Foothills Presbytery
#116th Stated Meeting
February 16, 2021
No one could have predicted that Tuesday, February 16, would be Foothills Presbytery’s fourth virtual Stated Meeting. The Zoom meeting brought together over one hundred Presbyterians from upstate SC and beyond. Moderator Sidney Mize (RE Central) opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed our newly elected Moderator, Terri Price (TE Providence). Terri offered words of appreciation for Sidney’s service to our Presbytery, followed by an invitation into a time of Worship. The Lenten-themed was designed around readings by Susan Palo Cherwien. The readings, with verses from the hymn “How Firm a Foundation,” interspersed, beautifully guided us through a brief but meaningful Lenten journey.
We spotlighted the Transition Think Tank for serving the Presbytery with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love over the last two years. The TTT was officially dissolved, recognized, and thanked for its steadfast, faithful leadership. Those members were: Mike Hoyt, Bill Sibley, Peggy Swann, Beth Templeton, Pressley Cox, Hudson Neely, Gordon Raynal, myself, and Stan Reid.
The Examinations Commission introduced Ruling Elder Cyndi Banks. Cyndi’s exam was approved, and she will be commissioned (CRE) to serve the Liberty Church as their Supply. The Exams Commission also presented Candidate Whitney Moss to be examined for Ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament. Whitney’s exam was approved, and she will be Ordained as the Minister of the Fountain Inn Church on Sunday, March 7th. We then heard from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry, who presented Inquirer Martin Pruitt. Martin spoke to us about his life and why he is called into ordained ministry. Martin was approved to move to Candidacy. Congratulations to all (pics below).
The Committee on Shared Ministry continues to offers ways the presbytery can explore mission and ministry together. Craig Foster (Chair) and Pressley Cox (Associate for Shared Mission and Ministry) presented various opportunities for faith formation, gatherings, resources, and support. Over lunch, Pressley Cox introduced the Lenten Gardens created by church educators and leaders from Foothills Presbytery and Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario, and Bermuda (Presbyterian Church of Canada). Using a Google classroom format, they have created interactive gardens that invite you to open digital doors to a Lenten world of discovery and transformation. This resource is easy for its users and available to upload to your church website, Facebook page, or share through a weekly email. Please contact Pressley Cox if you have any questions.
We ended the business of the day with our Coordinating Council’s recommendations which included votes of approval for the 2021 Presbytery budget, nominees for committees, and four recommended policy procedural changes for our Presbyteries Operations Manual: Antiracism Ministry Team, Personnel Policy, a Presbytery Disaster Response Plan, and a PDA Administrative Commission. Our Moderator Terri Price ended our time with a prayer.
Grateful for the many hearts and minds who made it possible for us to host a well-run and inspiring Presbytery meeting. Foothills is strong, adaptive, and ready for how God is challenging us, and calling us into our future.
Grace and peace, In Christ,
Congratulations to Cyndi Banks (Pickens), Commissioned Ruling Elder serving Liberty Presbyterian Church.
Congratulations to Martin Pruitt, Candidate Undercare from First, Anderson currently serving as Dir of High School Youth with Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte.
Congratulations to Whitney Moss (First, Greer), who will be Ordained as Minister of Word & Sacrament of Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church.
Sunday after Easter Online Worship Service**:
The Foothills Presbytery, in cooperation with the Worship Team, Foothills Music Leaders, and members of the Committee on Shared Ministry, is pleased to offer a free, downloadable online worship for your congregation to use on the Sunday after Easter, April 11, 2021.
The service will use the Revised Common Lectionary scripture for the day (John 20:19-31, Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 133, 1 John 1:1-2:2). When the service is available, we will include a variety of formats for downloading and viewing. An order of worship for a bulletin will also be included.
We hope to have the service available for congregations by Thursday, March 25, 2021.
** Do you have pictures of a flowering cross
or your church decorated for Easter? **
We would love to include images of the congregations throughout Foothills in the April 11 worship. Please send pictures of past Easters to Pressley Cox
Leading with Remarkability
Join Trey Wince in a
25 minute webinar
offering key tools and insights for creating a simple, but memorable experience that will capture your congregation’s imagination and boost enthusiasm.
This webinar will be offered at
12:00 pm and 4:00 pm
on Monday, March 1.
COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of finding new ways of doing ministry. As our congregations continue to respond to both the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic, Foothills Presbytery is excited to now offer the second of two rounds of grant funding. In December of 2020, we awarded 10 Foothills churches with Technology Grants. Applications are now being accepted for our second round -- Missional Grants.
Before applying please read…
This short anecdote from Tyger River Presbyterian Church is linked here to help you imagine what a Missional Project may look like for your Congregation.
ROUND 2: Missional Grant of up to $2,500
(awarded April 2021)
Up to 10 grants will be awarded to Foothills churches. The goal of these grants is to assist our churches in faithfully responding to the COVID-19 climate as they join in God’s work in their respective communities. Each grant recipient will also be paired with a presbytery “Mission Mentor” to assist and support their project.
(*Please Note: Recipients of Round 1 grants are not eligible for Round 2.)
To apply for a Staying Connected Missional Grant, please submit the application below by March 22.
Please have your Session’s approval before submitting your application.a
Adult Faith Formation
in a
Post-Pandemic World
Webinar and Conversation
Monday, March 22
12:00 - 1:30
Registration available soon.
Continuing the legacy of the Presbyterian School of Christian Education
This program hopes to provide collegial, personal, and professional support for those engaged in educational ministry, including professional educators, volunteer educators, and pastors, through cohorts of others who share an interest in Christian Education. Cohorts will meet together for a year and will be guided by a facilitator. Click on the Program description below for more information, and submit your application for this innovative opportunity.
Growing up, Jeremiah is puzzled by racially-motivated gun violence in and beyond his community. Initially he is unwilling to talk about it, but when he is finally ready to do so, he learns hopeful forms of activism and advocacy.
Inspired by the author’s son Jeremiah and real-life events, this honest, intimate look at one family's response to racism and gun violence includes a one-page discussion guide for parents, teachers and other adults.
The Resource Center’s online catalog contains a link to a brief video Q&A with the author in which he talks about the difficulties of speaking with children on topics of racism and gun violence. A second link is to the video from an hour-long webinar with the author, sponsored by APCE and Flyaway Books. A third link leads to an expanded discussion and activity guide created by the Muhammad Ali Center (Louisville, KY), a multicultural center and museum committed to promoting respect, hope, and understanding.
Flyaway Books is the imprint for a highly regarded series of children’s books from Westminster John Knox Press. Many of their publications are available for review and/or loan from the Resource Center.
Youth conferees, we are planning to be together in the summer of 2021. The past year has reinforced our belief in the value of being together as the body of Christ! After a year apart, we are eagerly looking forward to welcoming youth to the Montreat valley once again.
To say the least, the summer of 2021 will be different! Please read carefully and come back later on as details continue to emerge! We will update you as plans develop via email and our website.
We are planning for on-site conferences in the hope that circumstances will be improving by the summer, though we know COVID-19 won’t be completely in the rear-view mirror. For instance, given the latest estimates, we anticipate that many adults may have had access to vaccination by June of 2021; youth, however, may not see widespread distribution by that time. Read More
Celebrating African American
History Month
From the Director by Rhashell D. Hunter
February marks the month when we celebrate and commemorate African American History. At this time, we are reminded of the many accomplishments and contributions of African Americans to this country. The Rev. Michael Moore is the Associate for African American Intercultural Congregational Support. Following are his remarks.
"Is this a Zeitgeist Moment in Black History?"
By Michael Moore
Beloved, the word zeitgeist is a German word. Zeit, means "time," and geist, means "spirit." It means a defining time, mood, or spirit of a particular period of history in a strategic time.
Zeitgeist moments can be described as a perfect moment in time when the right people and the right movements change the social and political landscape, often resulting in a change in policy, social, moral, and cultural norms.
Are you looking for great RESOURCES for LENT
that are suitable for
faith formation of all ages?
Lent for Children
(Of All Ages!)
Visit the Foothills Website for a new Interactive Lent Garden each week.
Your journey through the Lent Garden each week will include: daily Bible readings and prayers, videos from church leaders, garden musings and ideas, hymns and songs, labyrinth visits, craft ideas and even recipes to try at home.
If you’d like to receive more information about this resource, please email Pressley Cox, Associate for Shared Mission and Ministry, at
The next
Zoom gathering of the
Western Region pastors and CREs is
March 1 at 9:00 am
The next
Youth Roundtable
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Tuesday, March 2
by Zoom
The next gathering of Foothills
9:00 am
Wednesday, March 10
by Zoom
The next Zoom
Educator's Gathering
11:00 am
Thursday, March 18
We are excited to share our 2021 Summer Camp schedule!
This summer will look a little different with new COVID-19 protocols and policies in place, but we are certain the fun, laughter, and fellowship will all be totally worth it.
Three new COVID-19 Resources
Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully
Leaders Listen
by Rodger Nishioka
For 15 years I was privileged to serve as a professor at Columbia Theological Seminary. One of the last courses the seniors are required to take before they graduate is titled Final Things. In it, we professors try to prepare them for whatever ministry to which God is calling them. One essential practice we highlight is listening… Read the full article
This article is the first in a 12-part series focusing on PC(USA) leader formation as a part of the Year of Leader Formation: Investing in Ruling Elders and Deacons. Additional resources are available at
Learn more about his lectures here.
Please join us on Facebook live and Zoom on February 25th at 6:30 pm for a conversation about Responding to Sexual Violence in the Faith Community.
Julie Valentine Center is glad to host this event featuring Reverend Jay Kieve, Coordinator @cbfsc and is open to all religions, faiths, and philosophies.
Available Jobs
postings on our
NEXT Church
A Call For The Common Good
A FREE Live-Streamed Gathering for ALL Church Leaders
March 5-7, 2021
Celebrate Mr. Rogers’ Day- March 20
Fred Rogers was an ordained minister of word and sacrament for the PC(USA) and is a notable public figure whose work around peace and reconciliation are worth remembering. Rogers was also a pioneer in the world of Christian education and formation of young children.
March 20th was his birthday and the day that the PC(USA) has chosen to highlight all we can learn from his work. This QuickSheet is a compilation of ideas and resources for faith communities to engage in this emphasis day, such as hymn suggestions and Scripture connections; and movies, television, and more. This online resource includes a list of ‘10 things to do’ to participate in Mr. Rogers’ emphasis day, such as leading a children’s sermon about “being yourself.”
Pastors and church leaders of the Synod of South Atlantic, save the date for an upcoming Church Leaders’ Forum:
Leading the Church into the Post COVID World
Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 3:00 - 4:30 pm
via ZOOM
Presenter: Tod Bolsinger (MDiv, PhD), Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary, author of Canoeing the Mountains and Tempered Resilience.
May 17-21, 2021
At the 2021 Festival of Homiletics, you’ll hear respected and thoughtful speakers present on the theme: Preaching for the Future Church.
But to get the most out of the Festival of Homiletics, purchase the recordings for full access to on-demand content you can view anytime:
- All sessions in audio and video formats
- Live workshops
- Bonus sermons and lectures from top speakers
- Private social networking with other pastors and leaders
Several years ago I interviewed Drew Dyck for GROUP Magazine, the youth ministry resource I edited for three decades (it’s no longer published, but the online version of it is Drew is the former managing editor of Leadership Journal, the leading evangelical resource for pastors—today he’s an acquisitions editor at Moody Publishers and a contributing editor at He’s author of several books, including one that has a direct impact on our calling as ministry leaders—it’s Generation Ex-Christian: Why Young Adults Are Leaving the Church…and How to Bring Them Back. In the book Drew explores why churched young people are jumping ship in droves (in the last five years, 25 percent have left the church). Here’s a short excerpt from my interview with Drew… Read More Here
Please join us for the training event that a previous attendee described as “the Golden Globe winner of conflict resolution programs”! The summer session of Mediation Skills Training Institute for Churches will be conducted in person in the Chicago area on August 2-6, 2021. The exact site has yet to be determined, but it will be within driving distance of O’Hare Airport. Should circumstances force us to revert to an online-only presentation, registrants will have the option to attend remotely, apply full credit towards a future LMPC event, or receive a full refund. A final decision will be made by the end of May.
For more information call the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center at 630-627-0507, email us at, or visit Acquire 32 contact hours of instruction, enjoy Christian fellowship, and learn skills that will help transform destructive conflict into an opportunity for growth and renewal – register today!
Interested in having a Zoom Video Conference Meeting,
but you don't have an account? The Presbytery can help!
If you have a request, please have your Pastor or Clerk of Session contact LeAnne White (via email) and include the following information:
- Name of person making request
- Church
- Phone
- Date for Zoom Meeting
- Time (begin and end) no more than 2 hours
- Approx number of those attending
Our New "Normal"
Great ideas deserve to be borrowed! That’s why this month's activity is sharing a few questions first posed by Grapevine newsletter editor Juanita Ott!
This past year has created many problems that have been solved in unusual and unique ways. Do you have new hobbies or habits? Have you read books that have been sitting around waiting for your attention? Are there any craft projects you finished? Have you become more “tech-savvy”? What do you want your new “normal” to be moving forward?
Presbyterian Women’s Annual Fund (the Mission Pledge) makes possible every mission, program and resource of PW. Give now to support Presbyterian Women’s witness in the world.
Please join us for the
Upstate CROP
Hunger (Virtual) Walk
on Sunday, March 21, 2021!
It’s still a walking activity for all ages, but for reasons of safety and social distancing we won’t be gathering in one large event this year. Participants and teams will commit to walking on their own or in small groups in their neighborhoods, parks, or trails on walk day. We will still need individuals and teams to sign up and fundraise as usual with a registration envelope or online at
As COVID-19 continues to impact us all, hunger remains a serious issue and the needs have become even more urgent this year. The Upstate CROP Hunger Walk is committed to continuing the fight against hunger and poverty in our community as well as globally. With your help, we will respond to the COVID-19 crisis by supporting the hunger fighting and life-saving work of Loaves & Fishes of Greenville and Church World Service.
We will host a Zoom call for all Team Captains and others who are interested that will answer all your questions on Thursday, Feb. 11th (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM).
Please let us know if your group plans to participate in the Upstate CROP Hunger Walk this year and we’ll make sure you get the Zoom link and all the materials and information you need. Thank you for your wonderful support of hungry families in the Upstate area and around the world. Feel free to contact us for further information.
Rend Hind, Event Chairperson, 2021 Upstate CROP Hunger Walk
Sunday, June 13-Sunday, June 27, 2021
What does it mean to care for creation?
Are Christians called to respond to climate change?
Is it possible to live sustainably for the benefit of future generations?
Theologically curious high school students are invited to apply before January 1, 2021 for the 2021 Lux Summer Theological Institute. Safety permitting, the program will be held in-person at Presbyterian-related Monmouth College (Monmouth, IL).
Funded by the Lilly Endowment, the Lux Institute is an opportunity for students to engage with a topic of global importance and participate in a living-learning community through study, worship, service, recreation, and vocational exploration.
Scholarships are available to cover all program expenses for the two-week program, with the exception of travel.
A free shuttle to/from Chicago airports is provided.
By Ginna Lister
On January 11, 2015, Easley Presbyterian Church dedicated a new addition/renovation project. Part of that addition was a beautiful, covered patio in our big backyard. Over the past 5 years it has been used for various programs including: a Vacation Bible school tent village and closing celebrations, children’s Christmas pageants, many youth gatherings on Wednesday afternoons, outdoor concerts and many, many informal gatherings.
Who knew that in the year 2020, it would become a place of faith formation and fellowship for EPC’s youngest members? After closing the church in March, we re-opened on Pentecost with in-person worship only. During the summer, I offered Virtual VBS, Zoom Sunday School, and Camp-In –a- Box to keep things going the best we could. However, one thing was missing and that was having the children actually at the church, the place so many gathered on a weekly basis and had been abruptly cut off.
Our pastor, Bill Seel shared an idea that he had seen called “Popsicles on Porches” – where a DCE in the low-country had ventured around to homes to offer a popsicle on the porches of church members. I thought about that and then looked out my office window one day and was reminded of our wonderful patio in the big backyard of the church. Popsicles on the Patio was born! To do it safely, each family was given a time to come to the patio so that I could have safe, one-on-one time with them. We played, we laughed, and we ate popsicles together! And that was the key – we did it together. After months of not being at church, I felt it was so important to get them back here in any way possible. Read More
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events
27 S.T.E.P.S. in Winter
4 Committee on Ministry meeting (Zoom)
8 FP Staff meeting
10 Representation & Review Committee meeting (Zoom)
16 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting
18 Educators Gathering (Zoom) and Examinations Commission (Zoom)
23 Antiracism Ministry Team meeting
25 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting
May 15, 2021
Nov 9, 2021
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 118