Volume 21 Issue 1 | APRIL 2021
Adult Learning Network
The Adult Learning Network is a quarterly publication of the
Arkansas Adult Learning Resource Center (AALRC)
New Design for AALRC Newsletter

During the last 20 years, the Arkansas Adult Learning Resource Center has printed a quarterly newsletter and distributed it to all adult education programs and literacy councils in Arkansas. In recent years, a digital version was added to the AALRC web page.
When the pandemic started, we began publishing only the digital format. Now, we are changing to providing readers with both a desktop- and mobile-friendly version. The newsletter will directly come to your inbox and the content in articles can be further explored by clicking on hyperlinks. Additional information in some articles can be accessed by clicking “buttons” (gray boxes).

If you would like to share this newsletter, just forward this email. Click here to go to a webpage where anyone can subscribe.

In addition, if you would like to contact one of us here at the AALRC, you would like to give us feedback or provide an article for future newsletters, please click here.

Are your enrollment numbers down? The need for adult education services is obvious during this time of a pandemic. Record numbers of unemployment as well as high drop-out numbers of the K-12 system indicate an immense need for adult education. However, it seems hard to get the word out about free adult education services and all the merits that state and federally funded programs have to offer.
The Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) mission is to provide leadership, communication, professional development, and advocacy for adult education and literacy practitioners to advance quality services for all adult learners. COABE joined forces with the National Association of State Directors of Adult Education (NASDAE). Together, with the generous sponsorship of Essential Education, they started the strategic initiative “Move Ahead with Adult Ed.”
By participating in the new initiative and signing up for the tool kit, your program will be listed in a national searchable database. You will receive free tools and a marketing campaign that you can edit to personalize the information to your program. If you haven’t done it already and would like to join, please click here and make your presence count for a wide audience of adult learners. An increased media exposure through a free campaign will support your recruitment of learners and raise awareness about what all your program offers. If you have further questions, please call 888-442-6223 or email [email protected].
Professional Development
With the sudden onset of teaching (and learning) in a virtual society, we all have had to ‘modify and adjust’ quickly. The current pandemic has forced many of us to find a new way of doing business. 
Like most other educational facilities, we may have considered contingency plans for days when learning from a distance would be necessary, but planning for an occasional snow day here and there is totally different from being thrust into a full-fledged virtual learning platform. The AALRC recognizes that in order to continue to be competitive and prepared to provide our users with the best educational experience that aligns with their goals, we must think outside the box. It is our endeavor to continue to provide high quality training that equips our educators with the tools and resources needed to remain viable and relevant in the 21st century. This segment provides helpful information to users who may find unavoidable changes in the current adult education learning environment a bit daunting. One of the most commonly asked questions the AALRC receives involves locating and accessing Zoom login information. The Zoom information is always included within the escWorks confirmation email. This initial email confirming the participant’s registration is not the same as a training reminder. The attached document is an example of a confirmation email. The Zoom information is located towards the bottom of the notice. There are occasions when the Zoom information will request participants to register before sending the actual login link; in either case, the information will still be located within the confirmation email. We have simplified the process even more by publishing a video tutorial on on our website which explains how to access a copy of the confirmation letter.
TIP: Copy and paste the zoom link from the confirmation email directly to your calendar. This way, you will receive a reminder from your email and the information will be easily accessible on the day of the training! 
PD Calendar For Upcoming Months
Please click button below to access the AALRC Professional Development (PD) Calendar!
Sunday, April 25th, the 2021 Academy Awards is having a year like no other. This year, a documentary nominated for an award has a very unique story. Crip Camp has been nominated for an Academy award. This documentary focuses on the early lives of disability pioneers who came together for summer camp, holding empowering conversations on disability rights, but also sprinkling in the usual camp fun.
Among notable persons in the film is Judith Heumann, one of the powerful
activists who led the push to pass the original American with Disabilities Act.
The other unique element of this documentary is its producers: former president Barack Obama and former first lady, Michelle Obama. Their production company,Higher Ground, has brought this film to life. For more information, how to watch and classroom curriculum ideas, see more here.
Tech Talk
Stay Productive with These Great Windows Tips
Did you know that Windows 10 has a built-in alarm for events and reminders? It’s located at the bottom-right corner of your screen. Just click on the date/time in the corner and add an event or reminder and your Windows will chime in to remind you with an alarm.
Microsoft To Do
For a more robust reminder/alarm/to do list, try out the free app To Do, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store. To download the app, click on the Microsoft Store button in Windows 10 or type “store” in the search box next to the Start Button (if you don’t have a search box, press the Windows key + s to open search) and in the Store search for “to do”.
Once installed, you will see that there are several options to help you stay on time and organized, including reminders, repeats, adding steps, and due dates.

For further download options, click this button:
AmeriCorps Members Focusing on Health Literacy
Arkansas Reads AmeriCorps members, located at nine literacy councils in Arkansas, are focusing on health literacy during the FY21 and FY22 program years. Members are utilizing the Florida Literacy Coalition curriculum, Staying Healthy for Beginners and Staying Healthy: An English Learners Guide to Health Care and Healthy Living. Both curricula are available to download free at www.floridaliteracy.org. The curriculum is supplemented with the UAMS Center for Health Literacy’s How to Talk to Your Doctor pamphlets. The Center recently produced the How to M.O.V.E. toward Emotional Wellness, focusing on four steps to help adults improve their emotional wellness. The emotional wellness resource has been adapted to a freely accessible digital educational module that can be found here.
At Ozark Literacy Council, AmeriCorps member Rebekah McCleary shared this story. “Vitalli and Luidmyla have been participating in a Beginning ESL health literacy class every morning. In February, they announced that they received the coronavirus vaccine. Classmates celebrated with them virtually, and practiced asking about any symptoms or side effects they experienced (fortunately, none).”