What's Happening with the CCCF Foundation

Today Only! Scooters Give Back Day - William St. Location

Grab a coffee in support of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. 10% of profits will be donated to the Foundation. Please share with your friends and family!! You can do that easily if you have liked our Facebook page.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

The Foundation's focus for the month of September has been suicide prevention awareness. As part of that focus, we are running an awareness spot on KBSI. You may have also noticed some billboards throughout the area, along with our yard signs and t-shirts.

PDQ Raffle in support of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Please help us raise $5,000! PDQ will match the raffle ticket sales for the month of September. We have a total of 500 tickets to sell at $5 each.

PDQ donated all these amazing items for raffle prize

We still have some Suicide Prevention t-shirts available for purchase. Mostly in grey or purple, the teal in limited sizes. We also have a few purple and grey sweatshirts.

Up Coming Events

Craft Beer Festival

Interested in volunteering?

We could use your help!

Our Foundation Board members will be out in full force working at our event on Saturday, October 21st, but with any event, you can never have too much help! We would love to have your assistance in making this a great fundraiser, so we have a special offer just for the staff of CCC!

We have created a google doc with the jobs and time slots we could use some volunteers. These are arranged in shifts to allow you to work and to enjoy attending the event for FREE!

If you can help, please use the button below and fill in your name on the time slot that you can work. You will receive further instructions the week of the event.

Thank you!

Sign Up Sheet

Mary Mingle

This fun event will be coming up on December 9th.

Register to run or stay tuned for information on voluteering.

Pre-Order CCC Shirts

Our next shirt pre-order sale will be coming up the end of October!

Employee Giving

Employees of CCC can set up an automatic payroll deduction at any time to support the efforts of the Foundation. You can give to the CCCF feeling assured that 100% of your gift comes back to the center.

For more information on what the CCC Foundation does and how you can make a difference for as little as $2 per pay period . . . Because of Us Info & Donation Form

Foundation Board Volunteers

at SEMO Fair

Staff and CCC Foundation Board members volunteered at the Optimist beer stand on Friday night to raise money for the Foundation and promote our Craft Beer Festival event.