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ELRC 8, 9, & 10 Newsletter

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Your sources for all relevant resources, updates, PD, and events relating to Child Care and School Age Care in your region!

OCDEL ECE Recap January 9, 2023

Welcome to the ECE Recap where you can find the most recent and important information from the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).

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Equity and Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania Key is committed to expanding the knowledge and advancing the efforts of equitable practice. Part of this journey has required identifying what is equity, and how to ensure equitable and high-quality service of care for the children, families, professionals, and communities.

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January 2023 PA Early Ed News

Happy New Year! The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is excited to ring in the new year. OCDEL anticipates 2023 will be a busy year, with plenty of new challenges and opportunities to support early childhood education professionals.

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ELRC Information Session

Thursday, January 19

1:30 pm | 6:30 pm

Join us for a detailed session regarding updates in the new year, as well as information on how to obtain your PQAS certification to better serve your program and staff.

Click the time above to join.

Flu, RSV, and COVID

Information Session

Wednesday, January 25th | 6:30 pm

Explore the signs and symptoms of each virus, as well as ways to help prevent illness in your facility.

Register HERE.


Water beads (also referred to as "sensory beads") are small, super-absorbent polymer crystals that, when placed in water, grow to be about the size of a marble. In recent years, they have been trending as popular additions to sensory bins for children. However, water beads can present a choking hazard, which is dangerous enough, but there is also another problem.

Click the photo above to read more about the potential and real dangers.

Coats and Car Seats

Winter means keeping kids warm, but did you know that babies and young children in car seats should NOT wear puffy coats or snowsuits when in their car seat? A coat or snowsuit can compress under the harness of a car seat, sometimes up to four inches!

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STEM Calendar for Educators: Month by Month STEM | Science Buddies Blog

STEM Calendar - Roadmap of science and engineering activities to go with holidays and themes all year long!

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Registration is OPEN!

CACPennAEYC is looking forward to having practitioners together for a time of in-person learning, networking, and FUN!

Click the photo for the full conference brochure.

Register HERE.

717.854.2273 or 800.864.4925



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