have never used Vanco before, it is fast, easy, and secure! When you click the button, there are several options as to where you want your funds to be designated to, click the button to check out the Vanco giving option!  You can also go directly to the Vanco site by scanning the QR code below:

Donate to Zion

Humor Happens

Sunday Schedule

Sunday, September 24:

9:00 am Traditional Worship

10:00 am Coffee Hour

4:00 pm - Confirmation

4:00 pm - Sunday Connect

5:00 pm - Contemporary Worship

6:00 pm - Dinner

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Pastor Sarah Kerkes

KC Douglas, Office Administrator

Deb Hoffmeister, Bookkeeper

Nicole Battles, Finance Secretary

Josh Miller, Organist

Emmy Lundeen, Intergenerational Ministry Director

Kelly Lachmiller,

Choir Director

Prayer Chain

Denny Patrias

Upcoming Events

Zion Weekly Schedule

Saturday, September 23:

8:30 am - Men's Bible Study

1:00 pm Visitation for Pat Freeman

2:00 pm - Pat Freeman Funeral

Monday, September 25:

Newsletter Articles Due

10:00 am Parent Support Group

5:30 pm - Stewardship

4-6 pm - Community meal

Tuesday, September 26:

2:00 pm - Worship at Point Pleasant Heights

Wednesday, September 27:

10:00 am - Grief Support

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm - NOIZ

5:00 pm - Confirmation

6:30 pm - Choir

Thursday, September 28:

10:00 am - Bible Study

2:00 pm Anniversary Committee

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