November 2, 2023

Visit our Website

The next Foothills Presbytery Meeting is

November 14, 2023

10:00 am - 2:30 pm

at First Church, Anderson


Abundance and Gratitude

The Worship Committee is partnering with the Stewardship Task Force and Committee on Shared Ministry to weave the topic of Abundance and Gratitude throughout the day.

Please bring donations of grains (oatmeal, grits, cereals) to the November Presbytery Meeting as a sign of God's abundance and provision to those who need it most. The donations will go to Hope Missions of the Upstate.  

  • Worship will include celebrating the Saints of the Church who have joined the Church Triumphant during the last year.
  • We will hear from the Stewardship Task Force, which will include celebrating churches who have generously supported the mission and ministry of the presbytery, along with an invitation for all of us to partner with God already at work in our congregation and communities.
  • Before lunch, there will be an opportunity to discuss how God’s abundance emerges in our lives and communities.


Honoring All Saints


Foothills Presbytery has a tradition of recognizing and celebrating the lives of Ruling Elders and Ministers (and their spouses), who have entered the Church Triumphant in the last year. Please let us know the names of your saints who have faithfully served your congregation and God's beloved community.


Send names of those Elders and Ministers (and their spouses) who have died since November 2022 through the present. We will honor and recognize them during worship at our November meeting.


Please send names to Warren Templeton,

(we need names by the end of the day on 11/3/23)


Thank you!

From the Stated Clerk: Debbie Foster: 

  • Changes in Foothills Presbytery's Terms of Call for Pastors 
  • Changes to the Book of Order (PCUSA)
  • Changes in the PCUSA Board Pensions Health Care Plan for Retirees and Pastors

Foothills Peer Ministry

Youth Leaders Roundtable

November 2

12 noon at First, Greer

Music Ministry Leaders 


Wednesday, November 8

9:00 am by ZOOM

Christian Educators Gathering

Monday, November 20

12 noon at Easley

Resources we have found challenging & inspirational:

“They were called slaves, then contraband, then freedmen and then scholars,” The Story of the Penn Center

The PC(USA) delegation rights an historic wrong in Juneau, Alaska - The closure of Memorial Presbyterian Church in 1963

An Opportunity to be Courageous - A story from the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy (St. Louis)

The Mattoon Presbyterian Church family cordially invites you to join us as we celebrate our 145th Church Anniversary this November.

Our theme for this anniversary program is “We Have Come This Far by Faith.”

Our two-day celebration will include the following:

  • Saturday, November 11: The grand unveiling of Mattoon’s historic marker in the Hampton Pinckney neighborhood, beginning at 3:00 pm.
  • Sunday, November 12: Afternoon Worship Service at 3:00 pm with our guest speaker, the Reverend Larry T. Crudup, Ph.D., Senior Pastor, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church of Spartanburg, Inc., Spartanburg, SC.

We look forward to what God will say through him as we reflect on this theme as well as on all that God has done and continues to do through our ministry. We anticipate a joyous time as we celebrate this occasion.




The Presbyterian Promise Scholarship is a commitment by Presbyterian College (PC) to recognize students for their merit and affiliation with the Presbyterian Church. PC seeks to develop students academically and spiritually in this signature scholarship. Students who are of members of Presbyterian churches will receive a scholarship for a minimum of $20,000 per year for up to four years—that’s an $80,000 commitment to you. For more information and to apply visit our site:

We can meet the challenges of today and the possibilities of tomorrow by cultivating a MORE THAN imagination that constructs new patterns, models, and approaches in Christian education so that faith formation shapes identity, nurtures meaning-making, and engenders faithful living in today’s world.



Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts


Sunday, November 19, on Zoom: During 2023-24, Presbyterian Women across the PCUSA will be delving into stories of sacred encounter found in the biblical books of Luke and Acts. Throughout the year, the Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons will be offering a Zoom pre-study of the themes, characters, geographic locations, and audiences found in each session. The study is open to all—both women and men. If you are slated to lead your circle Bible study, you will find this pre-study helpful in your preparation.

The session for LESSON 4 will occur on Zoom on Sunday, November 19, from 7-8 p.m. and will be recorded for those unable to attend.

Email to receive your Zoom link for the class.

Presbyterian Women’s Church-wide Gathering

August 8-11, 2024 in St Louis, MO 

Are you making plans to attend?  

Want to know what happens at such a gathering?  Click video on the right!

Registration is now available online and we encourage you to do it now before the November 30 early bird registration deadline.   



Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all! 


Foothills Presbytery Office


What Child is This?: The Perfect Gift- Leadership Past, Present and Future

This is the theme for the 2023 Christmas Joy Special Offering: Leadership Past, Present, and Future. The Christmas Joy season is December 3-24. If you haven’t received your resource packet, go to or call 800-728-7228, ext 5047

Leading by Listening:

Ruling Elders and Presbyterian Polity

A Leader Formation Webinar

This free PCUSA event is funded through your per capita dollars. The webinar will be led by the Rev. Gradye Parsons, a retired Presbyterian minister living on a farm in Kodak, Tennessee with his wife Kathy. Gradye served as pastor in congregations in Tennessee and as the Executive Presbyter and Stated Clerk in Holston Presbytery. He worked in the PC(USA) Office of the General Assembly and served as Stated Clerk of the General Assembly from 2008-2016.

November 16, 2023; 7-8:30 pm (eastern)

Registration open until November 8, 2023

$25 per person - Saturday Day of Training with lunch

Click HERE to learn more!

LIM Atlanta

November 13 - 15

Save the Date!





will be

February 23 & 24


Forest Lake Church

Columbia, SC

Charleston Atlantic Presbytery BUS transportation to St. Louis!

Transportation—Kelly Tours:

• Trip to St. Louis, MO takes 12 hours & 37 minutes. Bus will depart August 7, 2024

• Bus seats 56 passengers, to be comfortable we are looking for 40 ladies to commit. Last time we picked up ladies in Columbia & Spartanburg.

• There will be a Relay Driver and regular driver due to regulations.

Read More Here

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Studying Scripture and the Issues of Christian Faith and Life

Baptism is a life-defining event that emphasizes a commitment from God to God’s family and from us to God’s creation. It is not a checkbox occurrence, but a lifetime process that is complete only in death. Therefore, it is important for the leadership of the church to keep the commitment of baptism always present as it gets involved in Christ’s mission by “studying Scripture and the issues of Christian faith and life.”

Most baptismal services in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) include liturgies that echo the Book of Common Worship and ask the congregation two questions:

“Do you, as members of the church of Jesus Christ, promise to guide and nurture this person by word and deed, with love and prayer? Will you encourage her/him/them to know and follow Christ and to be faithful members of his church?” READ MORE


Bethesda Presbyterian Church

to offer Computer/Media Literacy training.

If you don't have a Facebook page or an email account, or if you want to learn how to use Canva to produce flyers and such, there's an app for that: Me. Bring a charged laptop or tablet, or your mobile phone. (First Saturday of every month at 11)

Bethesda Presbyterian Church, USA, will offer basic computer and media literacy training workshops on the first Saturday of every month, beginning in April. This workshop is for people wanting basic knowledge about such popular programs as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and working with Google docs. 


Contact: Kim Smith Ph.D.,, 704-953-3290

Healthy Congregations

Date: November 29, 2023 - Price: $99, or save $15 each if you sign up as a group of 4 or more - Location: Online via Zoom

Restorative Conversations

Date: December 12, 2023 - Price: $139, or save $15 each if you sign up as a group of 4 or more - Location: Online via Zoom

Since we have sold out of our November 2nd session, we have added this additional session to meet demand.

Fractured Lives, Fractured Churches

Date: December 14, 2023 - Price: $99, or save $15 each if you sign up as a group of 4 or more - Location: Online via Zoom

Journey Toward Healing 

Date: December 18, 2023 - Price: $99, or save $15 each if you sign up as a group of 4 or more - Location: Online via Zoom

Our MSTI refresher is back by popular demand! Register today to make sure you don't miss out on this useful training. 

Learn More

Click here to see additional 

Available Jobs

on our website.

Subscribe to Covenant Connections

Ferncliff Mission Trip

Oct 12, 2023

By Garrett Johnson

In my preparations to develop a newsletter article concerning the events of the Ferncliff Presbytery Mission trip, I found myself at a “loss of adjectives.” After some difficult mental grappling, I recalled the docent of the Museum of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, which gained notoriety in the struggle for our civil rights mentioned and defined the word “Liminal Space.” According to the Cambridge Dictionary in my library, the definition of “liminal” is as follows: “of or at the limen or threshold; of the first stage.”

I realized that I was in a “liminal space” in that I had never been a participant in a church/faith-based mission trip. To be sure, being a military retiree has presented me with ample opportunities to live, work, and enjoy many different nations, states, and communities. READ MORE

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events



2 Committee on Ministry meeting

& Youth Leaders Round Table

8 Music Ministry Leaders meeting - Zoom

& FP Staff meeting

9 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting - Zoom,

Presbytery Stated Meeting new commissioner orientation - Zoom

and Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting

10-12 PYC Middle School Retreat

14 Foothills Stated Presbytery Meeting at First, Anderson

20 Representation & Review Committee meeting

and Christian Educators Gathering

23-24 FP Office closed for Thanksgiving!

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

2023 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

November 14, 2023

10:00 am - 2:30 pm Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting #124

at First, Anderson

2024 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

February 20, 2024, at Fountain Inn

May 18, 2024, at Limestone

August 3, 2024 (Virtual)

November 12, 2024

Resource Center of Foothills Presbytery

Stewardship of Creation Connections August-September, 2023 Newsletter