Join us at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 7! | |
Faith has the power to transform lives, communities, and ultimately the world. How do we cultivate a faith that grows in our own lives so we can see continued transformation? Pastor Tyler is going to try to answer this question on Sunday morning. Invite a friend and we will see you on Sunday at 9 a.m. for worship!
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Like/follow/share on social media | |
Lake Union Church is on Facebook and Instagram, and our Sunday services are streamed live on Facebook and YouTube. Audio is also available on our website, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. If you can't be with us in person, then join us online! Invite others, in person or online, as we share the love of Christ! | |
Upcoming Events @ Lake Union | |
Baby Shower for Emily Menssen
Saturday, August 6, 10 a.m. (at Lake Union Church)
All women and girls are invited to the Princess Tea Party at Lake Union Church with mommy-to-be Emily Menssen. Emily is registered at
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J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Club
When: Tuesday, August 9
Where: Pastor Tyler's
We are heading to Pastor Tyler's house for our August JOY Club! You do not want to miss it. There's also a rumor that Pastor Tyler may have his world famous Special K bars on hand.
Meet at the church at 1:00 to carpool or be at Pastor Tyler's at 1:30.
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New Bible Study - The Beatitudes
Starting Monday, August 1 @ 7 p.m.
The kind of life God is calling us to may not look the way we imagined, but it will be better than we could have hoped.
Join us on Mondays at church at any point in this eight-session series as we go through the Beatitudes and Jesus shows us what it means to live in the kingdom of God. Through his teaching we will learn what the blessed life really looks like.
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Pickleball, hosted by the Women's Adventure Club!
Thursday, August 11, 6:30 p.m.
Annandale High School tennis courts
Meet at the Annandale High School to play Pickleball. Please bring your pickleball paddle (we'll supply one if you don't have one). Please bring a snack to share afterward at the Pleasant Lake Park area. RSVP to Melinda Pedersen.
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The family asks that your presence be your gift. | |
You remember our pie and ice cream socials - an event that was a must-attend and people from all across the land showed up. Well, we are making the pie and ice cream social spectacular! How? We're adding a hymn sing to go along with it.
So invite your friends and join us Sunday evening August 21 from 5 - 7 p.m. BBQs and drinks will also be provided!
A free-will offering will be held to benefit our children and youth camp scholarship fund.
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Golf with us on Thursdays!
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Play golf with Lake Union Church on Thursdays at Kimball Golf Club. We will play nine holes. The cost is $20 per person, including a cart. We can have up to five golfers weekly - men, women, and beginners invited!
Reserve your spot with us by contacting Ron Graham. Phone: 320-764-6951. Email: Pastor Tyler will golf with us as his schedule allows.
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Lake Union Children and Youth Ministries | |
Volleyball and Swimming!
Clearwater-Pleasant Regional Park
Wednesday, August 3 at 7:00 p.m.
Text your friends and invite them! We are heading back to Clearwater-Pleasant Regional Park for volleyball and swimming on Wednesday, August 3 at 7:00 p.m. You don't want to miss it!
For youth entering grade 6 and older.
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Where: Charlie and Gloria Olson's
When: Wednesday, August 17 @ 5 p.m.
Families and kids of all ages are invited to our family fishing night on Wednesday, August 17. It will be a time to have fun, eat good food, and see who can catch the most fish! Invite a friend and see you there!
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Siloam School in Jinja, Uganda | |
Larry and Lynette are back from Uganda!
Check out the blog of their adventures and learn more about the people of Uganda, the Siloam School, and the Sponsor Program in action.
God is at work, through Lake Union Church, in Uganda!
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Sound/streaming technicians
We are looking for volunteers interested in being a part of the sound/streaming team for Sundays. No previous experience is needed! Training is provided!
Contact Trent Olson if interested.
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(Click the image to view the album on our website.)
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Our Prayer Team is here for you!
Scripture tells us not to be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6-7).
Lake Union has a team of prayer warriors ready to pray for you.
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Video of the Service
We live stream (Facebook and YouTube) every Sunday. If you can't join us at home, then join us online!
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Audio of the Message
Listening on your car radio or your smart device? Click the link below and listen to the latest message.
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August 2 - Jake and Jess Olson, anniversary
August 4 - Jeff and Lisa Borders, anniversary
August 4 - Jess Dahlen, birthday
August 8 - Connie Munstenteiger, birthday
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Giving, July 31
General: $4,068.54
Uganda - Sponsor: $101.01
2022 General Budget to Date -
Average Weekly Budget need: $4,482
Year-to-Date giving: $126,039.08
Year-to-Date Average Budget need: $138,942
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74526 CSAH 19 (P. O. Box 152)
South Haven, MN 55382
(320) 398-2992
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