Volume 2 No. 21 |May 12, 2020
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In This Issue

Ft. Pierce Jazz & Blues Society Needs You!
Kaila Geisinger
Backus to Reopen - With Conditions
NEW NEWS From Backus
Professional Musicians with Online Lessons
Goodbye to a Friend - Joyce Levi

Get Updates on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook Page
Nifty Shared Links on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Just for Fun


If you're in need of an amazing, feel-good story, read this , from the Philadelphia Inquirer.
“You have to remember, if you’re not doing things in your life that give you goose bumps, you’re doing it wrong.” - Timi Bauscher
It's been one of those frustrating weeks in Arts Blast land, but I can't really complain. I'm healthy, happy, and don't seem to be having the did-I-really-eat-that-whole-thing problem that so many in voluntary lockdown say they're facing. It's all about technology here. I'll figure it out, but for now, enjoy this issue of Arts Blast.

This doesn't make much sense, does it?
"The parachute has slowed our rate of descent. We can take it off now."

I have mixed feelings about the openings that have started happening. I understand the need to get back to work and to feel in control, and if everyone wore a mask and stayed six feet away, no problem. Unfortunately, that isn't how it's working, so I'll be continuing with my Safer-at-Home routine. Besides, with these blankety-blank computer problems to solve, who has time to go anywhere?
From the Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society website:

Founded in 1996 by Larry Lee & a group of Jazz and Blues enthusiasts, the Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to foster a greater awareness and love for Jazz and Blues by exposing these great American art forms to the community at-large and to the schools. The Jazz & Blues Society shares ideas with other Jazz and/or Blues-oriented groups locally and around the nation to mutually assist in promoting the growth, appreciation and perpetuation of the Jazz and Blues genres.
The Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society presents Jazz and Blues music to the public in a variety of ways, including: festivals, performances, free jam sessions, hands-on workshops, clinics, community education, and outreach initiatives. Our objectives are to foster greater awareness and enjoyment in the community for Jazz and Blues through education and performances, and to provide scholarships to deserving college-bound students who wish to further their knowledge and skill in the music field.
I know the musicians are impatient to get back to the Saturday Jazz Market in Fort Pierce and to their regular gigs at Sunrise Theatre and Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens. Their fans miss them as much as they miss performing.

Don Bestor, FPJBS president, assured me the musicians aren't staring out a window, waiting for the call. He  reached to some of the guys for personal updates for Arts Blast.
Photo above: FPJBS president Don Bestor

Sunrise Theatre in Fort pierce offered a live stream May 7. Here's the link.
Photo: Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society at Port St. Lucie Botanical Garden
I do more practicing, writing and arranging now so that when venues become available again I will be ready. Learning new songs is good motivation in and of itself for playing my instrument.
James McCreavy, Jazz Guitarist

Have practiced, and tried to stay in touch with colleagues. I try to stay positive, although moods vary some what, day to day. Luckily, no health issues. No anxiety to speak of during this period.
Val Schaeffer, Bassist
I've been trying to use this time to catch up on some of the many aspects of playing that I've had on my "to do" list. I try to mix things up and practice different types of things on different days. Because we’ve become the musicians that we are, we should have enough self discipline to work through this situation. I miss being with the people who are close to me. But modern technology has helped take some of the edge off that.
Maurice Sedacca, Jazz Guitarist

Practice, practice, practice. I’ve also put one mini-performance from my living room online with Facebook. We’re jazz musicians. We INVENTED despair and depression. Nothing new here. No health issues for me and my wife. So far, so good. Self-employed musicians are hit hard when all work is dried up. Plenty of anxiety all around.
Larry Brown, Jazz Pianist
I practice my drumming every day including playing along with some of my favorite bands from Gordon Goodwin to Tower of Power. I’ve been experimenting with new drum techniques, sounds, colors, and textures on my drum set. And I’ve been writing some new drum material for myself and improvising on themes and forms. 
After every one of my gigs for the coming year were canceled, I felt discouraged. However, it didn’t last long as it’s been nice staying home with my wife (She seems like a nice person.) and dog. Healthwise, my wife and I have been fine. 
Claudio Berardi, Jazz Drummer
I have continued my online teaching at the Indian River Charter High School as Director of Jazz Studies and learned many new and exciting ways to teach music. I keep myself fresh by playing my bass each day. Sight-reading, ear training and now vocal lessons round out my weekly musical rituals.
No depression for me. I feel that I have a more personal approach to my music. There are so many wonderful musicians to learn from online, and I use them for inspiration instead of for comparison. Fortunately, my wife and twin 6 year old daughters are healthy and safe. No anxiety during this period either. I just want my friends in the FPJB to continue to be safe and healthy through this trying time.
David Mundy, Jazz Bassist , Dir.of Jazz Studies, Indian River Charter High School, Schumann School for the Visual and Performing Arts
Bestor himself continues to practice but has so much more on his mind. “I’m working on ways to raise money for this organization so as to be sure that the Ft Pierce Jazz & Blues Society stays viable and healthy. This will NOT be an easy task for the way forward. We depend upon contributions, grants, (not many for that category), and the Jazz Market held on Saturday mornings in downtown Ft. Pierce. This Jazz Market has been our financial arm for the past 16 years and without it or funds, we will fade away. 

“Rent, fees, insurances, utilities, etc., all still continue. This is the scary part of what I do. Donations are very much needed to continue. Without help, we will not be able to return to continue. Donations can be made online at www.jazzsociety.org and look on the left side of the page for Donations. Onward and upward!
Don Bestor, Jazz Pianist , and proudly the President for the past 10 years.” 

Maurice Sedacca
Larry Brown at Westminster
Dave Mundy
Claudio Berardi
James McCreavy
Val Shaffer
Kaila Geisinger
Below is a recent Facebook post about a young lady who called the Treasure Coast home for many years. It led to my reconnecting with a loving and talented family that crossed my path ten years ago.

We are so proud to share that Kaila Geisinger has been awarded the Theodore Presser Scholarship from the Vanderbilt University Blair School of Music . This generous award is presented to an outstanding junior music performer and scholar. She was also inducted into The Society of Pi Kappa Lambda, recognizing the highest level of musical achievement & academic scholarship.
I met Kaila Geisinger, then a Stuart resident, when she and her sister, Hannah, appeared at the WQCS performance studio to audition for Young Musicians Spotlight. Kaila was in 6th grade, Hannah in 7th, both homeschooled, both serious musicians from an extraordinarily supportive family. “Our parents have always been our biggest fans,” Kaila said. “During my earlier years playing, my mother would even drive 2.5 hours each way to take me to lessons in Ocoee. (They’ve) been invaluable to our experiences as musicians as they have invested in our development from the beginning.”

Kaila is now studying for her undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., with a double major. She and Hannah “never imaged attending different colleges. However, when she went to Juilliard and I went to Vanderbilt, both of our horizons expanded.” As young sisters, they “played together for gigs, church, volunteer work, and the Treasure Coast Youth Symphony … . In the summers, we would usually go to the same music festival.” At home, there was a bit of a competition. “There were definitely occasions were we would fight over practice times.” But distance can bring its own harmony. “When we both come home to Florida for breaks, it is certainly special to be able to play together again, especially for Christmas.”
One of Kaila’s favorite musical memories from her youth was the outreach she shared with Hannah, playing for the residents of the Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center every year. “Those that were able would come to watch in chairs while others would stay in their rooms with their doors open to hear the music. It was always a moving experience and one that we treasure.”

A more recent memorable experience is one of her favorite performances to date, when she played in a special ensemble at Vanderbilt. “I got the opportunity to play with Amy Jarman, Blair's vocal professor … and other professors for Sparrows , a work for soprano and chamber ensemble,   by Joseph Schwantner. It was truly a special project to participate in.”

A memory she files under funny/exciting was the time she played on Gabriel Silva’s CD recording with the Academy Orchestra. Until a few months before the session, Kaila had played only lever harp, but had changed to pedal harp. “Since it was so new, I did not feel confident about the pedals and so my sister helped me tape the names of the notes on the pedals to help me if I got confused."
A future in music isn’t at the end of a clear path yet for Kaila. She knows it will be part of her future but she’s still exploring all the possibilities. “I am drawn to the unique path my professor has taken as she has reimagined what the harp can do and where it belongs, taking it out of the traditional classical setting into new environments. I hope to carve my own unique path with the harp in the future.” One of her favorite musicians is Jacob Collier. “He’s a great example of a musician blending styles in a contemporary context that is particularly compelling,” she said.

Other favorites are Astor Piazzolla, “such fun to play and is deliciously fiery.” A favorite to listen to is Ravel, whose music she considers “full of color and always inspiring.”
Kaila has more than the harp in her sights, with interests outside music. She’s pursuing a double major, Harp Performance and Human and Organizational Development, and is “excited to be a marketing intern this fall for a medical software company in Nashville.” It should be no surprise that other art forms are part of Kaila’s life. “One of my other passions has been oil painting. I have always loved painting portraits in particular. I am currently taking an oil painting class at Vanderbilt and have a fine arts minor.”

If Vanderbilt, “an intimate community nestled into a larger research university,” ever needs a marketing director, they’d do well to talk to Kaila. Vanderbilt gave her the opportunity to focus on music while “being able to take academic coursework that interests me.” She appreciates the collaborative atmosphere at Vanderbilt and the Blair School of Music. “It is truly a community of musicians, and the students and professors alike are eager to wrk together, collaborate, and invest in one another.” There’s a special Friday class that has some students performing while others make up the audience. “ It is inspiring to be surrounded by students that display a diverse set of passions inside and outside of music and that are truly interested in helping one another succeed.”
Scheduled live performances have been cancelled because of COVID-19 but readers can hear Kaila on YouTube and the Vanderbilt University Harp Studio page on Facebook. She played harp on countertenor Terry Barber’ s CD, Classical for Everyone, available on Spotify. Barber said it was a pleasure working with Kaila, a very professional young lady. “I’m very proud of the unique arrangements of ‘Bring Him Home’(Les Miserables) and ‘Ich Liebe Dich’ (I set German poem lyrics to Bach’s famous Air on the G string for use in weddings) on which Kaila plays harp and her sister, Hannah, plays two-parts I wrote for viola. … Kaila’s outstanding talent is what takes our breath away.”
Barber was scheduled for an April concert at the Lyric Theatre in Stuart. It was canceled, of course, but is now set for Sept. 4.

It is tradition for a rising Blair senior to perform at Vanderbilt’s commencement ceremony to celebrate the graduating class.
Here, harp performance major Kaila Geisinger honors the Class of 2020 with a harp excerpt from Gaetano Donizetti’s “Lucia di Lammermoor.”

Miguel Bonachea is an experienced guitarist and instructor. He served as a professor at prestigious Universities in Cuba and Colombia for 20 years. Several of his students are recognized figures in the international classical guitar arena today. Philosopher and music critic Dr. Marc-Jean Bernard has written about him: "His musical technique and culture of the instrument is based on a deep understanding of aesthetical dimensions of Music. He is simultaneously a great guitarist and a great educator."

Photo: Niurka Barroso
Joyce Levi

A good friend of the arts in Indian River County for decades and a good friend of mine since I first crossed the 17th Street Causeway so many years ago, Joyce Levi, passed away recently.

Despite trying to be retired, Joyce was my go-to person for anything that had to do with the history of Vero Beach Theatre Guild. Her own history is too long for this publication, so I'll suggest you read her obituary in TCPalm. Joyce will be missed by many.
From the Treasure Coast Chorale:

 Treasure Coast Chorale has cancelled its May 24th concert at First Baptist Church. We will meet again in September to plan a new season of exciting concerts for our wonderful community which will be in November, 2020, March 2021, and May 2021.

We wish you all a happy and healthy summer.
From the Lake Wales Arts Council:

After careful consideration, The Lake Wales Arts Council has decided to move forward with our 2020 Summer Arts Camp program. Our schedule has shifted to July-only sessions, and we've reduced our enrollment significantly to accommodate current CDC social distancing guidelines. There are scholarships available for students with demonstrated need. LWAC/CDC protocols, scholarship applications, and tickets can be found on our website at  www.lw-arts.org (2020SAC) . The Lake Wales Arts Council's dedicated to the safety and enrichment of your children, and we look forward to holding our beloved summer arts camp!
The Space Coast Symphony has come up with a unique way to help its musicians during these tough times. It's been a joy to see so many professional musicians from around the world uploading performances to Facebook and YouTube but this goes one step farther. When you click on the link for Musicians at Home, along with individual videos, you'll see a Tip Jar! What a great idea!

At your Space Coast Symphony, we live to bring great music to our community. There is no substitute for a live orchestral performance, but while concerts and community activities are on hold, you can still find ways to enjoy and support your Symphony. Even though we can’t be with you in person, enjoy these videos from our incredible musicians as they keep the music alive at home. We hope to see you soon!
From NBCNews.com blog:

Broadway shows canceled through the summer
Broadway theaters will remain closed through Labor Day, according to the Broadway League, an organization that represents theater owners and operators.
“While all Broadway shows would love to resume performances as soon as possible, we need to ensure the health and well-being of everyone who comes to the theatre – behind the curtain and in front of it – before shows can return," Charlotte St. Martin, president of the Broadway League, said in a statement Tuesday. 
Theatergoers who purchased tickets for performances through Sept. 6 should expect to receive an email advising them about how to obtain a refund or exchange, according to the organization.
Broadway performances were suspended in March as the coronavirus began spreading across the U.S. More than 30 shows were running at the time, and eight productions were rehearsing for spring debuts.
From Vero Beach Art Club:

Welcome to the Vero Beach Art Club’s New
Virtual Exhibit.
We all look forward to when we will be
able to offer our normal array of shows, exhibits, workshops and classes. Until
then, please enjoy browsing our virtual art gallery and perhaps purchasing an
awesome artwork created by one of our members. All artwork is for sale and members are
donating 20% of all purchases to help Vero Beach Art Club during this uncertain
time. Please
be sure to check back each month for new artwork.
participate in the exhibit:
From Arts Blast sponsor Gallery 14:

Gallery 14 offers personally scheduled appointments for your safety and ours. Call the gallery at 772-562-5525 for information on appointment arrangements facilitated by artist/owners Mary Ann Hall and Lila Blakeslee. Enjoy a docent tour while feeling comfortably safe and socially distanced in a sanitized environment.

We look forward to opening our new season on October 1 with
Finger Painter Palmer: Digital Art by Rhett Palmer
Catching up with Barbara Krupp

A few weeks ago, I asked some artists and musicians what they were doing during lockdown. One of them, Arts Blast sponsor artist Barbara Krupp, finally took a break and replied. Suddenly, I'm feeling like a slug again.

"Hi Willi, As usual, I am keeping busy, I have never had a day off or have ever been bored. During this time I have kept painting and I had Jo Zaza 
  jozazabrandmanager@gmail.com  redo my website. She has done quite the job on it. My new paintings and explanation are on the site. I have also been invited to have a painting in the Collection of the Copelouzos Family Museum in Athens, Greece. "The Lost Star" will be in the 35x35 Project for the permanent collection. Plus, I have redone my entire garden and I have baked many things including my grandmother's home bread from the late '40s. That's all for now."

Photo: The Sound of Color


Backus is Back! Saturday, May 16
News from Marshall Adams at A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery:
"We are looking forward to welcoming the community back to the Backus Museum. We're being careful, we couldn't throw open the doors with the new guidelines. Staff needs to feel comfortable returning, and we have to make it so the public feels safe, so we spent the necessary time to discuss as a team and set the date when we felt we were ready. Art is really important at times like this, it connects people to something, it allows for a transcendence that's more necessary and appreciated than ever. This is truly a novel situation, and the Museum will continue to be responsive as the situation evolves." - J. Marshall Adams, executive director

The A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery plans to re-open to the public beginning Saturday, May 16, 2020 and resume regular hours until further notice.  The Museum has been temporarily closed since March 16 as the community has responded to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. 

In compliance with Governor DeSantis’s Executive Order #20-112, Section 4.B. the Museum will open at 25% of its building occupancy, and continue to follow the safety guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration.
Visitor safety, wellbeing, and the ability to share works of art with the public are the Backus Museum’s enduring priorities. The following steps will be instituted upon re-opening in order to maintain a safe environment for the public and staff:

  • Visitors will be asked to follow current CDC recommendations to wear cloth face coverings; disposable single-use masks will be available for visitors if needed. Additionally, all staff will wear masks.

  • Visitors will be asked to observe social distancing practices while in the Museum, maintaining a 6-foot spacing between non-household groups

  • Hand sanitizing will be available upon entry and inside the Museum for visitors’ use; we are also increasing our facility cleaning routines, cleaning frequently touched surfaces, with soap and paper towels fully stocked 

At this time, the Museum is suspending all group tours, and in recognizing its mandated 25% capacity is temporarily suspending monthly free admission days. Please check the Museum’s website and social media for updates.

Upon re-opening, the Museum is resuming its exhibition programming with necessary changes. The special exhibition  James F. Hutchinson: Visionary Truths  has been extended indefinitely, courtesy of the artist. The Museum is grateful to Mr. Hutchinson in allowing this extension, so that returning visitors will be able to delight in the magnificent work of this Florida Artists Hall of Fame master.

The A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery is a community-based, 501(c)3 not-for-profit arts institution that relies on your support. Contributions during this challenging period will lessen the financial impact on the Museum, and can be made securely online at  www.backusmuseum.org . Gifts can also be made as an ongoing monthly donation, as a way to extend contributions and provide steady support in this uncertain time.
Currently On View
As a teenager, James Hutchinson (b. 1932) developed his artistic skills in the studio of “Bean” Backus, and quickly grew to become a renowned painter in his own right by following his own path. The special exhibition  James F. Hutchinson: Visionary Truths , presents the artist’s story though his journeys describing the idyllic beauty of the land (Florida, Jamaica, Hawaii), and his captivating insight for the Seminole peoples. Among a lifetime of honors, in 2011 Hutchinson was inducted into the Florida Artists Hall of Fame. Originally scheduled to close April 26, the exhibition will be on view indefinitely as the community recovers from the COVID-19 public health crisis. The exhibition is generously sponsored by Fee, Yates and Fee Attorneys at Law.
About the A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery
With a recently added, multi-million dollar expansion, the A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery houses the nation’s largest public presentation of artwork by Florida’s preeminent painter, A.E. “Bean” Backus (1906-1990), and is home to the state’s only permanent multimedia exhibition on the Florida Highwaymen. 

With a career spanning more than 70 years, A.E. “Bean” Backus (1906-1990) was the first Florida-born artist to build his professional renown by painting the landscape and scenes from daily life of his native state. He was fortunate to have known great success during his lifetime, with paintings hanging in the businesses and the private collections of many of Florida’s most prominent citizens. A renowned humanitarian who abhorred the racist attitudes and segregation that engulfed the region, Backus taught and mentored the group of entrepreneurial African American artists who became known as the Florida Highwaymen. Their inspiring story is part of the A.E. Backus legacy.
In addition to preserving and perpetuating the artistic and humanitarian legacy of Backus, the Museum organizes and hosts changing exhibitions from artists of national and international acclaim. 
Beginning May 16, Regular Hours are: Wednesday – Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM; Sunday, 12 Noon to 4 PM (closed Monday-Tuesday). Admission is $5 per person; AARP, AAA, and Veterans with appropriate ID receive a $2 discount. Students with school ID, children under 18, active duty military, and current members are always free. 

Check the website for updates.

500 North Indian River Drive • Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 

Scroll down for more from Backus!
From Playbill.com
Misty Copeland, Tiler Peck, and Ballerinas Around the World Dance for COVID-19 Relief
by Ruthie Fierberg
MAY 08, 2020
Watch the stunning compilation video of the world’s premiere talents performing  T he Dying Swan.
Copeland and 31 other female ballet dancers from companies around the globe filmed themselves performing Mikhail Fokine's  Le Cygne  (often referred to as  The Dying Swan ) from isolation. Viewers are encouraged to donate to the GoFundMe, which distributes dollars among the relief funds at individual dance companies. The distribution is managed by the non-profit Entertainment Industry Foundation.

Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores is a piano performance graduate from The Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico B.M., The Eastman School of Music M. M., and Arizona State University where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Flores is an active performer as well as an experienced and inspirational piano teacher.
Just in from A . E. Backus Museum and Gallery:

As the A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery prepares to re-open, it has had to make adjustments to its planned exhibition schedule for the remainder of its 2019-2020 season. The Museum is unable to present its annual juried competitive photography exhibition  Through the Eye of the Camera . Instead, the Museum announces an online social media project for photographers to share their creative vision beyond the Museum’s walls.
Photographers are invited to share their original, creative images on social media (especially Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) with the hashtag  #EyeAmCreative , and tag the Museum (@AEBackusMuseum). Artists can also submit images to the Museum by email if preferred at  info@BackusMuseum.org .
“Doing a juried exhibition during a pandemic didn’t seem like a good idea,” says J. Marshall Adams, Executive Director. “With so many challenges for artists and for a small museum, we decided the best way to have the widest audience during these challenging times would be to use social media. No entry fees, no jury, no prospectus or categories or deadlines, just the opportunity to put your best images out there.”
The annual juried photography exhibition  Through the Eye of the Camera  is traditionally the last exhibition of the Backus Museum’s regular season, and one of the most anticipated. As one of two juried exhibitions in a typical year, it harkens back to the Museum’s roots as a community gallery. “Normally, the call to artists would have gone out the week we closed in March,” Adams said, “but like everyone else, we put everything on hold. Now as we start to emerge from temporary closure, given the circumstances, we want to shift and open up participation and a more far-reaching appreciation for this work.”
The A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery is a community-based, 501(c)3 not-for-profit arts institution that relies on your support. Contributions during this challenging period will lessen the financial impact on the Museum, and can be made securely online at  www.BackusMuseum.org/donate . Gifts can also be made as an ongoing monthly donation, as a way to extend contributions and provide steady support in this uncertain time.
Stay Home with the Musicians of the Atlantic Classical Orchestra
The Atlantic Classical Orchestra is even more than a great Florida orchestra. Its website is fun and educational and the music director, David Amado, is a world-class baker in his spare time. While staying safer at home, for example.

Okay, maybe world class is a tiny bit of a stretch but you can decide for yourself when you check out his Facebook page. I've been reading that flour, yeast, and other baking necessities have joined toilet paper on the empty-shelf list. Not mentioning any names, but I have a feeling I know where they are.
On the Watch, Listen & Learn page, find answers to questions that are basic (What is Classical Music?) to a bit esoteric ( Just How Big Were Rachmaninoff’s Hands?). Learn all there is to know about the ACO and attending a concert on another page.

The current season turned out to be a no-show for so many arts events but look ahead by subscribing to the next one.
From Heathcote Botanical Gardens:

Tea in the Time of QuaranTEAn

Due to Covid-19 Heathcote was forced to cancel Tea in the Gardens. Because of the level of disappointment expressed we are holding “Tea in the Time of QuaranTEAn” - a virtual event. Drawing for 3 great prizes May 15th. We hope you will participate!

Each Ticket $30— Supports Heathcote including Community Garden & Children’s Programs and gives you one chance at the donated prizes.
Purchase tickets online, link below, or mail check to Heathcote Botanical Gardens 210 Savannah Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982. 772-464-4672
Tickets must be purchased by 3:30pm Friday, May 15, 2020. The drawing will take place at 4:00pm.
   Tickets are virtual tickets and will not be mailed.
Museum Extras online

Anke’s Art Minute every Monday

VBMA Tuesdays Flick Pick
To educate and entertain, Film Studies coordinator Diane Thelen recommends a new film each Tuesday on an artist or time period related to the VBMA’s permanent collections.

Museum Stories
To keep active young minds engaged, we present a creative lesson plan with suggestions of books, music, and art-making for babies and toddlers.

Art Tutorials
A short weekly art-making tutorial with Museum Art School faculty.

Museum Fun
A fun collection of Museum-related photos, moments, social media, etc.
Classical Guitar Instruction

Online from Vero Beach, Florida. Live via Skype or archived as Unlisted on a YouTube channel.

Student requirements: Classical guitar (nylon strings), music stand, foot stool or substitute gear, basic knowledge of music reading and theory, access to high speed internet, good lighting in his/her studio room, access to a printer.  

Forms of payment: Apple pay, Skype pay, Zelle app, account transfer, and others.

For more information and to register: veroclassicalguitar@gmail.com
Trumpet Lessons

Live from the Treasure Coast

Student requirements : All levels and ages of playing.   Computer with webcam and microphone or Smartphone with Skype or Zoom installed.

Form of payment: Paypal

For scheduling and fee information : Call or text: (772) 532-2083 or email annora.daige@gmail.com
There are many small arts-related businesses and individuals without the tech savvy to create web content but still want or need to reach their audience. If you have the skills to help them get online with video classes and performances, get your own skills out there through Arts Blast advertising. Email for rates. They're small-business friendly, from this small business to yours.

Arts Blast now includes paid listings for arts-related classes, workshops, lessons, and gallery updates. A basic listing is $5 per issue, paid through PayPal. A half banner-size ad with a photo or graphic will be $25 per issue. Email for details: willi@willimiller.com.
Piano Instruction

Lessons Via Skype during virus crisis.

Student requirements: Not beginners. Must have some background in piano lessons. Classical Music preferred, but other genres could be considered.

Forms of payment : Check

For more information and to register: E mail  drmdflores@comcast.net
Piano Instruction

Location: Live from Yardley, PA

Student requirements: Acoustic or digital piano - full size with weighted keys.

Form of payment: PayPal

For more information and to register:

Oncidium orchid - Julie Lounibos
It's time to claim your ad spot in the Cultural Council of Indian River County's 2020-2021 Cultural Guide. Get details from Lisa Lindner or call  772-770-4857.

See the work of artists online and join in for Art For Art's Sake.
From the Brevard Chorale:

The Brevard Chorale, under the auspices of Eastern Florida State College (EFSC), celebrates over 50 years of performing, beginning in 1964. The Chorale offers at least two performances each year at the end of the Spring and Fall Semesters at the Simpkins Performing Arts Center, of EFSC, Cocoa campus. For the past few years the Chorale has had additional performances at the Great Outdoors Community Church in Titusville. 

Our Spring Concert 2020 program with favorites from the 50's, 60's and 70's has been postponed until Spring 2021. Please join us for the Fall 2020 season.
More information:  j32348@gmail.com  or by phone at (321) 501-0833.
Found any treasures around the house? Let your imagination run wild! Create the most eye-opening recycled artwork and let us see it on social media using hashtags  #artstlucie  #stayhome #withartstlucie #keepartalive #jointhemovement #recycledart, and tag us,  @artstlucie . We will repost it on all our digital platforms, including our website. 1. 2. 3. Treasure hunt!
From Mike Block:

Like many artists, I’m still committed to sharing music digitally in meaningful ways these days, and I will be performing a special Facebook Live concert fundraiser next Fri day, May 15th at 8:30p ET  to help  raise funds  for  Fallingwater , Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic house built in the late 1930s. 

We will broadcast through both of our Facebook pages:  Mike Block Music  and  Fallingwater .
Anemone with clown fish
Photo courtesy of Gregory Hills - Ocean Soldiers
Hills said his work is in support of Ocean Soldiers, trying to raise awareness of the"plight of our oceans."

For the past eight years, photographers have submitted their finest landscape images for consideration in Outdoor Photographer’s  American Landscape Photo Contest , celebrating the beauty of our country’s natural spaces. Enter your best landscape photos today for your chance to be published in Outdoor Photographer and win great prizes from Tamron, Haida and more!

Entry deadline is Friday, May 15.
From the Historical Society of Martin County
The Struggle for Power, Part Three & House of Refuge

In this week's segment, Car Curator John Giltinan shares part three of "The Struggle for Power." You can view the video  here .

Rob Steele did an excellent job of capturing what the House of Refuge is all about. For a visual look, be sure to watch this  video .

Also, we invite you to  LIKE SUBSCRIBE  and  COMMENT  on the videos. We are just seven people away from being able to customize the name of our channel, which will make it easier for folks to find our channel. And remember, you can see our videos, Facebook posts, newsletters, photos and more right from the  News & Views  page on our HSMC website .
Scroll down for guidelines for submitting calendar items and feature suggestions to ARTS BLAST.

Send comments to  willi@willimiller.com .
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Like Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook page for updates and Willi Miller's Arts Blast Just For Fun for interesting, inspiring, and fun shared posts, then go to willimiller.com to catch up on every issue of Arts Blast, and see the latest ON THE CALENDAR listings.

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As always, For Helen Miller 
Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web address
Contact for public (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, until more are requested.
Media contact with email for my followup (not for publication)
Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the body of the listing, sometimes called Description , make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.

If you are a member of the  Cultural Council of Indian River County , you need this information:

IMPORTANT: In order to promote your events as a member of the Cultural Council, you must enter your event on the CCIRC calendar via this link:  https://www.calendarwiz.com/culturalcouncil and click on "Submit your event"
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
Copyright ©2019-2020 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.