Children's Ministry Monthly Newsletter

November 2023

Trunk or Treat Was a Blast!

Thank you for your participation in this year's Trunk or Treat! We had a wonderful time, and I loved seeing how the kids got into decorating their cars for the event, and of course their costumes were amazing! It was wonderful to be together and celebrate! A huge thank you to our parent volunteers, our staff, and each of you who took time to lead games and decorate your cars! Thank you for all you do for our children!


A big hello and welcome to new families visiting with us at MPBC this fall. We love that you are spending time with us and welcome each of you whenever you can be here! Use this form

to share a few things with us so that we can make sure your experience here meets your needs and connects you in a way that helps nourish your family.

Let's Celebrate!

Congratulations to Kathryn N who will be performing in Charlotte Ballet's Nutcracker this December! We are so excited for you and proud of this wonderful accomplishment!

Do you have something wonderful to celebrate with our Community? If so, please reach out to Candace to share your joy with everyone!

November 5: SUN @ MPBC

November 8: Mosaic WED

November 12: SUN @ MPBC

November 15: Mosaic Community Night

November 19: SUN @ MPBC

November 22: Happy Thanksgiving! No Mosaic

November 26: SUN @ MPBC

November 29: Mosaic WED

December 6: Mosaic WED

December 10: SUN @ MPBC

December 13: Mosaic Community Night Christmas Party (last night of Mosaic programming until January 17)

December 17: Lessons and Carols

December 17: Light the Knights Family Event

December 20: No Mosaic December 24: 10a & 5:30p Christmas Eve Services No Children's Worship

A Prayer for you

I'm sending a prayer up for each of you this month as we navigate life and balance the weight of what is happening in the world with what is happening in our homes and communities. I pray that you find peace to care for yourselves and your people, and that you find strength to advocate and care for others facing difficulty. I pray you take walks, and breathe silence, and experience love and feel gratitude. I pray that you find the inner voice that is truly the presence of God in our lives and that it guides you through the hours, days, and weeks of a hectic and heavy month. I pray you see the light shine and feel its warmth and that it leads you to speak your truth and tell your stories to trusted loved ones. I pray that on the cold and windy days you find shelter in the love of God and comforting warmth in the light of friendship and community.

We want to be a light for you and your family at MPBC. Reach out to Candace or to Rev. JJ Flag if you have a request for prayer or just need someone to talk to.

Sundays are Fundays at MPBC

Meet Children's Worship and Sunday School Volunteer, Janice Davin!

We are so lucky at MPBC to have our very own Janice Davin leading our Children's Worship and Sunday School. I have personally learned more from her in the last couple of months than I ever did in Sunday School as a child! She's a gifted and accomplished educator, an equally accomplished storyteller and she even knows how to turn our Bible stories into movies! Come and be with us on Sunday mornings for Children's Worship at 10:15 and Sunday School at 11:15. We sing, we dance, we play, we tell stories, and we share and celebrate friendship and community!

Mosaic Wednesdays

5:30p: Dinner 6:00p: Music & More!

We are having a great time on Wednesday nights at MPBC! Games, Nature Walks, Music, Art, Clay, and Community Service! It's a wonderful time and all we are missing is YOU! Every 3rd Wednesday Night is our Intergenerational Community Night and on November 15th we will explore the theme of gratitude and giving back with an evening of service led by Rev. Dr. Rev JJ Flag and MOJO! Come out and take part in the fun! Locate information about dinner registration and schedule in the weekly!

Parent Resources

These are challenging times and talking to kids about current events in Gaza and Israel can be difficult. This article about Navigating difficult talks about the conflict in Gaza and Isreal is a practical guide for families.

During the hustle of the holidays I often find our family struggling with getting in the gratitude habit. This article, How to Help Children Learn Habits of Gratitude, is a simple guide to basic things you can do to connect back to the meaning of the season.

Hot topic alert! Conversations around progressive faith and what that specifically looks like for children are buzzing around MPBC and I am here for it! It is a challenge to find just the right material for children that fits our theology! This article, Parenting After Faith Shift, Progressive Parents Look for New Resources and the resources within gives a really great overview of the joys and challenges of delivering progressive faith-based curriculum to our kids! Look for opportunities to discuss this topic more in January!

Rev. Dr. Ben Boswell shared this book with me and I plan to put it on my November reading list! Join me! And let's talk! The Kingdom of Children.