Volume 29 | May 20, 2022
Spring 2022 Board Meeting
Foundation Board on August 4, 1982. From L to R: BG (R) Charles Elia, Robert Bennett, MG (R) Spurgeon Neel, BG (R) Lillian Dunlap, COL (R) Richard Ross, COL (R) Virginia McGary, and COL (R) Marvin Nation.
On Friday, June 10, 2022, the AMEDD Museum Foundation is hosting a board meeting at the AMEDD Museum at 11 am. We are excited to reconvene our full board meetings in person after a hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic. During this board meeting, we have many exciting updates to share, and we are looking forward to reconnecting with each other. 
May was Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May was Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI Heritage Month). This annual celebration that recognizes the historical and cultural contributions of individuals and groups of Asian and Pacific Islander descent to the United States. To honor that, we want to highlight the service of Medal of Honor recipient, James Okubo, and his heroic deeds during World War II as an Army medic. 
On June 21, 2000, James Okubo was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor 55 years after his actions as a combat medic during World War II.

In 1996, Congress directed the Secretary of the Army to conduct a review of all Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross in World War II “to determine whether any such award should be upgraded to the Medal of Honor.” On 21 June 2000, President William Clinton awarded the Medal of Honor to 22 Asian-Pacific Americans.

A Medal of Honor was favorably considered for another Japanese American, James Okubo, under a separate provision of the law. The decoration couldn't be formally approved, however, until Congress waived the statutory time restriction in his specific case. A former Army medic, Okubo was originally recommended for the Medal of Honor, but his command gave him the Silver Star Medal in the mistaken belief that was the highest award allowed. Okubo was cited for extraordinary heroism in several separate actions near Biffontaine in October and November 1944 in which he saved the lives of fellow 442nd soldiers while exposing himself to intense enemy fire.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Technician Fifth Grade James K. Okubo distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 28 and 29 October and 4 November 1944, in the Foret Domaniale de Champ, near Biffontaine, eastern France. On 28 October, under strong enemy fire coming from behind mine fields and roadblocks, Technician Fifth Grade Okubo, a medic, crawled 150 yards to within 40 yards of the enemy lines. Two grenades were thrown at him while he left his last covered position to carry back wounded comrades. Under constant barrages of enemy small arms and machine gun fire, he treated 17 men on 28 October and 8 more men on 29 October. On 4 November, Technician Fifth Grade Okubo ran 75 yards under grazing machine gun fire and, while exposed to hostile fire directed at him, evacuated and treated a seriously wounded crewman from a burning tank, who otherwise would have died. Technician Fifth Grade Okubo's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.
Spring Landscaping Work
What a Before and After! 
The AMEDD Museum has seven-acres of land that requires a lot of manpower to maintain, especially during the rainy spring season. This Spring, the enterprising Boy Scouts of America Troop from Fort Sam Houston has undertaken the project to clean and maintain the gazebo on the grounds. The gazebo was a gift from Louise Jessee, DAC, a dedicated volunteer to the AMEDD Museum Foundation.
Boy Scout Volunteers hard at work! 
The Boy Scouts have trimmed back the vines, weeded the surrounding beds, and laid landscaping fabric as well as gravel and rocks to prevent weeds from returning. They have painted the supporting structure to preserve the metal and power-washed the concrete. In the final step of their project, the Boy Scouts will serve as the Team Lead and direct volunteers from the NCO Academy to finish weaving the vines through the gazebo bracing, painting, and completing the surrounding landscaping. This supports the Boy Scouts in their leadership development skills. Their work is refreshing and beautifying our grounds. Thank you to the NCO Academy students and Boy Scouts for your support and volunteerism!
If you want to learn more about how you can volunteer to support the AMEDD Museum, please contact our office for more information: [email protected]
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AMEDD Medical Museum Foundation | (210) 226-0265 | ameddmuseumfoundation.org
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