March 3, 2023

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Stated Meeting Summary

The way we gather matters. Gatherings – the conscious, bringing together of people for a reason – shapes the way we think, feel, and make sense of our world.[i]


The way we gathered for the 122 Stated Meeting of Foothills Presbytery mattered. The hospitality offered to us by the residents and staff of the Foothills Retirement Community launched the day with tasty treats and appreciated smells and flavors of coffee and tea in front of the fireplace. Ministers, Elders, and guests assembled to greet each other. At the same time, guests from Camp Fellowship, the Insurance Board, Critters and More, the Presbyterian Communities, and Presbyterian College offered information and some fun swag.

      Over 130 people gathered in the Chapel for Worship led by the Foothills Retirement community staff, residents, and choir. The Rev. Lerone Wilder, Ph.D., pastor, and educator, delivered the message. The sermon, centered on 1 Thessalonians 5:11, was entitled "Be Encouraged." 

      In the business portion of our gathering, we set aside an hour to review and discuss insights and recommendations from the Bills & Overtures Committee. By the end of the hour, we voted on thirty-three amendments from the 225th General Assembly of the PCUSA (Foothills results here). Bills and Overtures will report the denomination's results later this year.

Our Committee on Ministry invited us to celebrate the Rev. David Taylor's retirement. The Rev. Dr. Gordon Turnbull remarked on the many ways David has served the church over the years. Susan Oldham (Chair of COM) and those gathered concluded the celebration with a litany for retirement.

      Our Exams Commission introduced the Rev. David Howell, called to the Seneca Church, and the Rev. Dr. Chris Jones, called to Trinity (Travelers Rest). Ginger Schuler was examined for Ordination to the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament and was approved to become the Stated Supply at Second, Spartanburg (photos below). 

      Presbytery heard and approved the request of the McCarter Church to our Committee on Ministry and Coordinating Council that an Administrative Commission assists the congregation as they discern God's call for their future.

      What a joy it was to hear from our Committee on Shared Mission and Ministry regarding the Congregations of Foothills Presbytery, who have contributed over 7,700 dollars given to the Cents-ability offering for hunger across fourteen agencies across the upstate: Project Host (Greenville), Spartanburg Soup Kitchen, Daily Bread Ministries, Greer Soup Kitchen, South Main Chapel and Mercy Center (Anderson), United Ministries of Greenville, Clemson Community Care, AIM (Anderson), Harvest Hope Food Bank, SHINE Soup Kitchen (Easley), Salvation Army (Gaffney), Faith Presbyterian Church Food Bank, Operation Hope (Landrum), Woodruff Area Soup Kitchen, and Dot's Kitchen (Westminster).

      Our day concluded with a report from the presbytery’s Permanent Judicial Committee, which included hearing the preamble from our Book of Order section on church discipline and a centering prayer: 


God of grace, you nurture us with a love deeper than any we know, and your will for us is always healing and salvation. We thank you, O God, for your grace.

God of love, you enter our lives, our pain, and our brokenness, and you stretch out your healing hands to us wherever we are. We thank you, O God, for your love.

May our ears, hearts, and minds listen for your Spirit. As we remember you, re-member us. Re-member the ones whose lives are forever changed. Re-member families and faith families involved. Heal us and put us back together even if wounds turn to scars. 

God of comfort and strength, revive us when we are weary, console us when we are full of woe, and set our feet anew in the way Christ leads us. Protect us from sin so we may always be glad disciples, diligent in service, and bold in witness for our risen Lord, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. Amen.


Our next presbytery meeting will be on the shores of Lake Greenwood at Camp Fellowship. We will meet on Saturday, May 20, 10:00 am. The day will include worship led by the Presbytery Youth Council, presbytery business, a cookout, and time to enjoy the amenities of the camp after lunch.

[i] The Art of Gathering: How we meet and why it matters, by Priya Parker

Congratulations to the Rev. David Howell, who was called as Pastor of Seneca Church.

Congratulations to the Rev. Dr. Chris Jones, who was called as Pastor of Trinity Church.

Congratulations to the Rev. David Taylor, whose request was approved to be Honorably Retired.

Congratulations to Ginger Shuler, who was approved for Ordination.


The scale of the disaster facing Syria and Turkey after the Feb. 6 earthquake is becoming clearer. The 7.8-magnitude quake and its aftershocks have left more than 45,000 people dead and thousands more injured; these numbers will rise as search and rescue continues. Buildings have been reduced to rubble, and roads and bridges have been severely damaged, resulting in dangerous conditions for first responders. In some places, such as Aleppo, this destruction is compounding the damage of the now 11-year war in Syria.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is providing emergency relief and short-term recovery in the impacted areas through long-standing partners in Syria, in addition to ACT Alliance members in Syria and Turkey, all of whom are already on the ground. PDA will remain active throughout the entire recovery process, accompanying our partners in the area as they determine long-term program needs and providing financial support for building and resilience.

God of mercy, we pray the people of Syria and Turkey, and all other regions affected. In the face of the terrible images that come to us, we ask that your Spirit, O God, once again move in the midst of chaos and destruction.


May your Spirit be with the first responders, neighbors putting their lives at risk to help those around them, and anyone assisting during this time of emergency. May you provide protection, energy and strength through your presence. Be with them as they search for loved ones, guide them during the long hours and allow them to find hope through your Spirit.

New date and location!

Participants attending will be able to purchase Sarah Lund’s books at a 20% discount off current sale price. The books will be distributed on the day of the event.

A resource we have found challenging & inspirational:

Speaking Down Barriers A team of listeners, healers, artists, researchers, teachers, theologians, & creatives who work together to offer encounters that transform our life together across human difference. 

College Scholarships

Let youth and young adults in your churches know that the PC(USA) supports their formation and education through 2023–2024 scholarships. PC(USA) undergraduate and seminary students are eligible for $4000–$8000 from the Presbyterian Mission Agency through the Office of Financial Aid for Service.

Applications are open from now till May 15, 2023, for full-time students enrolling for the 2023–2024 academic year. For more information see our full-page advertisement in Presbyterians Today.

To apply in English, Spanish or Korean, follow the QR codes pictured or click links below.

Foothills Peer Ministry

Music Ministry Leaders 

Our next Zoom gathering

will be

Wednesday, March 8

at 9 am by ZOOM.

Christian Educators Gathering

Monday, March 27

12 noon at Fort Hill

Clemson, SC

VBS & Summer Schedule

resources and ideas.

Youth Leaders Roundtable

Thursday, April 6

12 noon

at First, Anderson

CRE Cohort

Tuesday, April 11

12:30 pm

at the Presbytery office

Bring your lunch

In the fall of 2022, Presbyterian College unveiled a new strategic plan that introduced a new market position—America’s Innovative Service College. The strategic plan includes seven pillars of focus, one of which emphasizes our Presbyterian-relatedness. PC’s distinctive approach uses innovative service as a tool of self-discovery, an amplifier of problem-solving skills, and a catalyst of curiosity. Some of the new church-related initiatives include:


Read Full Flyer

Presbyterian College is partnering with Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy’s Lake Institute on Faith and Giving to offer, for the first time in the southeast region, the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF).

The Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF) is designed for religious leaders in faith-based organizations and institutions who wish to learn more about the spirituality of fundraising and gain a core foundation in fundraising principles. The ECRF covers four key topics and includes select required reading to be completed in advance and the completion of a final project. Read More


MAY 22-24, 2023




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in a world of disaster, hunger, and oppression

Millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.

One Great Hour of Sharing Daily Calendar of Family Activities

Each day at or after meal time, consider these reflections and questions for the week ahead. Place a coin or a “gift” in your fish coin bank or a jar, and end by saying the prayer of the week or one of your own.


After a natural disaster, it can be hard to find places to cook or to even find food. Say a prayer for those struggling with food insecurity and give a gift for each meal you ate today.


Using the online map, find a Presbyterian Disaster Assistance partnership near where you live. Say a prayer for those recovering from natural and human-caused disasters. Organize a group to make Gift of the Heart kits.


Communication can be very difficult after a disaster. Give a gift for every call, text or email you received from a loved one today.


In some countries, people have to travel for miles to find clean water, especially after a disaster. Share a gift to help clean water reach people who need it.


Who are the helpers in your life? Whom do you call upon when you face difficult situations? Thank someone in your life for the specific ways they support you.

Find daily activities for the entire Season of Lent HERE.

Give Now
Jump to Resources

St. Giles Presbyterian Church

... is celebrating its 50th anniversary this spring! Thanks be to God for the investment of the Presbytery through the years. St. Giles will welcome two former pastors back to lead worship, as well as engage in extra mission commitments and educational programming.

Please visit their website for more information. Everyone is invited to join in worship and special programming through these weeks. 

  • March 19, former pastor, Rev. Matt Matthews will return to lead worship (10am).
  • April 23, former pastor, Rev. George Wilkes will return to lead worship (10am).
  • April 30, 10am worship will be held in the current Fellowship Hall (original Sanctuary)
  • May 7, Anniversary Sunday! A special luncheon will be held after worship.

Potluck suppers will be held on Saturdays, March 18 and April 22, to allow people to visit with Rev. Matthews and Rev. Wilkes.

Summer Camp Registration is LIVE!


  • ...that Since 1948, Camp Fellowship has provided unique summer programs for children & youth of all ages. We strongly believe camp is for everybody and work diligently to create exceptional programs that engage campers and guests in faith formation, community building, personal growth and development, and fun!

  • ...that the first 25 campers who register from Foothills Presbytery churches will automatically get a $50 Campership

  • ...that Foothills Presbytery has limited need-based scholarships available*See Camp Scholarship Application linked below.

  • ...that this is the 75th Summer on the lake!

Check out the 75th Anniversary Celebration Activities below and on the Camp Fellowship Website

Summer Camp Registration
Camp Scholarship Application
Learn More

Faith Formation Leader Connection

With Stephanie Fritz, Coordinator, Office of Christian Formation

and Miatta Wilson, Mission Associate, Office of Christian Formation

2nd Thursdays at 1PM EST and 4th Tuesdays at 8pm EST each month

One-hour sessions: to share resources on the topic and

then open to general conversation, questions, and sharing

Meeting ID: 922 9428 9022             Passcode: 165642

March Topic: Resources for Elder/Deacon training

Thursday, March 9 at 1PM EST Tuesday, March 28 at 8PM EST

April Topic: Adult Resources

Thursday, April 13 at 1PM EST Tuesday, April 25 at 8PM EST

May Topic: Children’s Resources

Thursday, May 11 at 1PM EST Tuesday, May 23 at 8PM EST

Columbia Theological Seminary:

The Center For Lifelong Learning

reKindle Grant Open House | March 14

Have questions about applying for a rekindle grant? Don’t miss your opportunity to get $10,000 in grant money for your ministry. Click below to register for the virtual open house Tuesday, March 14th. Register Here

Ambassador Meetings are just around the Corner!

Learn more about Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina and ways that you and your congregation can continue to support this vital ministry to older adults.

Thursday, March 23 The Clinton Presbyterian Community

801 Musgrove Street, Clinton

Thursday, March 30 The Foothills Retirement Community

205 Bud Nalley Drive, Easley

Registration begins are 10:30 am, and the program begins at 11 am. We invite you to join us for a lunch afterward. Campus tours will be available.

Reflective Leadership Grants provide Christian leaders “balcony time” to reflect on accomplishments, broaden perspectives and discern next steps

The Reflective Leadership Grant supports an opportunity for structured reflection for lay or clergy leaders of Christian organizations that are advancing their mission following the multiple pandemics — COVID-19, racial inequity, economic disruption and mental distress — that emerged and/or intensified throughout the past few years.

While all leaders are encouraged to practice some form of ongoing reflection, this grant aims to support those leaders whose work has made a demonstrable contribution to their organization’s mission. These leaders are at a pivotal moment for stepping back and reflecting on what has been accomplished, what is changing and what is stable. The Reflective Leadership Grant allows leaders to broaden their perspectives and gain clarity about what needs to happen next in their personal and professional life.

Grant timeline

Application opens: March 15, 2023

Q&A session 1: March 20, 2023 (1:00 – 2:30 PM ET). Sign up here.

Q&A session 2: April 13, 2023. Sign up here.

Q&A session 3: May 3, 2023 (1:00 – 2:30 PM ET). Sign up here.

Application deadline: May 15, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET

Award notification: July 14, 2023

Funding available: September 1, 2023

Grantee convening: September 25 - 27, 2023, in Durham, NC. 

Applicants are asked to commit to attend the convening. This convening will bring all recipients together for a collaborative learning experience as they begin their balcony time. All reasonable expenses for the retreat will be paid separately from the grant.

Final reports due: March 31, 2025


As Christians, we are in a continuous process of growth in relationship with God, each other, and self. This is especially true of those who have been called to service in the ordered ministries of the church. Resources specifically geared toward this ecclesial growth are provided for those currently serving, and those preparing to serve, PC(USA) congregations as ruling elders and deacons. 

Resources for Leader Formation

Mission Trip to the

Ferncliff Disaster Assistance Center

Little Rock, Arkansas

September 10-15, 2023

Join Foothills Presbytery for a mission trip to the Ferncliff Disaster Assistance Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. Ferncliff is home to a 10,000 sq ft Disaster Assistance Center, commonly referred to as “the DAC”.  They have a covenant relationship with Church World Service (CWS) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). The DAC serves as a site for the CWS Gifts of the Heart kits, as well as the national warehouse for tools and equipment used in the PDA volunteer villages around the country.  Read Full Flyer

You are invited to

Come See Columbia Seminary!

For almost two hundred years, Columbia Seminary has nurtured pastors and leaders for the Presbyterian Church and beyond. Come experience your seminary for a day!

Come See Columbia Day - April 20, 2023

Festival of Homiletics 2023 | Minneapolis

& Live Online

May 15 - 18, 2023

Join us this year for the 2023 Festival of Homiletics in Minneapolis: "Preaching Hope for a Weary World"

“Preaching Hope for a Weary World” is the Festival’s response to the hardships and heaviness that have been our reality the last few years. In these wearying days, what is our call to preach? 


The Festival of Homiletics 2023 will inspire us to a renewed sense of our radical calling. Our weary world needs us, preachers.

Come renew, refresh, and recharge your spirit!


Introducing the

2022–2023 PW/Horizons Bible Study

The 2022–2023 PW/Horizons Bible study, Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight, by Carol M. Bechtel, is truly buzzworthy! That’s why this series of emails has taken flight! Don’t miss an update—check your inbox often. This is the ninth in the series!

2024 Churchwide Gathering for Presbyterian Women

August 8 - 11, 2024

St. Louis, Missouri

March is Women's History Month

PW wants to hear from you! How will you or your group observe Women's History Month? Click here to email the PW your story and photos.

If you need ideas, consider the following:

The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum commemorate and encourages the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.

Fair Play Presbyterian Church has

61 creamed colored choir robes &

3 director/pianist robes (that are cuffed) that they are not using.

They range from sizes 0-5.

Anyone interested should contact Tawna Rogers at 864-634-5421 or We are willing to travel 1/2 the distance to avoid postal charges for the 5 large boxes they arrived in.

Click HERE for Full Fyler

NEW Workshop:

The Bible and Film

March 6 - 8, 2023

Led by: Dr. Samuel Adams, Professor of Old Testament

Multiple Ways of Teaching and Learning

Friday, March 24, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Led by: Dr. Lakisha Lockhart, Assistant Professor of Christian Ed 

Click here for a full list of upcoming Educational Opportunities

Click here to see additional 

Available Jobs

postings on our



Subscribe to Covenant Connections

February Presbytery Worship Service

On February 21, 2023, Foothills Presbytery gathered for the 122nd Presbytery meeting at Foothills Retirement Community in Easley, SC. The meeting began with a time of worship led by residents and staff of the Foothills Retirement Community. The Rev. Lerone Wilder, Ph.D., pastor and educator, delivered the message. The sermon, centered on 1 Thessalonians 5:11, was entitled “Be Encouraged.”

2-21-23 Presbytery Worship Bulletin

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events



2 Youth Leaders Gathering and Committee on Ministry meeting

Association of Smaller Churches Conference

8 Music Ministry Leaders gathering - Zoom

9 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting - Zoom

10-12 Spring Lay School of Theology

13 Antiracism Ministry Team meeting

14 FP Staff meeting

15 Sexual Ethics Team meeting

16 Examinations Committee meeting

18 Racial Ethnic Cabinet meeting

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

2023 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

May 20, 2023

10:00 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting # 123

at Camp Fellowship

November 14, 2023

10:00 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting #124

Location TBA

Resource Center of Foothills Presbytery

Stewardship of Creation Connections March - April, 2023 Newsletter