I am reaching out to you today because your help is urgently needed - not only to ensure the humane treatment of slaughter-plant animals but also to ensure the health of the general public which may soon be at risk.
Animals' Angels has partnered with
Compassion over Killing to fight the looming threat of unabated animal cruelty at slaughter plants.
The USDA has recently confirmed its intention to expand the dangerous Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HIMP) program at pig slaughter plants in the near future. This program allows plants to operate at extremely high line speeds, all while reducing government oversight, transferring many of the inspection duties to the employees of the plants themselves.
The threat to both animal welfare and consumer safety is quite clear. Investigations at plants operating under this program have revealed egregious abuses against the animals, as well as pigs covered in feces and abscesses being processed for human consumption.
We must ALL work together to put a stop to this proposed expansion of the HIMP program.
We have already documented, time and time again, the endemic and systemic abuses of animals at slaughter plants when they were under the so-called eagle eye of government monitoring programs. If responsibility for monitoring animal treatment and consumer safety procedures is handed over to the plants themselves, the result will be nothing short of catastrophic.
Please sign the
petition - joining celebrities like Alicia Silverstone and Liam Hemsworth to say enough is enough! Go a step further for the animals by encouraging your family and friends to do the same.
You CAN make a difference - your voices MUST be heard.
Please take action today!