Under The Microscope
BC Society of Laboratory Science: August 2021
BCSLS news & updates
Quiz | Featured Column | Volunteer | Jobs | Member Spotlight | Events
The BCSLS Enewsletter will focus on keeping our membership updated, knowledgeable and even entertained.

Message from the BCSLS President, Devena Steinmann, and Executive Director, Sharmen Vigouret Lee. We hope everyone is having an enjoyable summer. Over the past two months, the BCSLS Board has been engaged in strategic planning sessions to chart the path forward for our association over the next 3-5 years. Our discussions through this process have focused on our continued and future role in the context of health system changes and regulatory reform, and how we can best serve the medical laboratory professionals in our province through service provision and advocacy. The feedback we received from our membership survey has also shaped our discussions and decisions on future directions. Please know that your collective voices have been heard, and how much we value what you say. We are in the final stages of developing our strategic plan which we will be presenting at our Annual General Meeting on October 23, 2021. At the AGM we will also be electing directors to the Board. If you are interested in running for election and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sharmen.  
Special Days / Happy Days
August 15 - October 15
It's Quiz Time!
Our monthly Quiz with prizes. It's a fun way to test your knowledge and win a little something for doing it.
Deadline: August 31st

Congratulations to Andrea Stoodley, the July quiz winner!
Nominations for the Board of Directors will start August 24th. Keep your eyes peeled for the email and registration link.

Despite all of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 has been an exciting year for the BCSLS. Your current Board of Directors has been hard at work carrying out strategic planning sessions with the goal of developing our direction and vision for the future of the BCSLS.  We are a "hands on Board" with Board members actively participating in, and leading, BCSLS initiatives. We’d love for you to bring your skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to our Board of Directors as we implement our new strategic plan. 
August's Guest Contributor
Christine Lee, MD, FRCPC Medical Microbiologist and Researcher, Island Health Clinical Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC Faculty of Medicine
Microbiome Therapy for Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Infection and Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT), also known as live biotherapeutics product, which had been predominantly utilized by the veterinarians until late 1990’s has generated a significant interest for its potential use in various gastrointestinal, psychiatric, neurologic and metabolic disorders within the past several years. Since 2010, there has been an explosion of research, publications and media coverage related to the high efficacy range, 80 – 90% for treatment of recurrent Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile infection (rCDI). The exact mechanisms of its success in curing CDI are ... 

Welcome to the Laboratory Profession!

There are lots of students starting their Laboratory classes this summer!
  • MLAs at Camosun College - Sept 9
  • MLAs at Vancouver Community College - Sept 20
Congratulations to the graduating BC Laboratory classes of Summer! Welcome to the laboratory Profession!

  • MLAs from Vancouver Career College, Sept 24
Happy Retirement!! The best part about being retired is never having to request time off.

If you are planning on retiring soon, let us know! [email protected]
Let's get to know each other a little better professionally and personally. We will profile a member in a light-hearted Q&A format. Be sure to click on the 'read more' link to see the full Q&A.
Michelle Lui

  • I have the MLT diploma and a Provincial Instructor Diploma and I am currently working on a Master’s of Educational Leadership degree.
  • I love teaching! It is so rewarding to see the lightbulbs come on as students learn the how and why of what Lab Techs do. 
  • In my spare time, I dabble a little in what I call Kindergarten art. I like to do crafty projects and random acrylic painting to let my brain relax. Anything from rock pets to cardboard unicorns!
Job Postings

Jobs from around BC and Western Canada can be found on the Careers Webpage. Check out the webpage often as it is updated regularly. https://www.bcsls.net/careers-page
Upcoming Events

Congress 2021: A month of Lab Hero Lunch & Learns, Superstar Evening Seminars, Social Events and Games

P&P Analytic Symposium: April 2022 Symposium in Surrey.
a BIG thanks to our Congress Sponsors!
Planning for Future Services
Over the past two months, the BCSLS Board has been engaged in strategic planning sessions to chart the path forward for our association over the next 3-5 years. Our discussions through this process have focused on our continued and future role in the context of health system changes and regulatory reform, and how we can best serve the medical laboratory professionals in our province through service provision and advocacy. The feedback we received from our membership survey has also shaped our discussions and decisions on future directions. Please know that your collective voices have been heard, and how much we value what you say. We are in the final stages of developing our strategic plan which we will be presenting at our Annual General Meeting on October 23, 2021.
We are in the process of creating our strategic plan and are identifying specific projects/tasks to create.
We are looking for people to get involved in many different ways. If you would like more information take a look at our Volunteer webpage

  • Communication Liaisons - we want to increase our channels of communication with our members so we can hear more effectively from our members and share information. We are looking for Communication Liaisons from all Health Authorities and private labs across the province to work with us.
  • Presenters and Educators - have an idea for a topic you would like to present to your peers? Contact us and we will be pleased to connect you with our professional development team
  • Projects and initiatives - as we develop and implement new programming, we will be looking for volunteers to assist us as project managers and/or project team members. Contact us if you are interested. This is a great way to apply your skills and knowledge, or to learn and practice new skills.
  • And more ...