April is an important month.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and it is a difficult topic to discuss. Last year alone there were over 670,000 confirmed victims of abuse. This is a truly horrifying statistic that can leave many of us feeling helpless. But you can help...in so many ways.

The Child Abuse Prevention Resource Guide is a great place to start.

And here's another way you can help. On April 26, One Simple Wish has invited local NJ children who have been impacted by abuse and neglect to an epic Wish Party filled with fun, food and lots of laughs. Sometimes kids just need a chance to be kids and we're happy we can be here to make it happen. (Thanks to you!)

Here's just a few of the kids who are on the guest list. You can read more about them and grant their wish and then we'll surprise them with it at the party! (Don't forget to leave a message too!)

Thanks for helping them heal,
-Danielle & The OSW Crew

Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash
Looking for even more wishes?

Kaliyah wants to go to prom.
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