

Mabel's Labels

This year, more than ever before, labeling your child's items is critical. Labeling all of the items that come into the school helps to prevent the spread of germs by ensuring lookalike items do not get mixed up. 

Visit Mabels Labels and select “Support a Fundraiser” to support Dogwood Elementary School PTO.

If you have any questions, please contact Tiffany Smith, PTO Ways and Means Chairperson.



Yearbook Cover Contest

Cover Contest .png

Email Ms. Mink with any questions.

Box Tops for Education

Scan your receipt on the Box Tops app for a chance to win 5,000 Bonus Box Tops for Dogwood!

Sweepstakes ends 11/01/20.

If you have not downloaded the Box Tops App yet, you can download it through the App Store or Google Play.

For more information, visit the Box Tops for Education website.


Yearbook Sales

yearbook sale.jpg

Contact Annabella Brandon with questions.

Yearbook Photos Needed!

Because we are having events from a distance this year, we need your help to gather your best images for this year’s yearbook

Contact Annabella Brandon with questions.

yearbook flyer.jpg

Cell Tower Update

GMSD received a schedule from Tower Ventures for construction of the cell tower at Dogwood. They have assured the district that they will work during breaks and leave the site in such a condition that it does not interfere with school, recess, or other activities. GMSD has authorized them to proceed with this schedule. The Operations Department will monitor this site and activity and if at any time they are deviating from this schedule or assurances, they will step in and intervene. 


Week of 10/12-Fall Break

  • Erosion and Sediment Control Fence Installation
  • Site Clearing and grading
  • Landscaping Installation by Michael Hatcher & Associates-mitigation landscaping along the north, east and west property lines

Week of Thanksgiving

  • Installation of the retaining wall

Winter Break

  • Foundation installation
  • Site Grounding and Electrical Meter Rack

Spring Break

  • Construction of the tower and fence

Early Summer (after school ends)

  • Final landscaping installation
  • Final road construction
  • Site completion and clean up



Virtual Yoga

Registration is now open for Virtual Yoga classes! Classes start on October 19th.

You can register for Kids Yoga or Adult Yoga. Contact Andrew Martin, GMSD School Health Supervisor, or Stephanie Congo, Registered Yoga Instructor, with any questions.

View the Virtual Yoga Flyer for more information.

Virtual Run Challenge

GMSD Is Running To Bring Attention to Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Let's see which school and class earns the most miles by the end of the challenge! The teacher's class that earns the most miles will win a $50 Amazon gift card (ties will be settled by a random drawing). The school that earns the most miles will earn a lunch for their Administrative staff from Java Cafe!!!

Click Here to log your miles!



Monday, September 26-Friday, October 30- Red Ribbon Week

Friday, October 30 Crazy Chemist (5th grade)

Monday, November 2- Sock Hop (3rd Grade)

Tuesday, November 3 Professional Development Day- NO SCHOOL

Thursday, November 5 Virtual Room Parent Meeting, 9:00 AM

Tuesday, November 10 Virtual PTO Meeting, 9:00 AM


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Dogwood Elementary PTO

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Dogwood Elementary School

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Germantown Municipal School District