City of Saco Newsletter
January 2021 Edition
Give Your Input at the January 4th Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Revisions
The Saco City Council will hold a public hearing on Jan. 4th at 6:30 PM on the new Zoning, Site Plan, and Subdivision Ordinances, and Zoning Map.

This has been a years-long process, which began in February 2018. For full information on the entire process, please visit our comprehensive web page here.

One change that can be regarded as environmentally progressive and cost-effective is the recommendation to allow higher density housing in certain residential zoning districts. And, to allow two-family (duplex) houses as a permitted use, rather than a conditional use requiring an added layer of review.
An example of the changes is the existing R-1d zone, proposed to become the West Residential zone.

Currently, a single family home can be built on a 15,000 s.f. lot, while 15,000 s.f. per unit are required for a two-family home, thus a 30,000 s.f. lot is required for a duplex. The West Residential zone would keep the minimum lot size at 15,000 s.f. (about a third of an acre), but reduce the area required per residential unit to 7,500 s.f. So, a duplex could be built on a 15,000 s.f. lot, increasing the density of the lot, and doubling the housing units on that lot from 1, to 2. This is a simple change, but if adopted in other zones proposed for similar changes – the Low Density Residential and High Density Residential zones – the City would be moving to reduce the cost of providing services such as public utilities, snow removal and school bus coverage.
By allowing more people into existing developed areas, a community can then discourage development in more rural areas, such as places like north Saco. Diversity thrives when an array of housing options are available.

And, duplexes might be built in order to allow one’s parents to move into the second unit, or one’s child to move in but maintain some separation, or to provide rental income so the owners can afford to build in the first place. At the same time, this would contain sprawl encouraged by only single family development.
Single family houses will remain a staple of Saco’s zoning. But, the opportunity for half again as much density in residential neighborhoods would become an option if the new Zoning Ordinance is adopted.

We encourage and value public input on the process. Please join us at the City Council meeting on January 4th to share your thoughts during the public hearing.
News & Updates
Planning & Development Seeking Community Feedback on New Bridge Project
With a grant Saco Main Street received from the Sewall Foundation, in coordination with the City of Saco and City Government Biddeford Maine, we are exploring the feasibility of building a second bicycle and pedestrian bridge across the Saco River, connecting the Saco Transportation Center to the planned Pearl Street Riverfront District in Biddeford.

The proposed bridge is intended to be a destination for the region, supporting transportation and recreation in the robust downtowns and mill districts in Saco and Biddeford. Over the next several months our consultant team, led by Thornton Tomasetti, will complete a concept plan to help us determine what is possible at this location based on site restraints and public input, and to provide both cities with a roadmap to construction.

We have created a brief video and survey to help inform the public about this project, and to help us learn more about your initial thoughts about how you would use the bridge, and your design preferences.

The video, survey, and additional information are available online here:

To get to the survey directly, click here:
Michael Burman Sworn In as Newly Appointed Ward 4 City Councilor Through Dec. 5, 2022
Councilor Michael Burman was sworn in to office December 10th, after being unanimously appointed to fill the remainder of outgoing Ward 4 Councilor Lynn Copeland's term at the December 7th City Council meeting.

In his letter of interest, Burman said he could bring a valuable new voice to the Council.

"My thoughtful and compassionate nature helps me to understand the concerns of my community and leaves me well-poised to strongly represent them," he wrote.

He is a founding member of Saco STEAM, a board member of the Michael T. Goulet Traumatic Brain Injury & Epilepsy Foundation, and a professor at UNE.

"I am dedicated to helping make Saco a community where all people feel welcome and can thrive," Burman wrote.

Please join us in welcoming our newest Councilor! You can find all City Council and Mayor contact information online here or using the button below.
Another Successful Year for the Saco PD and Our Community Through Socks for Seniors
We are incredibly impressed with the donations we received for our Socks For Seniors collection this year!

Saco community members gifted more than 600 pairs of socks to the seniors at Maine Veterans' Homes - Scarborough, Evergreen Rehabilitation & Living Center, Arthur Huot Veterans Housing, St. André Health Care, and the Paul Hazelton House.

Officer Garrison and Amy Sinclair, Police Administrative Assistant, are pictured here with the police cruiser loaded with donations.

Thank you to everyone who donated and brought a little holiday cheer to our elders this season.
Need to Report a Problem to the City?
Use our convenient online tool, with status tracking.
See a pothole? Have a broken trash or recycling cart? Notice a traffic light issue? Tell us! Click here, or the button below, to access "Talk to my City," a mobile app to report issues and submit requests.

Bookmark as an easy and convenient way to access our reporting tool.

Community members who report issues through this system will have the ability to track and monitor their requests status if an account is created. You can look back to how many requests you’ve made, how long ago you made them, and when they were completed.

If you don’t want to create an account, no worries! You can also sign in as a guest user and still enter your request. Simple as that.

We welcome citizen feedback and will be monitoring the application regularly in an effort to continuously improve its effectiveness.

**Please note, requests will typically only be handled during working hours. Should you have an issue that requires immediate attention, we recommend calling the non-emergency police dispatch line at 284-4535.
We can't do it all, some issues are handled by other agencies:

  • Street Light Issues or Downed power lines CMP: 1-800-750-4000 (CMP also has an online request form available here )
  • Street Light installation: Policy and Request form
  • Tree trimming around power lines CMP: 1-800-972-8600
  • Water Issues including shut off covers or hydrants - Maine Water: 282-1543 or 1-800-287-1643
  • Trash and Recycling Curbside pick up Pine Tree Waste: 934-2525
  • Signage. Changing existing or adding new signs (speed limit or parking, etc.) Traffic Safety Committee through the Saco Police Department: 282-8214
  • City tree pruning and or removal: Saco Parks & Rec Dept - 283-3139
  • Ordinance Violations: Code Enforcement Office - 284-6983
EMS Providers Begin to Receive Vaccinations
Saco EMS Providers received their first round of COVID vaccinations on Dec. 23rd at the Old Orchard Beach Fire Department. OOB (Town of Old Orchard Beach Municipal Information) is one of three host sites in York County for Maine-licensed EMS providers to receive the vaccination under Tier 1 A. OOBFD received 100 doses of the Moderna vaccine on Dec. 22nd.

The smooth rollout of vaccine distribution to our region's EMS providers is thanks to the town of OOB, as well as the Incident Management Team of York County Fire Chiefs, and the York County Emergency Management Agency. Saco's Fire Chief, John Duross, serves with both organizations.

As we've said before, we are incredibly appreciative of these frontline workers and all they have done, and continue to do, in service to our community throughout this trying year.
Public Works Snow Removal Information
While many of us were sleeping, public works crews were up and working through the night several times in December to clear the 12+" of snow that came to Southern Maine.

We want to thank you all for your patience as we navigate staffing challenges during this pandemic. If you have an issue related to snow removal or a damaged mailbox, please use our online reporting tool, iWorq. This tool conveniently connects you with the proper staff person, allows you to track your support request's status, and helps Saco Public Works respond to your request more efficiently. Find the iWorq tool here:

Additionally, we have received several inquiries regarding trash collection around December's storms. Pine Tree Waste manages trash collection. To contact them or report a problem, please call (207)883-9777. Using this phone number will help you reach their dispatch center directly.

Looking ahead to the rest of winter, we encourage you to make sure you are signed up for our snow ban parking list. If you've received e-mails this month, you're good to go. If not, visit our website to get signed up.
City of Saco Begins Comprehensive Planning
The City of Saco has embarked on an 18-month process that will result in a new blueprint for the City's future, projected as the 2021 Comprehensive Plan.

Following an RFP process, the City engaged with Stantec, an interdisciplinary firm whose purpose is to create and strengthen communities.

At the December 14th meeting, the Saco City Council voted to create the Long Range Planning Committee, which will oversee the comprehensive planning process. The LRPC will work closely with Stantec's consultants to synthesize the community's vision and incorporate community feedback into the Plan.

Public participation and engagement are essential to this planning effort. We have a series of public events and feedback opportunities planned during the next year. Getting involved in the long-range planning process is an opportunity to help shape Saco's future and ensure the Comprehensive Plan is reflective of the community's character, needs, and desires.

Through this process, the City will give specific attention to population growth, sustainability, economic development, affordable and workforce housing, natural resource protection, climate change/sea level rise, and transportation management/multi-modal opportunities. We will also consider climate adaptation planning and incorporate our recommendations into the Plan.

We will work hard to ensure the community is informed about the 2021 Comprehensive Plan process – we need your active input to realize our full potential.

Visit for the most up-to-date information.
Fire Chief Reaches 40 Years of Service to Saco
Please join us in congratulating Fire Chief John Duross on his 40 years of service to the Saco community.

Chief Duross has been a committed leader for decades, and we saw immense value from that throughout his tenure. But it was especially important this year with the pandemic.

Duross also acts as Saco's Emergency Management Director, and he has worked tirelessly to ensure continuity of services for Saco community members, and our neighbors that we exchange mutual aid services with.

Congratulations, Chief Duross, and as Saco's City Administrator said at your ceremony – we'd be lucky to have you for 40 more.
Saco Energy and Sustainability Committee & Saco Schools Complete LED Conversion at SMS
A joint project between Saco Schools and the City of Saco Energy Committee to convert Saco Middle School to LED lighting was completed in 2020! This change will bring savings to the school department through both energy and staffing efficiencies.

ENERGY STAR-qualified LEDs use only 20%–25% of the energy and last 15 to 25 times longer than the traditional incandescent bulbs they replace, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. LEDs use 25%–30% of the energy and last 8 to 25 times longer than halogen incandescents.

The $96,000 project was funded by Saco Schools, Efficiency Maine rebates, and Saco's Energy and Sustainability Committee.

"The Energy Committee contribution put me in a spot where I could get savings from light efficiencies and have the payback within a year," said Mike Garrity, the Director of Facilities for the Saco School Department. He approximated a 20% savings in lighting costs per year, and noted that lighting is more than 50% of Saco Middle School's electricity cost.

Not figured into payback or cost savings, he continued, was the reduced maintenance costs. Many light locations in the middle school require a lift to access, such as the gym, cafeteria, or Industrial Arts shop. The lower frequency of bulb replacements has allowed custodial staff more time for other tasks.

Fixtures replaced included:

  • Gym – 29
  • Outside flood lights – 5
  • Wall packs – 11
  • Hallway/corridor – 180
  • Industrial Arts shop - 10
  • Classrooms – 555
  • Cafeteria – 36

On top of the savings, Garrity said he has heard positive feedback on the quality of the light, too.

"It wasn't bad lighting before, but to hear teachers say it was as good if not better was a plus," Garrity said. “I didn’t do it to upgrade the lighting, I did it to take advantage of the energy efficiencies.”

While we continue to make energy-conscious choices as a municipality, we hope you think about doing so in your home or workplace as well. The US Department of Energy has an informative webpage on how you can increase your home energy efficiency through lighting choices.
Save Yourself Time, Do City Business Online
Even your 2021 Dog Registration can be done online.

Many City services are available online, like re-registering a vehicle, paying property taxes, renewing dog licenses, or paying a parking ticket:

Dog Licenses are issued for one year, ending December 31st. If you have a first-time registration and the dog has been neutered or spayed, make sure you have that certificate handy as well as the dog's rabies certificate.

New licenses must be processed either before the dog turns six months old or within 10 days of taking ownership, otherwise a $25 late fee will be assessed.

The online service is only available until Jan. 15, so we encourage you to take care of this soon and save yourself a future trip to City Hall.

For detailed dog licensing information from the Saco City Clerk, visit

And don't forget that we have an online reporting tool to help you communicate issues with city staff. Need to replace a trash or recycling cart? Notice a traffic light issue? Please use iWorQ to report it at
Traffic Safety Committee Approves New Stop Sign Request at Pleasant and Pearl
On December 3rd, the Traffic Safety Committee reviewed a request to add a stop sign at the intersection of Pleasant and Pearl Streets. After discussion, the committee unanimously voted to add the stop sign on Pleasant Street at the Pearl Street intersection.

Saco Public Works installed the new sign on December 8th, turning this into a three-way stop. Please note this new traffic enhancement to reduce accidents and ensure pedestrian safety as you use Pleasant Street.

The Traffic Safety Committee meets regularly to determine the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic control devices in Saco. They also conduct engineering analyses of accidents and devise measures to make our community a safer place to travel.

Learn more about the Traffic Safety Committee here:
SPR Flies Santa to Saco for One More Visit
Saco Parks & Recreation Department gave the gift of Santa at the Saco Recreation Complex at Foss Road this month for a joyous morning of safe, distanced holiday cheer.

With the help of the Saco Fire Department, the "Smoke House" (typically brought to local schools to do fire safety training with children) was converted into a mini-house for Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Participants didn't just get to chat with Santa – they also could walk through a winter wonderland in the field, meeting more holiday characters along the way, and then warm up with some hot chocolate and a s'more kit by the fire pits.

The weather was wonderful, and some families took advantage of the scavenger hunt set up in the trail system around the bass pond. This is an excellent place to snowshoe in the winter, if you're looking for local activities when more snow comes our way this winter.

To learn more about Saco Parks & Rec programs, visit their website at
Featured Video
This month, we bring you an in-depth, virtual tour of our new Saco Public Works facility.

The bond-funded project's improved efficiencies are thoroughly explored in this video as Patrick Fox, Director of Public Works, walks you through the building and the yard.
In this video, you’ll get a look at:

  • Increased handicap accessibility for our community members since the old facility had customer service spaces on the second floor without an elevator.
  • Proper locker room/shower space, separating the breakroom from the locker rooms. Additionally, the new facility enables adequate separation of contaminants from eating areas.
  • Proper drainage and pavement limiting corrosion, the #1 cause of the City’s equipment and potential school bus failure.
  • Adequate garage and storage space, increasing efficiency of snowplow response, vehicle repairs, and extending the lifespan of expensive equipment and vehicles.
  • And much more.

If you’d like to tour the facility in person, please contact Fleet Manager John Wentworth at

To learn more about the bond that financed this project, visit
Along with the DPW Virtual Tour, Read Here About The Sale of the Former Facility
The City has closed on the sale of the former Saco Public Works facility with a premiere truck dealer Allegiance Trucks!

The sale was made following an open bid process earlier this year. Allegiance Trucks has ties to Maine with existing locations in the state, and a CEO who grew up in Southern Maine. They were the successful bidder among the three qualified proposals.
The transfer of ownership sends the facility back to its original trucking roots but with a high-end twist. The City purchased the North Street facility for $80,000.

Allegiance Trucks has two existing locations in Maine, making Saco their third. The company serves the Northeastern U.S. as an authorized dealer with a large selection of new and pre-owned inventory. They take pride in their friendly staff who have in-depth knowledge of sales, financing, service, and parts.

CEO Kevin Carter said he is looking forward to opening the Saco location because of its visibility and proximity to interstate access and future expansion opportunities.
We are happy to welcome Allegiance Trucks to Saco – the sale of this prior Public Works facility increases economic development during a challenging year and ensures completion of the new Public Works facility on budget. The City sold the property for $2,300,000.

“On behalf of the City of Saco, we look forward to helping the company rehabilitate the property and the site,” said Denise Clavette, Director of Planning & Economic Development. “Allegiance Trucks is in a phase of rapid growth, and I am thrilled that the company chose Saco as a perfect fit for their expansion plan.”

The City’s new Public Works facility, located at 15 Phillips Spring Road, off of Spring Hill Road, opened October 13, 2020. A virtual tour of the facility is available on our YouTube Channel (or above this section of the newsletter!).
Employee Spotlight
20-Year Milestone for Saco PD Sergeant
*Sgt Hardiman is pictured here at the Saco Middle School Career Fair last February.
Sergeant Hardiman started working at the Saco Police Department on November 15, 1999. Aside from his tenure as a patrol officer, he has served as a Field Training Officer, School Resource Officer (SRO) at Thornton Academy, with the Harbor Patrol Unit, as a Patrol Sergeant, and is currently the Detective Sergeant.

He is responsible for overseeing the Saco Police Department’s Detectives, SROs, the Harbor Patrol Unit, the Saco PD Explorer Post, and any agents we may have assigned to Maine Drug Enforcement Agency. In addition to his duties as the Detective Sergeant, Hardiman also serves as a negotiator for the Southern Maine Special Response Team.

Sgt. Hardiman, by his very nature, can bring calm to any situation. He is extremely compassionate and understanding, qualities that serve him well as a supervisor, an investigator, and a negotiator. He is an asset to the agency, the city, and the profession.

Please join us in thanking Sgt. Hardiman for serving the city for more than twenty years, and we hope he will continue his dedication to the Saco community for many more.
Learn about Saco's Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee by Joining Them for a Meeting
The Saco Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee (BPAC) was created in early 2020 by the Saco City Council, in response to a request from residents: That Maine's 10th largest community needs to support and encourage safe walking and biking.

BPAC is made up of residents who want to improve conditions for those who walk and bike on sidewalks, on trails, along the city's streets and roads, and everywhere that pedestrians and cyclists can safely go.

BPAC would like to see:

  • More sidewalks and crosswalks.
  • Bike lanes.
  • Signage alerting motorists to walkers and cyclists.
  • A more livable city by encouraging energy and environmental sustainability.
  • More school kids walking and biking to school.
  • Multi-modal transportation becoming the norm for Saco residents, with less dependence on motor vehicles.

All are invited to join BPAC at their monthly meetings, held the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom for the time being. For more information visit our website here or using the button below.
We are always looking for ways to improve communication with our community members. As always, if there is anything we can do to better communicate information, please let us know by emailing Be sure to check out our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages using the buttons below. You can also see news and updates on the City of Saco website at